Forums > General Industry > am I kidding myself about this thong thing?


Viper Studios

Posts: 1196

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

Is the honest truth that you don't like the look of your own ass?

I don't mean to be brutal and crass, but a lot of girls who are opposed to "thongs" actually mean they don't like their ass.

The brutal truth is that a lot of girls who have no issue with their ass, don't look good in a thong either.

As a photographer, if I shoot a girl in a thong, I'm not gonna put it in my port if your ass doesn't look good, so to me it isn't a question of your "limits".

If it don't look good, it don't go up.

I've shot girls in bikinis whose stomach is horribly stretch marked, flabby, dunlops, and just doesn't look good.  While there are things I can do to mask it, hide it, fix it, or whatever, if the honest truth is that her stomach doesn't look good, I'm not going to be trying to get photos of it.

Some girls have a perfect ass.  I guess they can thank genetics and the gym for that.

Other girls have a pretty face.

Some girls have great hair and teeth.

You can set whatever "limits" you want, but a real photographer is no more interested in seeing a flabby ass in a thong than the owner.

I've had girls come in with a bag of lingerie, bikini's, jeans and a sweater, and have moved on to the jeans and a sweater if that is what looks best.

My point is, if the truth is that you don't like the look of your own ass, a photographer probably isn't going to either.

And if you realy don't like the way your ass looks, then I can understand that you don't want photos of it plastered all over.

If you have a terrific ass but just don't want to show it, I guess that's my loss, and I will factor it into the equation when I choose to hire or not hire you.

Every girl has her weaknesses, and there is no sense being less than frank about it.

But try to understand, that there are times when a good photographer can make you look great, whatever your shortcoming, so don't sell yourself short either.

Sometimes I try to get a model to try something.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.

BTW, it's harder to get the angles, compression, and pose of a great ass shot, than a headshot.

Bend some girl over with the worlds best ass and shoot her with a 28mm lens, and it looks like the titanic.....LOL

So I guess the question you really have to ask yourself is whether you are imposing limits because you don't like your ass, or are you selling yourself short.

I see so much cottage cheese I sometimes think I should bring a cherry and a pineapple ring with me to shoots.

Even if you ass is HUGE, there's always the GWC's who are willing to pay.

Know your demographic and milk it for all it's worth.

In the end, it's your with it what you's not skin off my nose.

When I talk to a girl who has limits, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.  I simply ask myself whether I am willing to shoot within the limits she sets.

If she has a pretty face, I shoot headshots.  If she has six pack abs, I shoot stomach shots.

If she has legs up to here, I shoot legs shots.


Jul 07 06 05:20 pm Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

dee740 wrote:

I guess it's because so many ass shots look lewd. I'm the same way in real life. When i go out I'll do a little cleavage, but  I tone down the ass "situation" cause it causes too many problems,lol. No shorts.

If only you could see me now.  My hair is all over my head, my face is maekupless and greasy with pimple cream on my chin.  I have on dance shorts from the 10th grade and a Lakers 1987 Championship t-shirt.  Ass shots do not have to be lewd!  The beauty of being a model is the ability to convey a emotion despite what you have on... and to be a whole different careless person when the shoots are over.

Jul 07 06 05:26 pm Link



Posts: 46

Cristal Steverson wrote:

If only you could see me now.  My hair is all over my head, my face is maekupless and greasy with pimple cream on my chin.  I have on dance shorts from the 10th grade and a Lakers 1987 Championship t-shirt.  Ass shots do not have to be lewd!  The beauty of being a model is the ability to convey a emotion despite what you have on... and to be a whole different careless person when the shoots are over.

Cristal... you know I have your address.  Hmm... say um... 9:30ish.  Don't change... lol!

Jul 07 06 05:31 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Gunfitr wrote:
I see so much cottage cheese I sometimes think I should bring a cherry and a pineapple ring with me to shoots.

Oh damn, I just wet my chair from laughing so hard.
You, sir, win at teh intrawebz for the day.

Jul 07 06 05:39 pm Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Gunfitr wrote:
Is the honest truth that you don't like the look of your own ass?

I don't mean to be brutal and crass, but a lot of girls who are opposed to "thongs" actually mean they don't like their ass.

The brutal truth is that a lot of girls who have no issue with their ass, don't look good in a thong either.

As a photographer, if I shoot a girl in a thong, I'm not gonna put it in my port if your ass doesn't look good, so to me it isn't a question of your "limits".

If it don't look good, it don't go up.

I've shot girls in bikinis whose stomach is horribly stretch marked, flabby, dunlops, and just doesn't look good.  While there are things I can do to mask it, hide it, fix it, or whatever, if the honest truth is that her stomach doesn't look good, I'm not going to be trying to get photos of it.

Some girls have a perfect ass.  I guess they can thank genetics and the gym for that.

Other girls have a pretty face.

Some girls have great hair and teeth.

You can set whatever "limits" you want, but a real photographer is no more interested in seeing a flabby ass in a thong than the owner.

I've had girls come in with a bag of lingerie, bikini's, jeans and a sweater, and have moved on to the jeans and a sweater if that is what looks best.

My point is, if the truth is that you don't like the look of your own ass, a photographer probably isn't going to either.

And if you realy don't like the way your ass looks, then I can understand that you don't want photos of it plastered all over.

If you have a terrific ass but just don't want to show it, I guess that's my loss, and I will factor it into the equation when I choose to hire or not hire you.

Every girl has her weaknesses, and there is no sense being less than frank about it.

But try to understand, that there are times when a good photographer can make you look great, whatever your shortcoming, so don't sell yourself short either.

Sometimes I try to get a model to try something.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.

BTW, it's harder to get the angles, compression, and pose of a great ass shot, than a headshot.

Bend some girl over with the worlds best ass and shoot her with a 28mm lens, and it looks like the titanic.....LOL

So I guess the question you really have to ask yourself is whether you are imposing limits because you don't like your ass, or are you selling yourself short.

I see so much cottage cheese I sometimes think I should bring a cherry and a pineapple ring with me to shoots.

Even if you ass is HUGE, there's always the GWC's who are willing to pay.

Know your demographic and milk it for all it's worth.

In the end, it's your with it what you's not skin off my nose.

When I talk to a girl who has limits, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.  I simply ask myself whether I am willing to shoot within the limits she sets.

If she has a pretty face, I shoot headshots.  If she has six pack abs, I shoot stomach shots.

If she has legs up to here, I shoot legs shots.


Well, I love my ass and all that. I don't really consider it "selling myself short". I got a cute coochie too, why not show that? I think people would pay?

Yeah, I got a big booty and people always trying to get me to toot it up, but as I stated before, it would have to be a case by case basis. I just feel like if I do that, I will be cut out of some other commercial things I may want to do for maybe, Lane Bryant , JCPenney, etc. Aside from being uncomfortable with it.
I have some great standup *huge* breasts(34 triple d ), and though I'm willing to cleavage, I just can't have my nipples out. Everybody stops somewhere.

Jul 07 06 05:41 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

dee740 wrote:
Ok, I know I've stated it before, but I don't  like to allow pictures of me in thongs unless it's a side shot. Is this unreasonable in the glamour industry, because it seems like it's becoming a problem. Should I just give up on glamour altogether?

Isnt a side view of a thong the same as a back view? They are both your bare rear end, just from different whats the difference? But if you dont feel comfortable then just make sure people are aware of that prior to shooting.

Jul 07 06 05:41 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

dee740 wrote:

Well, I love my ass and all that. I don't really consider it "selling myself short". I got a cute coochie too, why not show that? I think people would pay?

Yeah, I got a big booty and people always trying to get me to toot it up, but as I stated before, it would have to be a case by case basis. I just feel like if I do that, I will be cut out of some other commercial things I may want to do for maybe, Lane Bryant , JCPenney, etc. Aside from being uncomfortable with it.
I have some great standup *huge* breasts(34 tripled ), and though I'm willing to cleavage, I just can't have my nipples out. Everybody stops somewhere.

Great response to a stupid remark, Dee!

Jul 07 06 05:47 pm Link



Posts: 46

dee740 wrote:
I got a cute coochie too, why not show that? I think people would pay?

Yeah, I got a big booty and people always trying to get me to toot it up, I have some great standup *huge* breasts(34 tripled ) ...

::hard swallow::

Jul 07 06 05:49 pm Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Iain Daddy wrote:

As a male photographer I can only give you the same advice I allways give to models who say "I don't like (insert body part here) so don't photograph it... assuming that you are "hetero" you are not a good judge of what looks good about the female form, now if you had slim hips, broad shoulders and a six pack you probaly would love to see yourself in a g-string.  I suggest you ask a cross section of males what you look like and get a response.  Alternatively, trust your photographer to get the best out of you, after all it's their reputation on the line as well.

Personally, as a male, I can't see a problem with your G-String photo.

All the best


Jul 07 06 05:51 pm Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Um, did I miss something? Is Iaian Daddy really saying "hetero women" can't assess female beauty as well as a man can? For real? lolol. Did I take a wrong turn in the '50s somewhere?

Jul 07 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:

Isnt a side view of a thong the same as a back view? They are both your bare rear end, just from different whats the difference? But if you dont feel comfortable then just make sure people are aware of that prior to shooting.

I always let them know. I wouldn't trick anyone on something that important.

And no, the side and the back are not the same. I have a shot in port with a side view thong on. My arm is just in the way of the booty, but it was definitely a thong.

Jul 07 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Depends on your aspirations.  If you are trying to do K-Mart catalouges and Walgreens ads then NO I don't think it's unreasonable for you to demand that you do no thongs.  But if one of your goals is to be featured in print in the men's magazine market (any of them, not just urban) then it's pretty unreasonable for your to think that it's gonna happen without you slapping a thong on some time.

I defy anybody here to pick up one issue of Maxim, FHM, Smooth, King, hell even GQ and NOT find a girl in a thong SOMEWHERE in the mag.

Glamour is about selling sex and sexy.  Accentuating a girl's most prominate sexual features and drawing the viewer to them.  This can be done well, or done trashy, but it's the name of the game.  And fact is right now a thong is pretty much a given especially considering that your main selling point (the ass) is what the viewers would want to see.

Sure you can refuse to put on a thong, you can make it implicitly known that you don't do backshots, but quite frankly, being that you have no name, no fame and no buzz, you'd then just be pushed to the side for the next girl with a 45" ass that IS willing to do them (and trust me there are PLENTY).

To give you an example, one of the girls I shoot went to a casting for a well known urban magazine.  She was going through her warbrode and asked me "What should I bring to the casting? They said to bring a swimsuit, which one should I bring?"
The first thing I said was "Do you have any cute thongs?" She says "eww no!  I'm not doing any thong shots!"  I said "Ok good luck on that then!"

Long story short, when she got to the casting, the first thing that she was asked when she came to the casting was "Why didn't you bring a thong?"

It wasn't implicitly stated in the casting call, but given the content of the mag (and ALL men's magazines) it was an assumed given that it was to be expected.

If you are shooting for joe blow with a camera, or Mr. TFP, then I can understand your staunch stance on no thongs.  But if you are expecting to actually be in print in this market, for a paying client or nationally distributed magazine, it's very likely NOT going to happen, because it WILL be expected from you.

And to address the fact the everyone that wants to shoot you wants to see you in a thong or with your ass out, there is a simple solution.  Pay a photographer to shoot you how you want and you don't have to worry about it.  Do TFP and a photographer will ALWAYS be trying to get what HE/SHE wants out of the shoot, and some times that might be a thong lol.

Jul 08 06 02:55 am Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Ransom J wrote:
Depends on your aspirations.  If you are trying to do K-Mart catalouges and Walgreens ads then NO I don't think it's unreasonable for you to demand that you do no thongs.  But if one of your goals is to be featured in print in the men's magazine market (any of them, not just urban) then it's pretty unreasonable for your to think that it's gonna happen without you slapping a thong on some time.

I defy anybody here to pick up one issue of Maxim, FHM, Smooth, King, hell even GQ and NOT find a girl in a thong SOMEWHERE in the mag.

Glamour is about selling sex and sexy.  Accentuating a girl's most prominate sexual features and drawing the viewer to them.  This can be done well, or done trashy, but it's the name of the game.  And fact is right now a thong is pretty much a given especially considering that your main selling point (the ass) is what the viewers would want to see.

Sure you can refuse to put on a thong, you can make it implicitly known that you don't do backshots, but quite frankly, being that you have no name, no fame and no buzz, you'd then just be pushed to the side for the next girl with a 45" ass that IS willing to do them (and trust me there are PLENTY).

To give you an example, one of the girls I shoot went to a casting for a well known urban magazine.  She was going through her warbrode and asked me "What should I bring to the casting? They said to bring a swimsuit, which one should I bring?"
The first thing I said was "Do you have any cute thongs?" She says "eww no!  I'm not doing any thong shots!"  I said "Ok good luck on that then!"

Long story short, when she got to the casting, the first thing that she was asked when she came to the casting was "Why didn't you bring a thong?"

It wasn't implicitly stated in the casting call, but given the content of the mag (and ALL men's magazines) it was an assumed given that it was to be expected.

If you are shooting for joe blow with a camera, or Mr. TFP, then I can understand your staunch stance on no thongs.  But if you are expecting to actually be in print in this market, for a paying client or nationally distributed magazine, it's very likely NOT going to happen, because it WILL be expected from you.

And to address the fact the everyone that wants to shoot you wants to see you in a thong or with your ass out, there is a simple solution.  Pay a photographer to shoot you how you want and you don't have to worry about it.  Do TFP and a photographer will ALWAYS be trying to get what HE/SHE wants out of the shoot, and some times that might be a thong lol.

I definitely am not shooting a thong for a TFP assignment.At all.If I want a certain thing and the photog doesn't want to shoot what I want (and they aren't paying), then I just move on. I have paid for what I want before and I'll do it again under the right circumstances.
I just feel conflicted about this situation because my goal is not necessarily to be in a men's magazine ultimately. It's the commercial stuff, but I need to pay my bills in the interim. The main problem with the thong is that you never know which pictures a mag will use and whether the pose looked trashy or classy ,I'd have no control over the image. Period. I agree that there are some thong shots done tastefully, but you'll never know until the job is done what category yours will fall till it's plastered across the nation.Hopefully I will be able to get a name and a buzz seperate of my bare ass. If not, I'll reevaluate.

Jul 08 06 08:55 am Link


Iain Daddy

Posts: 37

Epsom and Ewell, England, United Kingdom

Renee Photography wrote:
Um, did I miss something? Is Iaian Daddy really saying "hetero women" can't assess female beauty as well as a man can? For real? lolol. Did I take a wrong turn in the '50s somewhere?

The '50s are over?  I must get out of the studio more wink

Jul 08 06 12:00 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Cristal Steverson wrote:

I had these same kind of stipulations when I first started then I got a contract to shoot a lingerie/swimsuit catalog... inlcuding thongs.  I did it, it wasnt that big of a deal.  Alot of girls start off having these sort of things (and I am not talking about the wild girls gone wild chicks that say to hell morals, but the girls that progress naturally in the industry) and shed inabitions.

Its really a decision you have to make for yourself but in my opinion its really not that serious.  I just remember, more clothes that come off, the harder I have to work to not look (for lack of a better word) slutty in the pictures.  Its a challege, that I like.  See avatar.

Great response, Cristal. I do believe a model should not do anything with which he/she is uncomfortable. Money/pay is usually the factor that breaks down barriers of inhibitions though.

Jul 08 06 12:33 pm Link


aye provide

Posts: 1330

New York, New York, US

dee740 wrote:

I recently did a online catalog  for a lingerie company and the thongs were tasteful and we were selling product. So I guess it is a case by case basis.

As for your avatar, it looks good, not slutty. But having 45 inch  hip/ass area makes me work not to look slutty with jeans on, let alone having a g-string in my ass. Since I am just starting maybe it's just extra hard for me right now. I just think there are so many sexy shots you can do with an ass this big  that don't require nekkidness or thongs.

Miss Dee,

I shoot plenty of sexy shots in about 1/4 of them my old azz has not taken a stich off.  If you are adament about the thongs only shoot in boy shorts.  I have a friend that will only shoot that style of panty.

Just remember you are running your own show  so if you are finding undue pressure to shoot the string...take the time to create a sexy body of work to post on your port that will spur the imaginations of those behind the camera.  once this is done you will see a notable differece in what you are approached to shoot.

Jul 08 06 04:13 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

If you don't like the thong shots you could always shoot without it.


Jul 09 06 03:48 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Lane Bryant has more important things than try to play detective and see if you've ever done a booty shot. They're going to get their models from a commercial print agency. That agency also doesn't care if you've taken booty shots. They just want to know your height, and see your best photos. Maybe they won't ever look at any photo you have ever posed for. I wouldn't worry about a thong photo ruining your career.

dee740 wrote:
I just feel like if I do that, I will be cut out of some other commercial things I may want to do for maybe, Lane Bryant , JCPenney, etc.

Jul 09 06 03:57 am Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Dave Wright Photo wrote:
Lane Bryant has more important things than try to play detective and see if you've ever done a booty shot. They're going to get their models from a commercial print agency. That agency also doesn't care if you've taken booty shots. They just want to know your height, and see your best photos. Maybe they won't ever look at any photo you have ever posed for. I wouldn't worry about a thong photo ruining your career.

well I hope what you say is true.

Jul 09 06 09:46 am Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

studio36uk wrote:
If you don't like the thong shots you could always shoot without it.


hey now.....

Jul 09 06 09:48 am Link



Posts: 52

Houston, Texas, US

By the number of views you have on your 12th picture in your profile. That should easily tell you what type of photos most fans will prefer of you. Don't be shy to advertise some of your strengths.

Jul 09 06 09:59 am Link



Posts: 67

Austin, Indiana, US

well ive taken pics for lane bryant , see at my site , and they do a very close look of the people they work with , from photographer to models !

Jul 09 06 06:43 pm Link