Forums > General Industry > I give up (again)


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

sooooo busted.

Jul 11 06 04:39 pm Link



Posts: 73

Utica, Michigan, US

Hmm, could it be the OP is an alien then? Bring back our models dammit!!!

Jul 11 06 04:44 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

I really like how Model Mayhem reacts very quickly to these cases. There was a guy on another site that had a whole portfolio of stolen work and it took the mods over there several days and quite a few emails to finally do something about it (and one mod in particular was very helpful). But on MM; they're gone within minutes of the mods being alerted.

  Awesome work! The mods here rock!


Jul 11 06 04:45 pm Link



Posts: 2514

Montclair, New Jersey, US

well, he's not banned anymore...

Jul 11 06 04:53 pm Link


Laurel Lea

Posts: 48

Madison, Wisconsin, US

i woulkd never stand anyone up. thats tasteless and rude. things do come up though now and then naturally. i dont understand y models would do that. i am sorry for your hardships. keep your head up.

Jul 11 06 04:59 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Interesting... I noticed that at least one photo is no longer in his port. Anyway, I assume everything has been worked through or straightened out...

Jul 11 06 04:59 pm Link


Stonekey Photography

Posts: 507

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

I have actually had a hard time finding models that I can pay neutral  Maybe it's the area I am in.

Jul 11 06 05:08 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

While this issue continues to vex photographers I'm not sure there is a easy
answer.  To improve we need to shoot but to shoot we need models. 
Nothing worse then having everything in place but no models.  The thing to remember though is that when you do get a good model.  Shoot her/him untill you
or they are too tired to shoot anymore.  Make sure you have quality make-up
unless you are shooting candids or figure.  In other words don't waste time.
Thats why its also important to have all or most of your tech issues solved.  However again when you get that good model shoot her untill you can't lift your
camera anymore.  Have them bring clothes and props to the shoot.  If a escort is
there get them involved.  If you have a fearless or bold model exploit that.  Try
something new or crazy.  If you have a model with a beautifull face then do
a hundred face shots to capture a perfect one.  Bring as many rolls of film or
memory cards as you can to every shoot.  Let the model say they are tired or
have to go.  It is up to you to try and capture that perfect moment, pose or expression.  Do not waste your models time and make sure you try and capture
who they are.  Put your whole heart, mind and soul into your shoot.

Jul 11 06 05:09 pm Link



Posts: 123

Houston, Alaska, US

You truly should not
expect for some models to respect your talent if you offer free shoots or money
to any model willing to shed her clothes or pose in a bikini for you.

Jul 11 06 05:11 pm Link



Posts: 123

Houston, Alaska, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
You truly should not
expect for some models to respect your talent if you offer free shoots or money
to any model willing to shed her clothes or pose in a bikini for you.

So um you're saying that a model will respect us more if we offer free and PAID shoots for FULLY CLOTHED pictures?

Jul 11 06 05:13 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Why do I not have these problems?  I keep finding girls that show up.  They are usually on-time too!!  I don't even pay them. I don't even give them gas money.  I'll sometimes buy dinner afterwards if they stick around.  Then they have the nerve to refer friends to me.  What's up with that?

Jul 11 06 05:17 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

CandyBBaddphotos wrote:

So um you're saying that a model will respect us more if we offer free and PAID shoots for FULLY CLOTHED pictures?

LOL.  not really.  Part of what's happened is that almost any attractive model feels
that all she has to do is pose in a swimsuit or nude and some goofs (me included)
may offer her either free shoots or pay her.  Nothing wrong with TFP but when
everybody offers it as well as some of our more talented photographers it loses
its value.  Models don't really know what makes a good image and most won't
ever do any published work anyway.  Be more selective in who you shoot is the
key.  Don't get excited because a pretty girl is willing to show you some skin.
Not saying that you do.  This when a photographer has reached a certain skill level.  Take a look at some of the model profiles.  The more expirenced models
and even many of the new ones ask for cash.  If you are a beauty photographer
then shoot and show beautifull models.  Same if you do fashion.  Shoot models
that have done fashion or could do it.  Many models have limited respect for TFP
shoots as evidenced by all the no call no show models we read about.

Jul 11 06 05:26 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Why do I not have these problems?  I keep finding girls that show up.  They are usually on-time too!!  I don't even pay them. I don't even give them gas money.  I'll sometimes buy dinner afterwards if they stick around.  Then they have the nerve to refer friends to me.  What's up with that?

Because :

1) you have a skills set   AND   next one is a biggie....

2) the genre of photography you do is considered "worthy" to models (not as worthy as fashion as that is the holy grail of modeling apparently).    Models can get great shots and feel the sexiest they ever have in their lives, being sexy is considered better than being smart, AND there is a potential commercial value to your kind of work. 

In other words, working with you  and an equally talented but less commercially viable photographer is going to be a no-brainer for any model motivated in any money from modeling.

Jul 11 06 05:34 pm Link


Blair P

Posts: 129

Lake Wales, Florida, US

I'll show up thirty minutes early if you pay me.  I don't know what the deal is with girls not showing up, but I do think that planning shoots way in advance could contribute.  Had a photographer not show up at his own studio for a shoot recently because we planned too far in advance and then had a lengthy vacation before the shoot.  Luckily I can laugh about it because he is paying me and we've rescheduled to shoot another time.

Jul 11 06 05:40 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

Because :

1) you have a skills set   AND   next one is a biggie....

2) the genre of photography you do is considered "worthy" to models (not as worthy as fashion as that is the holy grail of modeling apparently).    Models can get great shots and feel the sexiest they ever have in their lives, being sexy is considered better than being smart, AND there is a potential commercial value to your kind of work. 

In other words, working with you  and an equally talented but less commercially viable photographer is going to be a no-brainer for any model motivated in any money from modeling.

When is our shoot? wink

And thanks for the compliment...whew!  That was sweet!

Jul 11 06 05:42 pm Link


BR Photography

Posts: 150

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

I think some models forget this is a job and a business like any other. Would they not show up to work without a call or good excuse and not expect to be fired?
I blame us photographers for doing sooo much tfp work.

Jul 11 06 05:44 pm Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

azdave wrote:
Abducted by aliens ?
I never thought of that
could explain alot

just rememberthe "Phoenix Lights".. they took alot of models with them that night..

Jul 11 06 07:39 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Why do I not have these problems?  I keep finding girls that show up.  They are usually on-time too!!  I don't even pay them. I don't even give them gas money.  I'll sometimes buy dinner afterwards if they stick around.  Then they have the nerve to refer friends to me.  What's up with that?

You've got talent but its not just that as many models don't know quality.  There
are often other things at play.  I bet you also have a likeable personality. 
Photographers are often somewhat dry or old or no fun.  There are many talented
photographers here who complain about no show or no call models.  There was
a mod here named Eric who talked about a photographer he knew.  This person
was average but he was so much fun that people paid him as much for his work
as for his personality.  Photographers sometimes forget that very often they are
judged not just by their work but by how they act.  There is a great looking photographer I know that models flock to because well he's a great looking guy
but he's fun also and he throws parties.  Your work is just part of a larger puzzle.
I also didn't mention how important location is.  If you live or work in a large
city or where lots of models live it helps.  Learn to market yourself.  You could be the best around but if your this well kept secret, who cares.

Jul 11 06 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Why do I not have these problems?  I keep finding girls that show up.  They are usually on-time too!!  I don't even pay them. I don't even give them gas money.  I'll sometimes buy dinner afterwards if they stick around.  Then they have the nerve to refer friends to me.  What's up with that?

Bro, you must be one of these damn aliens! Abducting them for your own photo sessions! What nerve!

Jul 12 06 01:47 am Link