Forums > General Industry > Spam Attack !!



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

How many of you have been SPAM attacked and from whom ??
Also do any of you think bots use your pay for click hosted web sites to generate SPAM lists (pay for Spam) ??


This is a reprint from PPA  I Got Today -

July 11, 2007

We are currently investigating the sudden burst of spam from That company, located in Malaysia, registered as an exhibitor at Sepcon/Imaging USA 2006. They purchased a "list use" of attendees to contact them after the show. We have a signed contract with them regarding terms of use for the list, and judging from the email that I have seen, I suspect that one of their computers with the email list on it has been "hijacked" by a email worm or virus that is currently delivering the spam message.

We have contacted the vendor, and their IT department is currently trying to resolve the issue.

We strongly suggest that you not open any email from this company.
Add to your spam/bulk mail filters to automatically delete future messages from this address. (Blocking the entire domain of will block all messages from them, should the from address change from Sepcon5 to Sepcon6 for example)
Check the instructions for your individual email providers and/or computer security programs. Most have a simple "block email from this senders domain option".

Thank you for your patience.

Gregory Aide
Marketing & Communications

Jul 11 06 01:34 pm Link