Forums > General Industry > photographers hooking up!!


Stan The Man

Posts: 733

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Since i ve been here i see models and photog hooking up mua and models hooking up, mua and photog hooking up whats up with photog hooking up with other photog.. is it me or do we  think that we are self sufficient.....   i ve made  some first step arrangement with some nice photog  here that i may wanna work with or learn from  according to when and where i will be traveling this summer!!!

so what do you  think of that???? photog working  with other photog for the sole purpose of passing knowledge??!! networking and all that... Am I off base here... or Am i the only one wanting to meet other photographers...... or are we just intersted in hooking up with  the models from  mm and other places

Jul 07 06 06:48 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Jayme Cardillo

Posts: 55

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Actually, here in central Florida, we get together with lots of models, MUA's, and photographers all the time to work together, learn new things, and just have a good time.  It's a great idea.

Jul 07 06 06:51 am Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'm looking to hook up with an experienced photographer, so I can watch and learn.

Jul 07 06 06:54 am Link


Soren McCarty

Posts: 151

Boulder, Colorado, US

A lot of photographers work hard and are a little insucure of sharing their secrets with others. They aren't sure who is on the other side of the email and don't feel comfortable that they my be giving their competition a leg up on them. For this reason we allow ourselves as photographers to get short changed !

Jul 07 06 07:00 am Link


Bill Bates

Posts: 3850

Payson, Utah, US

Getting together with other photographers can be fun. Last May I met up with about 30 nature photographers in Yellowstone. This was a totally laid back gathering. The photographers experience level went from beginners to pretty experienced. We shot photos in the day, with lots of trading ideas, tips and techniques. We spent our evenings eating, drinking and swapping stories. It was a total blast.

There wasn't a charge ... it was just pay your own food, lodging and travel expenses. We just set dates for when we would be in Yellowstone. We all mostly stayed at the same hotel. During the days photographers went in small groups where they pleased. It was such a great event I'm sure it will be done again.

Jul 07 06 08:57 am Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Bill Bates wrote:


Jul 07 06 09:00 am Link


J Andrescavage Photo

Posts: 3339

San Francisco, California, US

Hmmm, I thought this thread was going to be on something a lot more sexy.  big_smile

But on the subject at hand, I've met up with other local MM photogs on two other occasions, once on a shoot that I set up.  I'm the new guy, so I'm more than happy to learn from a pro if they'll have me hanging about.

Jul 07 06 11:27 am Link