Forums > General Industry > your most treacherous?


Lexi Evans

Posts: 1004

Levittown, New York, US

A few days ago I took 4 people out to a place called Boulder Field. It is a place around 5 football fields in size, and completely covered in different sized boulders and rocks. Hiding in the crevices rattlesnakes can be found. If you step on a wrong rock, it can shift on you. While it was an awesome sight, and a beautiful place, it wasn't the safest.

Whats the most treacherous place you have been to take photos?

Jul 15 06 05:21 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Lexi Evans wrote:
Whats the most treacherous place you have been to take photos?

When I was about 16/17, doing a solo trip on the river Rhein in Germany on an inflatable with outboard motor.

Came into a hailstorm that caused Millions of damage... I snapped away while hiding halfway under the cover. (Those images got lost during one of my many moves since then.)

The other place that comes to mind is on my 1 week on Mt. Washington, NH, where we tried the first four days to summit. Windspeed was 80miles/hour (about) and windchill 80' below. The camera froze over after four shots. Zoom motor, batteries,... everything. Had to be  thawed under the clothing.

Jul 15 06 05:28 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

For me, probably a railroad bridge over a pond (which was actually part of the Mississippi River). While it doesn't sound all that treacherous it is truly amazing how fast a train can come down those tracks. You think you'll see them coming, or hear them, but by the time you actually hear the train it's already there. And these tracks were rather active -- Lot's of very fast freight trains. You can see one of the images taken that day in my port, but that photo obviously wasn't taken on the bridge.


  And that was the same day the model was stung on her nose by a bumble bee. But she kept on shooting; neither trains nor bees would stop her!

Jul 15 06 05:29 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

UdoR wrote:

When I was about 16/17, doing a solo trip on the river Rhein in Germany on an inflatable with outboard motor.

Came into a hailstorm that caused Millions of damage... I snapped away while hiding halfway under the cover. (Those images got lost during one of my many moves since then.)

The other place that comes to mind is on my 1 week on Mt. Washington, NH, where we tried the first four days to summit. Windspeed was 80miles/hour (about) and windchill 80' below. The camera froze over after four shots. Zoom motor, batteries,... everything. Had to be  thawed under the clothing.

Udo -- I think I'm going to start referring to you as "The Extreme."

  You rock. wink

Jul 15 06 05:31 pm Link


The Things Ive Seen

Posts: 458

Leadville, Colorado, US

I don't know if this is the most treacherous, I'd need to think harder. But since I just returned from this shoot an hour ago, it is fresh in my mind.
A model and I found our way into an abandoned 4 story factory in Milwaukee. The floors had holes in them, it was clearly trespassing, and the potential for riff raff hanging around inside was high. The most unsettling part was the matress on the floor on the third level. a pink condom lie on the ground next to the mattress. A six pack of empty Miller Lite tall cans also sat on the floor next to the mattress. There was a blanket partially covering a magazine and all we could see of the magazine was part of the title "Teen Butt...".
I think we got some really good shots and a place for me to use in the future?

In regards to the first entry, I did a shoot once in the middle of the desert. I didn't think about it at the time when I was running through a bunch of shrubbery and rocks about the likely potential of encountering rattlesnakes. That could have been bad or a great shot.

Jul 15 06 05:31 pm Link


Lexi Evans

Posts: 1004

Levittown, New York, US

UdoR wrote:

When I was about 16/17, doing a solo trip on the river Rhein in Germany on an inflatable with outboard motor.

Came into a hailstorm that caused Millions of damage... I snapped away while hiding halfway under the cover. (Those images got lost during one of my many moves since then.)

The other place that comes to mind is on my 1 week on Mt. Washington, NH, where we tried the first four days to summit. Windspeed was 80miles/hour (about) and windchill 80' below. The camera froze over after four shots. Zoom motor, batteries,... everything. Had to be  thawed under the clothing.

wow....and I was proud of myself when i took pictures on a beach in December! I went in a t-shirt, to make the model, who was topless, feel better!

too bad you lost those shots..

Jul 15 06 05:32 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

LOL, where do I start? smile

The north shore of Lake Superior, where a 40 pound rock bounced off my head.
Arizona, where I scaled almost vertical rock walls without a harness or real climbing shoes.
Northern Minnesota in the winter, where I was asked to lie on the snow and put my feet in water that was still icing out. That was the scariest one - my feet went numb after 30 seconds.

Jul 15 06 05:35 pm Link


The Things Ive Seen

Posts: 458

Leadville, Colorado, US

I also want to mention regarding my last shoot. The two other models that were no calls and no shows to this shoot today. Catherine did show up, on time, from Chicago, with bronchitis.
Not any likelihood that they will read this because I am sure they are at a funeral or in a car accident, but if they do, you are two more models who shouldn't be.

Jul 15 06 05:36 pm Link


mad city fine arts

Posts: 137

Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, US

Despite the sheer altitude of shooting from the top of european castle turrets, and bell towers, they aren't all that trecherous... I mean They've been standing for hundreds of years.  The two that made me feel most nervous were shooting, while climing long's peak in the Rockey Mtn Ntl Park.  There is also a small cliff in souther Wisconsin (about 1,000 feet) where I had to lay on my belly with my head and chest extending over the cliff so I could get the right perspective.

Jul 15 06 05:49 pm Link


S T A G E 4 D E T

Posts: 265

Detroit, Alabama, US

The Vietnam war an experience you never forget,from aerial photos to  the fight,
the camera my old trusted nikon Ftn and motor drive greatest piece of camera on the planet, Second dangerous place ,,in a federal court when I covered the Hoffa
disappearence trial and in the middle of a television news crew interview with one of the key mob bosses my camera fell from my shoulder strap and hit the floor,when I saw all eyes on me I saw my life flash before my eyes. I guess this is why I went commercial,,

Jul 15 06 05:51 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

e-string wrote:
LOL, where do I start? smile

The north shore of Lake Superior, where a 40 pound rock bounced off my head.
Arizona, where I scaled almost vertical rock walls without a harness or real climbing shoes.
Northern Minnesota in the winter, where I was asked to lie on the snow and put my feet in water that was still icing out. That was the scariest one - my feet went numb after 30 seconds.

OK... it's official! You're crazy wink! My question is did you go nuts before or after the 40 pound rock bounced off your head? And I thought our shoot was a bit uncomfortable for you... I got nothin' on David! wink

  You rock!

Jul 15 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

OK... it's official! You're crazy wink! My question is did you go nuts before or after the 40 pound rock bounced off your head? And I thought our shoot was a bit uncomfortable for you... I got nothin' on David! wink

  You rock!

haha, I think it was after. I still wanted to get the shot, but he wouldn't let me. wink

I get injured almost every time I work with him. We just shot around town today in almost 100 degree heat - hiking and everything. No major injuries this time though!

You rock too, geek. smile

Jul 15 06 05:56 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

e-string wrote:

haha, I think it was after. I still wanted to get the shot, but he wouldn't let me. wink

I get injured almost every time I work with him. We just shot around town today in almost 100 degree heat - hiking and everything. No major injuries this time though!

You rock too, geek. smile

Crazy. Definitely crazy. Yeah...

  BTW -- It was 101 degrees today with a dewpoint of 71 degrees.

  Crazy. Definitely crazy.


Jul 15 06 05:59 pm Link


Lexi Evans

Posts: 1004

Levittown, New York, US

I went away this week to pennsylvania and took lots of photos in the last count I had 148 bug bites.....that might not be treacherous...but it sure was annoying!

Jul 15 06 06:00 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Lexi Evans wrote:
I went away this week to pennsylvania and took lots of photos in the last count I had 148 bug bites.....that might not be treacherous...but it sure was annoying!

At least they weren't rattlesnake bites. Those can be a little more than annoying.

  Silly little buggers...

Jul 15 06 06:02 pm Link


Twisted Light

Posts: 362

Miami, Florida, US

I hung of the side of a cargo ship so I could shoot down on a tug boat along side of it. One hand on the rail, one on my camera. Unfortuanately I was in the marine corp and the Cpt of the ship was not pleased.

Jul 15 06 06:02 pm Link


Dave Mullins

Posts: 1775

Nashua, New Hampshire, US

I have laid on the main runway at BWI airport with a DC-10 taking off over me. The wheels were about 20 feet to my left. I had to grab the camera and cover from the jet blast as it rolled by at over 100 knots.

There was also hanging out of a helocopter to take pictures of torpedo tests for the US Navy in the Bahamas.

Here are a couple of pix I took from that job:


Jul 15 06 06:06 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

One time, I lay down directly on an East Village sidewalk.  And another time, I had to press my face onto the floor of a Lower East Side bar.  *shudder*

I know...I walk on the wild side.

(Or I should just get a right angle viewfinder...)

Jul 15 06 06:13 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
One time, I lay down directly on an East Village sidewalk.  And another time, I had to press my face onto the floor of a Lower East Side bar.  *shudder*

I know...I walk on the wild side.

(Or I should just get a right angle viewfinder...)

A right-angle viewfinder can take all the danger out of those shots for you. Don't laugh -- a craned neck can be very annoying.


Jul 15 06 06:18 pm Link


Nathan Sol

Posts: 784

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, US

The only thing that comes to mind is the time I was doing some long exposure night shots of the cooling towers at a nuclear power plant.  After about a half dozen shots, a scene unfolded that was somewhat similar (though not quite as extreme) as that at the beginning of that article "the War on Photographers."  I do more night photography now than anything else, so it is not uncommon to encounter police.  The smaller the town, the more ornery they are.  Cops in bigger cities have important things to do.

Jul 15 06 06:34 pm Link


GW Burns

Posts: 564

Sarasota, Florida, US

I had the idea of shooting a bi-plane once from another bi-plane and wanted to get an aerial shot from I got a two seater to shoot from and while I was on the ground and the pilot had it in the air for a test run it crashed right in front of my eyes...luckily the pilot only broke his leg but it scared the shit out of me and when they said we can get you another plane I politely said thats ok I think I might try a different idea lol!

Jul 15 06 08:14 pm Link



Posts: 7840








Jul 15 06 09:53 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

The abandonned pumping station Charles Kimball (10831) took me to.  Besides being off a remote highway in Jersey, it was back aways in the woods.  Piles of rusty sharp things, broken floor boards (that were ready to break some more), and some narrow walkways over a 6 foot drop into fetid water.

And pits of pirhannas! On fire!

Now I know where he hides the bodies.

Jul 15 06 10:17 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

-Implied's during an ice storm

-In a burnt down, ashy house

Jul 15 06 10:23 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

On a beach bikini session, I decided to try a reverse angle shot and waded into the waves to catch the model near the water line. The assistant stayed off the side on the sand. Suddenly a undertow caught my legs and started to drag me down and out.

I managed to get back close to shore and stood up to find the model and assistant rolling on the sand laughing. I was not amused and asked why they were laughing. Evidently the whole time I was fighting the current and being tossed around, my right hand with the camera was held straight up above the water keeping it dry. They saw the swirling surf and this hand with a camera up in the air the whole time.

Jul 15 06 10:29 pm Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

The old Hotel Fresno in (where else?) Fresno California. A place of glorious magnitude in it's heyday, the entire place was filled with riff-raff squatters. Drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless etc. We had a gig to shoot the building across the street and wanted the clear view from the roof (6 or 7 stories). We got legal access and went in with a 4x5 camera rig. All the windows were boarded up, the walls had been stripped of wiring, grafitti everywhere and the scurrying sound in the background never left us. Weirdest part was at the end of the hall on every floor, someone had hauled all the toilets over and thrown them out the window!! There was a huge pile of shattered toilets on the roof below so we shot that and some amazing grafitti. Most shameful thing was the ceiling in the ballroom, all stained glass and all smashed everywhere. We got our shot of the building but one of us kept lookout the entire time.

Jul 15 06 10:39 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

On New York street on the Paramount Lot,


Jul 15 06 10:50 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Used to do a lot of work like this. Shot while wearing full fire gear and breathing apparatus INSIDE places on fire; sewers; building collapses; after the fire scenes; explosions; the lot. Getting this one destroyed my flash [melted the Fresnel] I've also been threatened; shot at; chased by dogs and sundry other critters; ect. Great fun!


Jul 16 06 06:43 am Link



Posts: 151

Bitter Springs, Arizona, US

Climbed lichee rock in northern A.Z.
I couldent get the angle I wanted.climbed over the edge and made a fist in a crack in the sandstone.put my feet on the side and leaned out to get a shot of the powerplant.....about 1000 feet streight down with no safty gear

There was a bloon altitude record a teem was trying to break.I was covering it for the local newspaper.They had alot of exotic explosive gasses for use high up.
about an hour before anything was suposed to hapen something went wrong and it exploded.I was close enugh my first three shots were only fire.the burning bloon went over my head as it seperated from the basket.
Severl hundred people stampeeded..................only 2 got photo's

copper river A.K.......................if you fall in you won't get out

Morgans landing A.K.
Came through the brush running into a bear...........The area was closed because a bear had just killed some guy an hour before.Luckly it wasent the same bear but it took severl minits of me looking at the bear about five feet away with a gun aimed at my back by a freind.The goal was to drop if it charged so he could get a shot.We slowly backed up when the bear stoped growling and relaxed slightly

photographed a gunfight on south 35th and vanburen one night in Phoenix

many others
including running into a mountain lion a few nights ago
It was coming streight at me so I set off the flash
It let out a hiss and was gone like a flash............pun intended

Jul 16 06 08:46 am Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

Had to be hiking to a waterfall in PA with two photographers- Loose rock came flying at me and sliced open my right wrist- 10 stitches and having to hike all the way back to the car with a towel wrapped around me to help control the bleeding.....

and now I have another scar on my wrist that needs to be photoshopped out sad

Jul 16 06 09:50 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Take a close look at the avatar... yep... it's (well built fitness model MM#2759) Peggy Vee... in a strong surf and deceptive undertow.  Now... picture Erika Leyva (very petite 5'1, 90 pound model MM#20084)... trying to survive in those same conditions.  Well guess what... she almost DIDN'T!  During our June 18th Laguna Beach shoot, Erika got caught unsuspectedly in this same surf... and was sucked out to sea, as we listened in horror to the screams and cries from her mother Linda.  Photographer Bill Lopez jumped into that strong undertow and rescued Erika from what was a life threatening situation no doubt.  Next time, Erika said she will be posing in much lighter surf, closer to the shore... wink

Jul 16 06 10:25 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Select Models wrote:
During our June 18th Laguna Beach shoot, Erika got caught unsuspectedly in this same surf... and was sucked out to sea, as we listened in horror to the screams and cries from her mother Linda.  Photographer Bill Lopez jumped into that strong undertow and rescued Erika from what was a life threatening situation no doubt.

Don't suppose anyone kept shooting... or did they?


Jul 16 06 11:03 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

studio36uk wrote:

Don't suppose anyone kept shooting... or did they?


Nah... actually... we were all laying down bets on whether or not Bill's Minolta digi-cam was going to survive the whitewater... we're a bunch of sick humor puppies... lol... wink

Jul 16 06 11:32 am Link


E the model

Posts: 1569

London, Ontario, Canada

Well, a photographer wanted to shoot on the roof of the building. I had to go up a thin, rusted ladder for about two stories. The thing is, if someone was to fall, there was nothing to keep us from falling 4 stories, as the ladder was on the side completely of a very thin balcony, at the complete end of the building. Quite a long drop. I'll never do this again. Ever. Especially not with high heels. The worst thing is, the photographer haven't sent me pictures of me on the roof. I feel like I've done this for nothing.

Jul 16 06 12:01 pm Link



Posts: 293

Glen Burnie, Maryland, US

Last week - A burnt down house. I don't have the images back yet, but I'm excited to see them. The house was pieces of a cinderblock frame and a huge pile of rubble. We were driving to the location we were going to shoot at and I spied it through the woods and we pulled over. The floor was halfway caved in, leaving the basement with a very perilous hanging roof. Rusty nails poking up everywhere. Twas much fun ^_^.


Jul 16 06 12:09 pm Link



Posts: 7840


kudos and thanks
to FIRE fighters everywhere


Jul 17 06 12:26 am Link


global vision

Posts: 1681

Bowling Green, Ohio, US

hmmm.....gaza is always interesting when bullets are flying......been some intersting times in ramallah and syria too.....nothing wakes you up quite like the sound of a grenade letting go   wink

Jul 17 06 02:28 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

global vision wrote:
nothing wakes you up quite like the sound of a grenade letting go   wink

Unless it's in bed with you wink


Jul 17 06 06:57 am Link