Forums > General Industry > Freelance modeling/Looking for castings...


Model Kari

Posts: 146


So like many models on here I freelance (looking for representation) and I was curious what sites you guys use for castings. I already use and NYcastings but anyother good sites you guys know about??


Jul 07 06 12:50 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

The "castings" forum here on MM

There are also places where you can get public lists of castings (for need to pay for them).

Jul 07 06 01:09 am Link


Thom Bourgois

Posts: 105

Tucson, Arizona, US

Waiting for casting calls, photographers, or art directors seldom gets a model very far.  That’s reacting, not acting.  If you want success in this business you have to market yourself every day.  It’s up to you to go after modeling gigs.  Every successful model I know aggressively marketed her/his self.  Contact everyone that might use you.  Build your own network. 


Jul 07 06 02:12 am Link


Model Kari

Posts: 146


James Jackson wrote:
The "castings" forum here on MM

There are also places where you can get public lists of castings (for need to pay for them).

What are those places?

Jul 07 06 10:00 am Link


Model Kari

Posts: 146


Bumpidy Bump Bump Bump

Jul 07 06 12:38 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Ok, crazy idea, but it always seemed to me that it would work...
If you have any friends that are signed with agencies...
Find out what castings they have, and just go with them...

Jul 08 06 03:22 am Link



Posts: 1176

West Hollywood, California, US

And the designer says, "Your zed card?"
And the freelancer says, "Oh ha-ha, yeah, about that..."

That's an interesting theory. I doubt it would work, but still very interesting. Someone care to try it?

Jul 08 06 04:13 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

I dunno...
  If someone is truly intent on being freelance. And they know how to do it, what kind of shots they need, etc... They could make their own card.
  In general, making your own card isn't the best idea, since most people don't know what kind of images they really need, and if they are seeking representation, they'd have to get new cards anyhow.
  But, if they have chosen that's possible.

Jul 08 06 04:54 am Link



Posts: 9

London, England, United Kingdom

What if you are represented by a number of agenices?  Are you supposed to get Z cards done with all of them?  Could work out expensive.  If you get your own done, will people take it seriously?

As a freelance model, I get some of my work from agencies (even though I'm not signed by them) but most of it is through marketing myelf, making contacts, seeking out information...every day.  That's what makes it a full time job!

Jul 08 06 08:27 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Kari Levine wrote:

What are those places?

I'm sorry I don't know the web sites, I do know several companies list castings in papers like the Village Voice etc...

Check the search function at the bottom of the main forums page and search for the word "castings" you'll find several mm threads on this subject, one of them may contain the answer you seek.

Jul 08 06 09:00 am Link


Michelle Renee

Posts: 1073

Los Angeles, California, US

Iris Swope wrote:
Ok, crazy idea, but it always seemed to me that it would work...
If you have any friends that are signed with agencies...
Find out what castings they have, and just go with them...

Many years ago when I was just dabbling in straight size modeling my good friend was signed to a large L.A. agency. She was new in the city and did not know her way around and she was very young and naive. I occasionally went to castings with her and on 2 occasions I got the job. And on one of those occasions she did not. The agency was not very happy when they found out she was bringing someone else with her on her castings, and although they did not drop her she really go chewed out. The agency sent out several of their girls and a freelancer (me) got the job that would have not even known about the casting.

Yes, it is an idea that can (and did) work for me, but the friend you go with is definitely going to hear about it from their agency. And they will find out. Especially if you (the freelancer) are booked.

Jul 08 06 01:58 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

Huma wrote:
What if you are represented by a number of agenices?  Are you supposed to get Z cards done with all of them?  Could work out expensive.  If you get your own done, will people take it seriously?

As a freelance model, I get some of my work from agencies (even though I'm not signed by them) but most of it is through marketing myelf, making contacts, seeking out information...every day.  That's what makes it a full time job!

I have zed cards with my personal information on them thant I bring to castings.  I have three different ones I use--just for my own stuff.  One for fashion, one for commercial, and one for swimsuit.  Different jobs require different pictures.  I'm not represented, but if I hear about a casting through an agency, they tell me to put their contact info over mine, usually by sticker.

If you're with multiple agencies, you'll have multiple zed cards.  But it's not like they'll all be sending them out to the same clients and you'll use them quick.  A lot of submissions are done electronically now.  If they want to see you in person, you leave something behind.  If you go on a go see, then you'd bring a zed card from the agency that sent you. You're giving out the same number as you would with just one card.  The only time cost comes into effect is when you're ordering in bulk and can't split the order.

Jul 08 06 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Michelle Renee K wrote:

Many years ago when I was just dabbling in straight size modeling my good friend was signed to a large L.A. agency. She was new in the city and did not know her way around and she was very young and naive. I occasionally went to castings with her and on 2 occasions I got the job. And on one of those occasions she did not. The agency was not very happy when they found out she was bringing someone else with her on her castings, and although they did not drop her she really go chewed out. The agency sent out several of their girls and a freelancer (me) got the job that would have not even known about the casting.

Yes, it is an idea that can (and did) work for me, but the friend you go with is definitely going to hear about it from their agency. And they will find out. Especially if you (the freelancer) are booked.

I know some agencies have written into their contracts that if someone you brought with you gets a job, they still get their 20%... I'm not sure how they handle that though...

Jul 10 06 03:42 am Link