Forums > General Industry > Photographers who flake???


Coco from Houston

Posts: 177

Houston, Texas, US

I've had 2 photographers to flake on me after the date, time, theme...etc. was set up for our shoot. When crunch time came and I call them to get a confirmation, I get no return phone call nor an email. Whats up with this???

I've hear of numerous "models who flake" or "no show" on these forums... what about you photographers???

What are your "reasons" you've done it.


Models, has this ever happened to you???

GetCoco.NET  coming soon!!!

Jul 17 06 02:43 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

I'm curious.  Were you being paid?  Because this seems to be the only time photographers seem to flake.

Jul 17 06 02:49 pm Link


Coco from Houston

Posts: 177

Houston, Texas, US

Nope, TFCD... in both situations we had websites that the images where going to be used for. Seemed like a good opp. hmm

Jul 17 06 02:52 pm Link


Nigel Aves Photography

Posts: 82

Longmont, Colorado, US

I've had two occasions where I have "had to flake".

The first was the coldest morning (5:00 AM) in Colorado records, car refused to start and I was supposed to pick up model  in Denver. It was an outside shoot so I expect my car not starting saved us both from frost bite (and I mean this seriously), her a lot more than me. I called her as soon as I knew this was not going to happen. I think I heard a sigh of relief !

The 2nd time was last week when I was called into an important meeting the morning of the shoot (I was notified of this at 11:30PM). I notified the model instantly via email (knowing she checks every morning)  and checked in morning to make sure she had recieved my message.

Unfortunatly this does happen, I always feel bad about it because I hate letting people down but we all know that "sh*t happens". The important thing is to always notify the other party as soon as you know about an issue.

If something "happens to you" on the way to the shoot, well it happens but not turning up or attempting to turn up is not an option and any one who does this should probably hang up the camera or modeling cloths.

All of our time is valuable, it should never be wasted.


Jul 17 06 03:13 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I think that any person that has a LIFE has to reschedule from time to time.  As was said earlier "shit happens"  But the difference between a "flake" and "shit happening"  is that flakes don't call, avoid contact, or give you the most shittiest excuse imaginable (i.e.: see the chipped nail thread).

The photogs that didn't contact you flaked.  personally I think they need to be harpooned for that.  But there is an easy way to remedy it from happening again (at least with them) after you've been flaked on, demand payment if they are ever to work with you again.  Show them that TO YOU your time is worth money and that you won't WASTE it twice witht he same asswipe.  That's how I do flakey models.

Jul 17 06 03:52 pm Link



Posts: 151

Bitter Springs, Arizona, US

I've been to every photo-shoot on time.....................except one
   Map-quest had the map reversed and one road marked that haden't yet been built.It was on the far side of south the cell phone woulden't work.
  I got there about 15 minits late....................luckly the model waited
She was from that area and got a good laugh......... and knew why I was so lost
I just drove around in cercles untill I found some pretty girl standing out in the desert.
   I thought I got turned around.......... and never suspected the map lied

Jul 17 06 05:10 pm Link


Coco from Houston

Posts: 177

Houston, Texas, US

Wow.... I definitly know that shit happens, but when there is not only a no show but no call or no before hand confirmation, really gets under my skin. I carefully select the photogs that I would like to work with. If I think you images are awesome, I would never think that person would be the flakey type... Or may be its just me? hmm

Jul 17 06 05:18 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

Are you sure they weren't gwc?

Jul 17 06 05:23 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Maybe they really just wanted to shoot you nude.

Jul 17 06 06:07 pm Link


R Sierra

Posts: 1533

Plano, Texas, US

The answer to your question is yes, they flake.

I never have cancelled.  Once I had 7 cancellations in a row.  Some tfp, some paid.  Some take what they do seriously, and some don't.  You'll encounter that online a lot.  It's hard to distinguish online.  Even those with an established port and experience have cancelled.  Some just don't have the courtesy to give notice.  Why??  I would like to know but I probably never will.

Jul 17 06 08:15 pm Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

Coco, we don't flake over here in Beaumont!

*wink wink nudge nudge*

Jul 17 06 08:31 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Name and Shame!

Jul 18 06 12:42 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

No, don't name names. It's a very, very bad idea.

ADGibson wrote:
Name and Shame!

Jul 18 06 12:54 am Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Dave Wright Photo wrote:
No, don't name names. It's a very, very bad idea.

Oh come on! I double dog dare ya!

Jul 18 06 12:59 am Link


Coco from Houston

Posts: 177

Houston, Texas, US

Sorry guy's I'm not gonna name names. lol
Have you ever had a photog. become a no show?

Jul 18 06 02:00 am Link



Posts: 187

Mooresville, North Carolina, US

Jul 19 06 06:58 am Link


re- photography

Posts: 1752

San Francisco, California, US

I don't "flake" but I reserve the right to reschedule a TFP/TFCD shoot with a week's notice if a paying job comes up which can't be schedules at another date/time. I think this is fair policy, and expect the same from models.

There is a difference between someone not being able to show up because they physically can't get there (sickness, car trouble) but the person, photographer or model needs to contact the other parties involved as soon as physically possible, then it's hard for either side to get mad. The worst situation is lying about a personal emergency as an excuse for backing out of a shoot. This is the least professional thing a photographer (or model) could do.

Jul 19 06 09:21 am Link


re- photography

Posts: 1752

San Francisco, California, US

I don't "flake" but I reserve the right to reschedule a TFP/TFCD shoot with a week's notice if a paying job comes up which can't be scheduled at another date/time. I think this is fair policy, and expect the same from models.

There is a difference between someone not being able to show up because they physically can't get there (sickness, car trouble) but the person, photographer or model needs to contact the other parties involved as soon as physically possible, then it's hard for either side to get mad. The worst situation is lying about a personal emergency as an excuse for backing out of a shoot. This is the least professional thing a photographer (or model) could do.

Jul 19 06 09:21 am Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Rescheduling is no problem.  Everyone will need to sometime or another.  It's when you've set everything up and suddenly you never hear from the photog again.  This has happened to me.  It's annoying and unprofessional.

Jul 19 06 09:27 am Link


Paul Ward Photography

Posts: 30

Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

If it's any comfort - I've never flaked on a job - I even turned up to a magazine shoot with food poisoning once because I know there was no chance of re-sheduling ... most of the shots were low angle that day because I could hardly stand I was that ill.

Had a fair few models cancel though, in fact one cancelled for tomorrow!! - I don't mind that much if they let me know, but the worse is when they don't show and don't let you know!

Jul 19 06 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 301

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Well I'm new to this so I can't really say anything, I never flake people but I hate when I get a hold of an online model from here, set theme and everything, and then they never respond to me. I check their site too, and it says they have logged in recently. It'll be nice if they just let me know they change their mind! I know a couple girls on here, which I really wish I can say their name to everyone! Ugh, but yeah it does pist the shit out of me!

p.s should I even bother to ask them "what's up?"

Jul 19 06 01:23 pm Link


Orion Alapack

Posts: 22

I had this happen just this past week.  It's very frustrating. Also I'll get requests to do a shoot, I'll agree and then never hear from the photog again.  I pretend they fell in a black hole never to be heard from again...either that or sit in a corner and cry...wink

Jul 19 06 02:30 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

Coco from Houston wrote:
Have you ever had a photog. become a no show?

Yup.  And when he didn't show up, I called his cell phone and left a message saying that I hope everything's alright.  He never had the decency to call/e-mail/IM me with an explanation.  I thought it was really strange behavior considering how he was always IMing me on AOL asking me when I'll be in NY again (and available to shoot).  Sometime after that I was PMing a model on here who mentioned that the same photographer pulled a no-show act on her too.  Not a smart move on his part...especially since models DO talk.

Jul 20 06 07:26 pm Link


nick latino

Posts: 291

Tucson, Arizona, US

Can't understand what is up with some people who will contact another person about doing something with them and then not keep their promise.  I must have been raised in another world...I was running late for my last shoot (an hour before I was going to be there) and called to let the woman I was going to shoot know.

I talked with her husband and found out she had ran an errand and wasn't expected home until the time I promised I would be there. 

A promise is a promise and there is nothing that can cause you to break that promise without you being able to call and inform the person you promised.

Jul 20 06 07:47 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

I have never had a photographer not show.
But, I would like to say that twice this week, the photographer canceled the shoot because he was offered paying work.
And I completely understood.
I kind of want to point that out to the photographers who whine about models cancelling shoots because they consider paid work a priority.

Jul 20 06 07:51 pm Link



Posts: 74

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Review system!

Jul 21 06 09:29 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Coco, I'll shoot you TFCD and promise not to flake!

Jul 21 06 01:01 pm Link



Posts: 65

Houston, Texas, US

I have been a few minutes late, on occasion, but I've never failed to show. I can't imagine just leaving someone hanging like that but, evidently, it's fairly common.

Jul 21 06 01:45 pm Link


MurphyMurphy Studios

Posts: 2315

Denver, Colorado, US

I have had to cancel only once in the last year due to the death of my best friend's son from a battle with brain cancer.  It happens.  However, I was able to give the models about 4 days notice.....

While I hate to cancel any commitment, things due happen..... In your case, it sounds like you are working with GWC's

Jul 21 06 05:08 pm Link



Posts: 523

Sunbury, Pennsylvania, US

I've had to cancel 2 shoots for financial reasons, but I've always given the model 48 hour notice.

Jul 21 06 09:30 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Jul 22 06 01:21 am Link


Bunnie Page

Posts: 1161

Dallas, Texas, US

Orion Alapack wrote:
I had this happen just this past week.  It's very frustrating. Also I'll get requests to do a shoot, I'll agree and then never hear from the photog again.  I pretend they fell in a black hole never to be heard from again...either that or sit in a corner and cry...wink

Me too! Those just confuse me. Do they just want to see what we'll say?

Jul 22 06 02:35 am Link