Forums > General Industry > Question For The Guys


TLW Photography

Posts: 48

Petersburg, Virginia, US

If you werent involved in the photography/modeling business at all and if you were to join a model pay site, which type site would pay your money you join. Honestly. Also what do you think the general public is intersted in?

A) Swimwear:lingerie pics

B)Partial nudity(mainly topless)

C)Full nudity(sexy but tasteful)

D)As close to porn as possible.

Jul 11 06 02:47 pm Link



Posts: 1087

Dallas, Texas, US

There is a huge jump from c to d.

Jul 11 06 02:49 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

TLW Photography wrote:
If you werent involved in the photography/modeling business at all and if you were to join a model pay site, which type site would pay your money you join. Honestly. Also what do you think the general public is intersted in?

A) Swimwear:lingerie pics

B)Partial nudity(mainly topless)

C)Full nudity(sexy but tasteful)

D)As close to porn as possible.

Seriously, all of the above. It's all about having a vision for the site and marketing it accordingly. Personally, I don't join model pay sites. But I do know that all those genres sell rather well.

Jul 11 06 02:51 pm Link


TLW Photography

Posts: 48

Petersburg, Virginia, US

Mark S. Alameel wrote:
There is a huge jump from c to d.

The jump is rather large but I could have went from A-Z with the different levels.
Trying just to see what most guys would go for it they were paying.

Jul 11 06 03:00 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

E) None of the above.

Jul 11 06 03:25 pm Link


TLW Photography

Posts: 48

Petersburg, Virginia, US

I knew many people would come in and say none of the above. I wont join pay sites and that is fine. the key word in my post was "IF" you were to.

Jul 11 06 03:29 pm Link



Posts: 430

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

With so many free sites online I have to ask "why would I ever pay for any type of site?".

Jul 11 06 03:36 pm Link


Stonekey Photography

Posts: 507

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

I wouldn't join a model pay site.

Jul 11 06 03:39 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

As stated before there are so many free sites up now i really couldn't see paying for anything.

If i were to pay for a site it would have to be something similar to  More focused on art than on boobies.

Boobies are everywhere but good sites that focus on art, not porn is a rare thing

Jul 11 06 03:42 pm Link



Posts: 725

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

BlindMike wrote:
E) None of the above.


David Baxter wrote:
With so many free sites online I have to ask "why would I ever pay for any type of site?".


Jul 12 06 08:16 am Link


jerrell edwards

Posts: 78

Richmond, Virginia, US

lol T i knew that was gonna happen minute i read the post
"IF" is a word ppl love to ignore
Honestly if ur paying $10 would u rather have a burger or a steak (this is assume the prices for a-d are the same)
The average person is going to try to get as much possible
An option; feature ALL or the choices on the site and have different rates for each section or a discount to have access to multiple sections
see : )
U know who to make the check out too; in the memo line put "for creative advice"
Have fun

Jul 12 06 07:13 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

"If you werent involved in the photography/modeling business at all ...".

That's really sort of an impossible question since most of those here are involved in shooting or modeling, otherwise why be here? You can not expect those who make the content you are describing to be able to remove themselves from the process and give a meaningful answer. With at that said, my response would be "none of the above".  Maybe you should ask the question on some forum not involved with modeling and photography.

Jul 12 06 07:33 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Internet is remarkably free, with a wealth of incredibly rich information. The pay sites I would support would be something like pbase for the service they offer as a place to display photos. I've been a platinum member of OMP for a few years under a more commercial name, but I think it's a pretty dead place for me now that MM has grown to the level it is. OMP is only good for the new model leads it drops in my email. Beyond that, it's pretty useless for me.

For content, I might pay for sites of my friends, or of women who model for me, just to be supportive. Otherwise, I have no purpose to pay for any content.

I'll pay for information or a service that's useful for my business or my hobby.

Why would a model or photographer on MM want to pay for content somewhere? We shoot our own all the time.

Jul 12 06 07:46 pm Link


Viper Studios

Posts: 1196

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

There is so much free porn on the net of all taste and calibers, I can't begin to understand why anyone would join a pay site, unless they had a very particular interest in a particular girl, or she had something to offer that was a specialty.

From tame to shame, their are hundreds of free sites that charge nothing.

They get revenue from the little advertisements in the margin.

I might pay if a girl could whistle dixie with her vagina or something spectacular, but not really interested in any pay site of any style.


Jul 12 06 07:53 pm Link


Zave Smith Photography

Posts: 1696

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

As somebody who books around 100K worth of models per year.  When I am looking for talent for my commercial or paid gigs, I always call in talent from legitiment model or talent agencies.  Why?  Cause most of their talent are tested, ready, professional.  I can also with just a couple of phone calls bring in 100-200 people for a casting call.

I used the free internet sites like this one or craigs list when I am looking for free talent for testing or stock shooting.  So, the answer to your question, for paid gigs, find a good talent agency.  For starting out and finding testing gigs, network with photographers in your area and use free sites like this one. 

Only shoot nudes or porn if you want to, for your own pleasure, they are not a way to promote ones career.


zave smith

Jul 12 06 07:54 pm Link


Douglas S

Posts: 63

Atlanta, Georgia, US

The last line in your post was the jewel.  I see a lot of sexyness in here and I am not against it. Hell I am a male photographer. However when I pick up my camera I try to go beyond that. Aside for the gigs that are for swimwear or porn. I dont choose to put thoese types of images in my book. The reason is when I show my book to agencies. I want them to see that I can sell a product or take a great shot of a photogenic model. I feel if my book was all porn type stuff then I would not be considered for a broader body of work. 

But what do I know I am just a photographer trying to find my way. Also I would not pay to join a site to find models. You can find beautiful or better yet Unique people all over the place.  Its up to the photographer to bring out that special quality the shoot calls for. I also use this as a source to pratice new things and update my book. I have piad models in the past and it serves its purpose. But as  photographer people pay me for my images. Always paying for acess to models is backwards.

OK I am stepping off my soapbox now.


Jul 12 06 08:59 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

I shoot content for paysites, so I've had memberships to quite a few to see what the content was meant to fit with or how my own pictures look.  The ONLY paysite for a model that I've joined and stayed with is for these reasons; she is original, a great tease, has a personality that shows in her sets and video clips, runs her site in a business like manner, is consistent in doing updates on schedule, and her website started as a non nude and progressed to see through making it "nearly nude" ... Patty is also a pro/licensed cosmetologist, and last but not least, she must be doing something to have stayed in the game so long!  I first started e-mailing her back in early 2001 when she used to have a profile on OMP.  She is too busy for profiles now ... her site has been going strong for at least 3 or 4 years now!

Patty gives just a peek ... but really doesn't even do what I'd consider "full" topless.  So I would say that B would be my choice.  Extreme tease is the most fun, and a challenge to do right!

Jul 13 06 03:39 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

I have to say that if you shoot porn then you should be aware of what the opposition is doing (and make sure they're not doing it with your pictures), so having memberships of other porn sites is quite acceptable.  I don't know if the fees are tax deductable, though.

I'm not aware of any art photography sites that you have to pay for, but no doubt someone will enlighten me.

Jul 13 06 03:50 am Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

how about sites like

Jul 13 06 09:12 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Zave Smith wrote:
As somebody who books around 100K worth of models per year.  When I am looking for talent for my commercial or paid gigs, I always call in talent from legitiment model or talent agencies.  Why?  Cause most of their talent are tested, ready, professional.  I can also with just a couple of phone calls bring in 100-200 people for a casting call.

I used the free internet sites like this one or craigs list when I am looking for free talent for testing or stock shooting.  So, the answer to your question, for paid gigs, find a good talent agency.  For starting out and finding testing gigs, network with photographers in your area and use free sites like this one. 

Only shoot nudes or porn if you want to, for your own pleasure, they are not a way to promote ones career.


zave smith

Mr. Smith, there are models who make a wonderful career out of having a website online.  Some have paysites, some mix it up with tradition "non" web based work.  What is a fact is that the Internet and modeling are good things. There is more demand for images directly as a result of the Internet.  NOT all the images used on the Internet are porn, you know!

It bothers me when people stereotype models or the Internet.  I've heard the jokes of how models are dense, stupid, and vain .. etc., and how the Internet is used only for viewing porn.  The stereotype about models has been one lasting generations since the models of the 50's, but the Internet is new. 

I've enjoyed shooting, writing and publishing solely on the Internet.  It is 100% how I derive an income today!  I buy and sell products and services on the net.  I read news reports and blogs on the 'net.  I socialize with friends and even make new ones on the 'net.  Most of the products and services that I work with on the 'net are related to music and model photography.  The Internet is having an even more powerful effect on the music industry than on the modeling.

I am constantly writing on this subject when I have the chance, but to give you an idea of the wonderful models I work with, one is studying to be a doctor, the other is a skilled photography herself, another model is great with make up and photo shop, ... you get the picture?  Naked or not, these women are more than a body posing for pictures! 

The record industry has been caught with it's pants down big time!  They tried to squash the downloading of music of the net.  But now it's obvious that the big label executives are going to have to make adjustments to their business structure as more people download their music rather than buy CD's in the store.  I know many professional musicians who are happy as they independently sell their music off the 'net.  Who needs labels?  Who needs stereotypes for that matter?  The Internet has kick down some huge barriers for the poor starving music makers and the untypical traditional models who would never get signed by labels or agents in the first place.  Is it good or bad?  I think it's good!

Jul 13 06 10:07 pm Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

Gunfitr wrote:

There is so much free porn on the net of all taste and calibers, I can't begin to understand why anyone would join a pay site, unless they had a very particular interest in a particular girl, or she had something to offer that was a specialty.

From tame to shame, their are hundreds of free sites that charge nothing.

They get revenue from the little advertisements in the margin.

I might pay if a girl could whistle dixie with her vagina or something spectacular, but not really interested in any pay site of any style.


WOW...and you recited all those from memory?
I don't know any that can whistle, but I know a couple that could shoot a ping pong ball and put your eye much is that worth?

Jul 13 06 10:16 pm Link