Forums > Newbie Forum > Please... anyone... serious (harsh) crit needed


MAS Voodoo Productions

Posts: 177

New York, New York, US

The stuff on the bottom I think may be portfolio ready.  The other stuff is raw or minimally processed.  Is it worth doing anything to them.  Are they Port worthy?  Please post critiques and comments directly on photos or account as well as here... I will not delete anything said, as even the harshest comments can be accurate.

Jul 12 06 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 138

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

smile i would keep # 5,6,8, 10(maybe), 11, and thats it. Quality ovet Quantity (Q/Q)

Jul 12 06 08:59 pm Link


MAS Voodoo Productions

Posts: 177

New York, New York, US

Thanks... I certainly appreciate the appraisal... what about the stuff that I thought was ready (the last rows)  should I keep any of that or is it not as good?

Jul 12 06 09:09 pm Link


Ruben Vasquez

Posts: 3117

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I have to agree with Kiska. Quality over Quantity. A good friend of mine also told me that the difference between a professional and an ameture is that the professional will only let people see their best work. That being said, you should think about the audience your marketing to. Then cater your portfolio to that audience. Your work is fine but only you can ultimately decide what your final vision should look like. If you think they need more post-processing or should be left alone is a decision best left up to you. Hope that helps a bit.

Best regards


Jul 12 06 11:52 pm Link



Posts: 7840


1, 4, excellent
do something to them

10 11 keep as is

Not sure about the rest
especially the bottom ones
since you asked

good luck!

Jul 13 06 02:10 am Link


Lightwave Photography

Posts: 585

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

My Critique:

Minus side:  Most of your pics look like they are trying too hard to be "Artsy".  Also the subject in almost all the pics is centered in the middle of the frame which is to be avoided

Plus side:  All the pics show a good command of lighting and focus, technically well photographed.

I would work on your composition and themes-the fairy thing is a bit overdone.

Jul 13 06 07:56 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

It all depends on what are u going for, how long have u been shooting etc..

If u were asking me to give u an opinion on the images regardless of anything esle... I would only keep #1.

Jul 13 06 08:04 am Link


MAS Voodoo Productions

Posts: 177

New York, New York, US

Thank you all for your input... I am soon going to remove almost all of them and start fresh.  I do agree that I have been all over the map and will try to make the next bunch thematically or conceptially related while avoiding too much similarity (not an easy task I'm thinking!)

Jul 13 06 07:28 pm Link