Forums > Newbie Forum > New to MM, photographer in Temecula (SoCal)


Alex Edge

Posts: 1

Temecula, California, US

Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself to everyone.  My name is Alex Edge, and I'm a photographer living and working in Temecula, Southern California.  In my day job I'm a motorcycle journalist, which involves a lot of photography, but recently I've gotten bored of shooting motorcycles and decided to expand my repertoire.  I've only been shooting models for a few months, and I feel like I improve a lot every shoot.  Right now I'm doing TFCD work, since I don't feel like I'm good enough at this to ask people to pay me.  Luckily I have a lot of beautiful female friends who are nice enough to let me shoot with them, so I'm getting a lot of practice.  Open to any advice or comments on my pics from more experienced photographers, and if any pros in my area are looking for a part-time volunteer assistant, I'd be willing to help in exchange for the chance to ask you questions about lighting, setup, etc.

Well that's about all I can think of right now smile

Jul 17 06 06:02 pm Link