Forums > Newbie Forum > Being Transgender Does "NOT" mean I cannot model


Anara Amore

Posts: 5

Los Angeles, California, US

Wow I have had some pretty rude messages from photgraphers and models questioning my reasons for being here.. lol I think I have just as much right as the gentic girl standing across the room.

I portray a very unique look, and love the way i make love with the camera.

Just thought I would say something..

If you are looking for that unique and fun look contact me and lets shake a hand and make a new friend. I am alot of fun I have been told with many people I work with. My smile follows me around like a shadow.


Anara Amore

Jul 09 06 05:20 am Link


John Paul Marchand

Posts: 34

Tucson, Arizona, US

Don't listen to them, their ignorant assholes.

Jul 09 06 05:22 am Link


Anara Amore

Posts: 5

Los Angeles, California, US

Thank you.. That makes me feel more welcomed..


Jul 09 06 05:26 am Link


Jeremy I

Posts: 2201

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I would think there would be ahuge niche market for you that not everyone could work in. I would take full advantage of that. Not my cup of tea, but live and let live. Good luck to you!

Jul 09 06 05:48 am Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

I know I have read here on MM that a few Trans models have done very well indeed in the industry.

Ignore those who cant see it and concentrate on those who can..I am damned sure there are far more of those big_smile

Jul 09 06 05:59 am Link



Posts: 21

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Welcome and best of luck.

Jul 09 06 06:12 am Link

Makeup Artist

JamesC Lost Creatives

Posts: 582

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Having worked with the transgender community I don't see why there is such a hang up with you modelling,  keep on going.  As long as your doing what you want never mind negative people there not worth the hassle. 

James x

Jul 09 06 07:31 am Link


Anara Amore

Posts: 5

Los Angeles, California, US

Thank you to everyone that gave me a warm welcome.. I am very thankful that people can embrace what is art in all forms..

Thank you so much again


Jul 09 06 07:48 am Link



Posts: 201

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

I have worked with many TS models, and if you were in Ft Lauderdale I would gladly work with you. Good luck with your career and ignore the ignorant.

BTW I have an image on my portfolio of a TS model labled Countrygirl … 107de7618a


Jul 09 06 08:48 am Link


Lightwork Photography

Posts: 208

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Hey Anara:

There are people on here that think shooting nudes is way too radical, let alone being trans.  Go for it, regardless of what some people might worry about.  You've got the look and the attitude.  Enjoy it, and good luck.

Welcome to MM.

Jul 09 06 08:57 am Link


John W Cochran

Posts: 1266

Auburn, Alabama, US

Don't listen to the negative.

Stay postive and move ahead.

Jul 09 06 08:58 am Link



Posts: 4

Los Angeles, California, US

You rock!! You will do just fine. Best of Luck to you!!

Jul 10 06 03:55 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Why did you put the word "NOT" in quotation marks?
Anyway, you will do great.  Everyone gets at least one negative comment.  Who cares?  Some people are ignorant and hateful.  Especially when you do/are something that is [but shouldn't be!] shocking to the average Joe.  Don't let them stand in your way.
Good luck!

Jul 10 06 04:20 am Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Good Luck!

Jul 10 06 04:27 am Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

You have every right to be here as any other model. You have to blow off the jerks that have very closed minds and do your thing.. Good luck with your modeling..


Jul 10 06 04:35 am Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

I just looked at your portfolio and you have some amazing pictures in there, they are stunning, if people cant get their head out of their ass long enough to realize that then you shouldnt pay them any midn anyway.
Keep on doing your thing!

Jul 10 06 05:45 am Link


Extreme Photo

Posts: 215

Des Moines, Iowa, US

I've shot many  transgendered and drag queens.  The best part is that they are usually GREAT at doing their own hair/makeup.

Jul 11 06 09:04 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Why do you care what some people think?  If the world hated you would you
hate yourself?  Ignore the negative and embrace the postive.  Not quite a zen
saying but I think it works.

Jul 11 06 09:12 am Link



Posts: 150

wished you were in the uk id loveto work with you xx

Jul 11 06 09:16 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Perhaps the issue that some are having is not that you are a transgender personality, but that you have misrepresented yourself on your portfolio.

You have down that you are a woman, when infact, physically you are not.

I understand that you are a woman inside, that you have a gender identity gender body mismatch, however when giving your stats you are suppose to give an accurate representation of what people van photograph... Not how you feel.

A tall red head overwieght female would get some pretty ride emails too if she told people on her port that she was a short petite brunette... No matter how much she felt like it inside.

Having said that bigotry does exist here on model mayhem as it does everywhere else. The best thing to do is remain honest in your self representation so that you are not wearing a bigger target than you already have, and just are that the opinions of those who discount you are opinions that you should just discount.

Jul 11 06 11:38 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Keep your head up.
You can see here that there're plenty of folks who support you!

Jul 11 06 11:47 am Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

I support your journey as well however, that said, you do not exactally look as transgendered as you make out. You have long hair but in all honesty you look like a man with long hair. Which is what you are. This is why I think you are taking some flack about putting up 'female' on your profile. When I think of transgenered since 13, I think of daily estrogen and the side effects of these types of treatments (like having boobs and a more feminen look). Like the transgender images above in the post.

All that said you need to understand (especially you) that there are haters out there who will always be too narrowminded to attempt to understand someone elses struggles and decisions. Good luck to you.


Jul 11 06 11:55 am Link



Posts: 61

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Personally, I think your very brave and strong to be up front with everyone.   
Don't let the people with closed minds and hearts slow you down.   

Strut your stuff!

Jul 12 06 09:07 pm Link


Courtney P

Posts: 46

Athens, Alabama, US

Hey...Good luck! This industry is so fickle, but you look great! Don't worry about anyone. You continue doing what you love, and they will follow! smile

Jul 12 06 09:10 pm Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Beauty is beyond boundaries, gender or otherwise. People will always try to tear down that wich they don't understand or questions their safe pre-conceived notions. Keep proving them wrong.

Best of luck,

Jul 12 06 11:11 pm Link