Forums > General Industry > Am I unresonable to say no?


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

A model with 'some experience' wants to do a shoot with me for 3 hours. She wants $200 that includes $50 for travel expenses, a CD, and some prints. Casual attire so it is not like swimsuit or lingerie or anything like that.

I'm rather new here and I know this thread has been discussed before but is that what I will need to expect to get models?

I don't think my work is that bad to need to pay that much of money, time and effort to get someone that likes to model to do a shoot with me?

Jul 07 06 07:25 am Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I wouldn't pay for anyone, unless they are hired by me to shoot nudes. I don't pay for fashion, lingerie, swimwear or implied nude models. I only pay these types of models if I am shooting for commercial or editorial shoot, and if the client if paying these costs as part of my budget.

Jul 07 06 07:31 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Photoman754 wrote:
A model with 'some experience' wants to do a shoot with me for 3 hours. She wants $200 that includes $50 for travel expenses, a CD, and some prints. Casual attire so it is not like swimsuit or lingerie or anything like that.

I'm rather new here and I know this thread has been discussed before but is that what I will need to expect to get models?

I don't think my work is that bad to need to pay that much of money, time and effort to get someone that likes to model to do a shoot with me?

Counter offer: $50 travel expenses, a CD and a coupon from Walmart for a print.
Tell her when she gets paid, she don't get no CD or prints.

Jul 07 06 07:31 am Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

She cant expect to get $ and a CD and prints.
You are being too nice.

Jul 07 06 07:35 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

I don't know what the "Going Rate" for models is in Tiffin, Ohio, but for this area that is very high for casual fashion. You should be able to find many other models that would be happy to work with you for much less or even TFCD. I suggest you make an offer that you are ok with and if she takes it fine, if not, then move on. All the best to you!


Jul 07 06 07:44 am Link



Posts: 100

Los Angeles, California, US

What kind of photos are you going to take of  her
I notice you have a lezzy scene in your portfolio.

If its normal wholesome photos

You are going to PAY a model

then YOU are going to take her photos

then YOU are going to GIVE her what you have created?

So you are paying her a high price to give her photos.

Tell her to take a hike.

If the rate was much lower then I would consider giving her copies as partial payment.

But she is charging you the highest rate possible

so dont let them walk on you.

You are the one that has to get something from your work
not give money and photos.

Take a hike chick

Jul 07 06 07:47 am Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

Cristal Steverson wrote:
She cant expect to get $ and a CD and prints.
You are being too nice.

That's what I am always told.

Jul 07 06 07:48 am Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

It's true...even as a model I don't expect that sort of deal anymore ;;D

Jul 07 06 07:48 am Link



Posts: 2081

Jessheim, Akershus, Norway

Hi, I just needed to reply this one. I have been modeling for 4 years and I have never been paid that much for a 3 hour normaly dressed shoot. If you had asked her for implied/nudes then maybe 200 would be ok. And if the girl only had a litle experiece, do not pay her at all! (perhaps travel) Give her a CD and and be done with with. She pushing you!
Hope everything works out!


Jul 07 06 07:51 am Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

I made a counter offer but to no avail.

Btw, on CD's to the model, what is expected? Do you expect them to be cropped, blemmishes removed, adjust contrast/color/etc if necessary. If 300 photos are taken, how many would you expect to get on a CD?

Jul 07 06 07:53 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

If she requires to be paid.....that's ok....but when time comes for prints or require payment is business.......and you'll soon go out of business if all you do is pay, pay and pay.....

If she wants to trade her time for your prints/ money involved....that's ok too.....

But you just can't have your cake and eat it too!!!.....not in the world I live in.

Jul 07 06 07:56 am Link


John W Cochran

Posts: 1266

Auburn, Alabama, US

Some want their cake and to be able to eat it. IMHO that is too much.

Either I'm paying and keeping the work, maybe passing along a finished image or two later, out of kindness, and the desire to have good working relationships, or your paying me to produce a product you want, or we decide on trading our skills and abilities for each other.  And or a combo of the 3.

Figure what you charge for a shoot, with prints or cd and how many images, cross that with her rate and then start negations.  If you really want to shoot with her decide her value to you.

Jul 07 06 07:56 am Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I have been around a minute and paid 200+ for a 3 hour shoot with clothes on... and I am worth every penny wink

If I shot 300 images... and I am sure everyone is going to jump on me for this... I like to have all the images... unedited.... edit what you like... and I'll take those too... I edit (or not) most of my images myself (trust me, I'm a doctor wink) but I TFCD very very very very very rarely so I dont have to go over this very often.

Jul 07 06 07:57 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

I burn a CD of all the images that I am satisfied with. I only edit the one ones that I think are worth it. This way only the best work gets out and the lesser images never see the light of day. And I agree with everyone else, since you made a counter offer, move on. There are lots of talented people that would be very happy to have you shoot for them. Your portfolio is solid and you images are of value. All the best!


Jul 07 06 07:58 am Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

They can ask for whatever they want but you're the buyer, pay what you want to pay and if they want to work, they'll take it.

Jul 07 06 07:58 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Cristal Steverson wrote:
I have been around a minute and paid 200+ for a 3 hour shoot with clothes on... and I am worth every penny wink

If I shot 300 images... and I am sure everyone is going to jump on me for this... I like to have all the images... unedited.... edit what you like... and I'll take those too... I edit (or not) most of my images myself (trust me, I'm a doctor wink) but I TFCD very very very very very rarely so I dont have to go over this very often.

Cristal, you have a great deal of experience and bring a lot more to the shoot than a new model with only minimual experience. In a three hour shoot with you the chances are great art is going to be created. In a three hour shoot with a new model who really knows whats going to happen. Its one thing to pay top dollar for experience and talent, which you have a great deal of, and to pay top dollar from someone who is new and unproven. BTW, your port is awsome!

Jul 07 06 08:03 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

John W Cochran wrote:
Some want their cake and to be able to eat it. IMHO that is too much.

WoW! the saying must be true....Great Minds Think Alike!....LOL

Jul 07 06 08:05 am Link



Posts: 2081

Jessheim, Akershus, Norway

Photoman754 wrote:
I made a counter offer but to no avail.

Btw, on CD's to the model, what is expected? Do you expect them to be cropped, blemmishes removed, adjust contrast/color/etc if necessary. If 300 photos are taken, how many would you expect to get on a CD?

When I shoot I prefer to get all the shots taken, untouched.
Then pick out the once I like and have them corpped and all that, or have the photographer pick out the once that he/she likes and fix them. I prefer to do all my retuching my self, so I get the pics just the way I like them. But if your not a wissard in photoshop it might be a good idea to have someone else do them.
But if she askes for a cd + prints and 200, that`s a bit much. If you are not selling the pictures later, your loosing money.
But this is only my opinion!

Jul 07 06 08:07 am Link


Art Schotz

Posts: 2879

Lima, Ohio, US

Photoman754 wrote:
A model with 'some experience' wants to do a shoot with me for 3 hours. She wants $200 that includes $50 for travel expenses, a CD, and some prints. Casual attire so it is not like swimsuit or lingerie or anything like that.

I'm rather new here and I know this thread has been discussed before but is that what I will need to expect to get models?

I don't think my work is that bad to need to pay that much of money, time and effort to get someone that likes to model to do a shoot with me?

Tiffin is not that far from me and you don't need to pay those rates.  Although you're probably a little too far east to draw models from Indiana (Ft. Wayne?), you are located a convenient distance from Michigan.  There must be at least 1000 models within convenient driving distance in your area and at least some of them will shoot TFCD, especially if you pay travel costs. 

Contact some of them and see what shakes.

Also, attend Boyd's Birthday Bash at Collingwood Art Center in Toledo on July 29.  You'll meet models, primarily from Bowling Green, and photographers.  It's a chance to shoot with different models, meet others and chat/network with everyone attending.  The thread is

If you haver any questions, ask me or write to Boyd, the man behind Visions of Excess  Studio.

And keep up the good work!

Jul 07 06 08:11 am Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Its one thing to pay top dollar for experience and talent, which you have a great deal of, and to pay top dollar from someone who is new and unproven. BTW, your port is awsome!

Thanks Tim, you are too sweet!

Jul 07 06 08:14 am Link



Posts: 3591

Dayton, Ohio, US

3 hour and 300 pics.. that is way beyond my comprehension.. LMAO

that is 1.5 pics a minute.. that is alot of shutter releases and way too many of the same things over and over..

But like others have said, if you will pay Benz prices for a Pinto I will be the first one in line to sell you one..  I am sure the pinto reference shows my age.. LOL

But this is OHIO.. lets be real here.. there are alot of internet models here who are believing too much of their own hype.. Dont be one of the ones who help her to believe it..

you have enough gorgeous women in your port now that proves you can find models.. SO unless she has a third breast or some other freakish abnormality she needs to check that nonsense at the door..

Jul 07 06 08:14 am Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

Art Schotz wrote:

Tiffin is not that far from me and you don't need to pay those rates.  Although you're probably a little too far east to draw models from Indiana (Ft. Wayne?), you are located a convenient distance from Michigan.  There must be at least 1000 models within convenient driving distance in your area and at least some of them will shoot TFCD, especially if you pay travel costs. 

Contact some of them and see what shakes.

Also, attend Boyd's Birthday Bash at Collingwood Art Center in Toledo on July 29.  You'll meet models, primarily from Bowling Green, and photographers.  It's a chance to shoot with different models, meet others and chat/network with everyone attending.  The thread is

If you haver any questions, ask me or write to Boyd, the man behind Visions of Excess  Studio.

And keep up the good work!

Thanks. I will be at the shoot on the 29th and have been booked for all but about 2 hours. I am looking forward to it.

Thank you for all that have responde. I appreciate your comments.

Jul 07 06 08:15 am Link


Philip Hall

Posts: 94

Oakland, California, US

I am not big on paying for my and or her portfolio work.  But I don't have a problem with providing CD with twenty or so sucessful shots that I will maximize in photoshop, and a print or two.  If expences were involved and I really liked the look I would pay for them.

Jul 07 06 08:17 am Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

And time for a little threadjacking and some shameless promotion!

I'll be in Michigan (Detroit) Wednesday July19-22nd and then back to Michigan and able to travel to Ohio/Illinois/Indiana the third week in August... for anyone that is interested.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Jul 07 06 08:18 am Link


Ye Olde Photographer

Posts: 547

San Juan, San Juan-Laventville, Trinidad and Tobago

Tell her $250.00 for CDs and prints then you're even: you owe each other nothing. That's the concept of TFP/TFCD.

Jul 07 06 08:19 am Link


Cardillo Photography

Posts: 1360

Palm Coast, Florida, US

If I am paying the model for the shots....then she is entitled to nothing...unless it is from the goodness of my heart.   If she wants all the images on cd and prints....let HER PAY YOU.

Jul 07 06 08:20 am Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

Philip Hall wrote:
I am not big on paying for my and or her portfolio work.  But I don't have a problem with providing CD with twenty or so sucessful shots that I will maximize in photoshop, and a print or two.  If expences were involved and I really liked the look I would pay for them.

With the price of gas and if there is a model that interests me, I have no problem helping with gas money which I am currently doing for some TFP.

Jul 07 06 08:26 am Link


Bostic Imagery

Posts: 21

Fredericktown, Ohio, US

I've also been troubled with some of the models here in Ohio, don't feel bad.  I will NOT pay that kind of money for just casual photos, there are enough people out there dying to get casual photos done TFP/TFCD that you can pack your portfolio full.  For the money she is wanting do some searching on here and OMP in the NE Ohio (Cleveland, Akron, Canton) area to see what you can find.  I am paying for an upcoming shoot $50.00/hr with a model that has a resume a mile long in promotional ads, magazines, tearsheets, and other prints.  That shoot will be everything from fitness, to swimwear, to lingerie and well worth it. 

Typically if I am bringing them in for the TFP/CD shoot we meet about an hour before the shooting starts, I have refreshments there at the venue, we do the shoot, we pick up and I pick up dinner or lunch somewhere while we review some of the shots.  Its inexpensive but a nice gesture. Models need to realize your expenses too.

Jul 07 06 08:29 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

I had planned on writing a lengthy response, but I will just let it rest.  The hoopla here is about a model asking for $50hr.  I don't think that is a big deal and in some markets that would be cheap.  My bigger concern is that she wants both money and a CD.   It is not the money you should be focusing on but the fact that she wants both money and images.  If she asks for the former, she is not generally entitled to the latter (although I typically give a few images to every paid model).

In terms of the money, if you don't want to pay her, move on.  It isn't an issue.  You accept or reject.  It is not about being reasonable or unreasonable.  If you don't want to pay her, shoot someone else.  Way too much energy is spent on the forums complaining about models who ask to be paid.  If you can decide how much you want to pay for a television set, it seems obvious you can decide how much you want to pay for a model.

Jul 07 06 08:33 am Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Jason Bostic wrote:
I've also been troubled with some of the models here in Ohio, don't feel bad.  I will NOT pay that kind of money for just casual photos, there are enough people out there dying to get casual photos done TFP/TFCD that you can pack your portfolio full.  For the money she is wanting do some searching on here and OMP in the NE Ohio (Cleveland, Akron, Canton) area to see what you can find.  I am paying for an upcoming shoot $50.00/hr with a model that has a resume a mile long in promotional ads, magazines, tearsheets, and other prints.  That shoot will be everything from fitness, to swimwear, to lingerie and well worth it. 

Typically if I am bringing them in for the TFP/CD shoot we meet about an hour before the shooting starts, I have refreshments there at the venue, we do the shoot, we pick up and I pick up dinner or lunch somewhere while we review some of the shots.  Its inexpensive but a nice gesture. Models need to realize your expenses too.

I'm telling you... hire me... no more problems in Ohio wink

Jul 07 06 08:37 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

Would you have approached that particular model with $200.00 in your hand, if you had seen her book?  Would you have instigated the conversation?

If I were in your shoes, and I wanted to do a shoot similar to the one you're being offered, I'd probably contact a few models to see if they'd be up for it but at a cheaper price.

The fact that you're asking probably means that you know in your heart that this is not a good deal.

Jul 07 06 08:38 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Photoman754 wrote:
A model with 'some experience' wants to do a shoot with me for 3 hours. She wants $200 that includes $50 for travel expenses, a CD, and some prints. Casual attire so it is not like swimsuit or lingerie or anything like that.

I'm rather new here and I know this thread has been discussed before but is that what I will need to expect to get models?

I don't think my work is that bad to need to pay that much of money, time and effort to get someone that likes to model to do a shoot with me?

In a major market like Houston, there are plenty of newer (and experienced) models that will shoot TFCD up to swimsuit level, even if you are an obvious beginner. You would prove P.T. Barnum right by agreeing to such terms!

Other markets may differ, and such terms may be more in line.

Jul 07 06 08:38 am Link


Natalie Photography

Posts: 161

Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

I think it is interesting. She wants to work with you. She approached you? She wants to hier you? But yet she wants you to pay her. I dont know. Sounds kind of odd if you ask me. Go to any service in your yellow pages and see if you can get the same deal. You hier them and they pay you.

Jul 07 06 08:44 am Link


Carpe Imago Photography

Posts: 1757

Dousman, Wisconsin, US

Cristal Steverson wrote:
If I shot 300 images... and I am sure everyone is going to jump on me for this... I like to have all the images... unedited.... edit what you like... and I'll take those too... I edit (or not) most of my images myself (trust me, I'm a doctor wink) but I TFCD very very very very very rarely so I dont have to go over this very often.

Since Cristal expects to be jumped on I'll happily oblige.    Sorry Cristal, couldn't resist.

I understand your position here completely, but as a photographer who is trying to build an image and reputation this would be an unworkable arrangement for me.  For starters, I would never put an image out into the general public that I wasn't completely happy with.  Chances are that I'm not going to be happy with every image that was shot, and in truth I'd only likely find 15-20 images out of 300 that I felt were worth using.  I would always, however, be willing to sit down with the modes(s) and pick out a few images that they perhaps like more than I do, or shots that benefit their portfolio more than those that I pick.  In TFP, the idea is that both parties walk away with something of value.

Then, I want to make sure that each worthwhile shot is put through post production to improve it to the greatest degree possible.  Again, it's the photographer's image that is tarnished most by a poor image.  I've heard it said many times "Great model...crappy lighting."  I'd prefer to avoid that comment with my images.

As far as editting my images goes, we would have a problem there.  It's illegal to do so without the photographer's permission (since he owns the copyright) and I'd be pretty displeased.  This point alone could highjack this thread, so please look at other recent threads on this topic if you wish to continue the debate.

Beautiful portolio Cristal....

Jul 07 06 08:46 am Link


Gold Rush Studio

Posts: 382

Sacramento, California, US

Vito wrote:

Counter offer: $50 travel expenses, a CD and a coupon from Walmart for a print.
Tell her when she gets paid, she don't get no CD or prints.

I agree. If they want pictures then they're not just your model, they're also your client. You're trading pictures for time. I'd tell her to deal with it on the $50 bucks, too.

Jul 07 06 08:49 am Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Carpe Imago Photography wrote:
Since Cristal expects to be jumped on I'll happily oblige.    Sorry Cristal, couldn't resist.

I understand your position here completely, but as a photographer who is trying to build an image and reputation this would be an unworkable arrangement for me.  For starters, I would never put an image out into the general public that I wasn't completely happy with.  Chances are that I'm not going to be happy with every image that was shot, and in truth I'd only likely find 15-20 images out of 300 that I felt were worth using.  I would always, however, be willing to sit down with the modes(s) and pick out a few images that they perhaps like more than I do, or shots that benefit their portfolio more than those that I pick.  In TFP, the idea is that both parties walk away with something of value.

Then, I want to make sure that each worthwhile shot is put through post production to improve it to the greatest degree possible.  Again, it's the photographer's image that is tarnished most by a poor image.  I've heard it said many times "Great model...crappy lighting."  I'd prefer to avoid that comment with my images.

As far as editting my images goes, we would have a problem there.  It's illegal to do so without the photographer's permission (since he owns the copyright) and I'd be pretty displeased.  This point alone could highjack this thread, so please look at other recent threads on this topic if you wish to continue the debate.

Beautiful portolio Cristal....

I feel you, and agree that most photogs will agree but like I said, I dont do many TFCDs anyways.  Obvious things like the light didnt pop or my eyes are closed, yes please delete but everything else...

But then again, everyone has their rules, and these are mine.  Love 'em or leave em. Deal with 'em or pay my rates.  I pay the cost to be the boss (well at least my boss).  If you missed my pimple, and I healing brush it, and you dont like it, sue me... for all my shoes!

And thanks for the compliment!  Imma hard worker!

Jul 07 06 08:52 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Sounds like she's fishing for a pay gig, which in itself there's nothing wrong w/.

If its something that you can live w/, go ahead & hire her. If its not, either counter-offer or tell her "no thanks" & send her on her way.

Jul 07 06 09:48 am Link