Forums > General Industry > Is Modeling Really for me?!


Lourdes S

Posts: 112

Dallas, Texas, US

Modeling is something i have always admire and love to do, but lately i havent gotten any calls or messages, and its making me wonder if it really is for me?! or if i am meant to be a model....
I dont know what else to do at this point i feel like i should wait it out... let me know what you think!

Jul 06 06 10:46 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

Why are you 'waiting'?  Be proactive.  Contact Dallas and Houston modeling agencies.  Work on your book but get going.  17 doesn't last forever!

Jul 06 06 10:49 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

You need to go to a kick butt photographer and have some great shots done is you want work through web sites for TFCD. You want work at malls-magazines, get an agent. Go every day to agents with your Mom until you have one. Agents do not knock at your door, you have to knock at their's,


Jul 06 06 10:49 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

No need to open more than one thread on the same subject. I am deleting this one.

edit" aight, can't find the other one that more than likely is in the same general work computer blocked it. ANd since there are replies here I am reopening.

Jul 06 06 10:49 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

fishing for compliments...big time.

Jul 06 06 11:59 am Link


Jade Jorarni

Posts: 128

Leave it to Electra to tell it like it is.
I have no comments here on the op's question either though.

Jul 06 06 04:01 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Ya know the Fashion Dallas\Kim Dawson Contest (look in the Dallas Morning News), that's being advertised all over Dallas? Enter. If you're not a finalist...then modeling's not for you...

Jul 06 06 04:06 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

If you have to ask this question...

...then the answer is no.

Jul 06 06 04:08 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Jade Jorarni wrote:
Leave it to Electra to tell it like it is.
I have no comments here on the op's question either though.

LOL i just don't get it..."Help me..i'm young, tall with near perfect measurements..can i be a model..please please ppl on the internet..tell me oh and did i mention i live in DALLAS??!!!!"

give me a break.

Jul 06 06 04:35 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Photographers do not like having to come to models; they usually expect a certain level of proactiveness (either from the models themselves or clients).

Proactive = motivated/interested.

If you sit back and wait, chances are nothing will ever happen for you.  You have to go out and MAKE it happen.  Whether or not you "make it" depends on how badly you want it and how hard you're willing to work for it.

Good luck.

Maybe this will help:

Jul 07 06 06:01 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Lourdes S wrote:
Modeling is something i have always admire and love to do, but lately i havent gotten any calls or messages, and its making me wonder if it really is for me?! or if i am meant to be a model....
I dont know what else to do at this point i feel like i should wait it out... let me know what you think!

What do you think?

You are a lovely girl, but you already know that.

How bad do you want it?

Get out there, put "Make It Happen" (Mariah Carey) in your car stereo, and start working on your career!

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

Jul 07 06 06:05 pm Link