Forums > General Industry > Photographers 'Challenge': Approach someone cold


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I know this doesn't apply to all photographers, but I know there are some that do a lot of TFP work, looking for new faces, etc...

For the first time the other day, I spotted someone I thought would make a good model-this was at Subway. She had a great smile and lit up the room with it. To not creep her out, I asked my wife to approach the girl and give her my card, which she did. I don't really expect a call or anything, but thought it would be fun to make it a "challenge" to ask one person in public this week and track the results.

Did you ask or have your wife, how public was the location, were there others around or just one-on-one conversation, and did he/she call and say she was interested?

Just thought it would be interested to see what methods work best for everyone by having photographers actually try it for a week and report back.  I'd like to start doing this more often, as I do occasionally see someone (usually girls working at places) that I'd like to start asking more.

Anyone else wanna play?

Jul 03 06 11:45 am Link


joe greene photo

Posts: 12

Boston, Massachusetts, US

You may get lucky, or you may get in trouble. A business card with an address on it can be an invitation to get robbed. Unless you have an actual paid project for this stranger, don't expect a call. Just an opinion from one who has tried this. Good luck smile

Jul 03 06 11:50 am Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

i do that all the time

Jul 03 06 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 20637

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'd like to approach someone cold, however with the current local temperatures at around 110 degrees, I think it's gonna be hard to find someone that's even a bit chilly.

Jul 03 06 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 20637

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Jul 03 06 12:47 pm Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

When I first started playing around with model photography, high school girls were pretty flattered that I would ask them and a large percentage would call.

But young ladies out of HS hardly ever would return an invitation. Less than 10% and of those very few ever panned out.

Jul 03 06 12:51 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Well I'm sure not planning on combing any high schools. I don't plan on getting robbed either (my cards don't have my address on them).

Surely someone wants to play, yes? Come on!

Jul 03 06 12:53 pm Link


Steve M

Posts: 114

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

This is something I've done many, many times. You must approach them straight away as if you take your time and they spot you staring etc they can get creeped out.

Pubs have always been a good hunting ground and I'll always try to get another female to make the initial contact (I often use a barmaid that I know).

I will always have a reason for wanting to photograph them, for instance if they have stunning hair tell them you're doing a project on hair etc. I never mention wanting to shoot them in swimwear/lingerie/or less, that can come later after a shoot or two, by then you'll know whether they'd be interested in anything like that anyway.

My success rate has been eight out of ten get in touch and I photograph five or so.

I do hand out a card but it doesn't have my address, or even my last name on it, just a telephone number and a couple of web addresses such as this site.

If you look at my portfolio the picture of Katie is a prime example, she was working in a coffee shop when asked. Another example is the girl in the picture called portrait of a brunette; she was asked at a party.

Jul 03 06 01:02 pm Link


michaelrowe photography

Posts: 147

Los Angeles, California, US

I try not to do it, but when i do it, i have comp cards with samples of my work and website.   I  hate doing it, especially in NYC.  There really is not need to if you live in a big city like nyc.. if your work is up to par, agencies will send you models.   I now have agencies throwing girls at me left and right.

Jul 03 06 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 131

Sterling Heights, Michigan, US

Do it all the time. My unsolicited advice: Get a PO box for your BUSINESS (ie, photography business) and have that printed on your card WITH a website and a phone number -- maybe an example of your work on the reverse. As far as the web site goes, I suggest having one with As far as phone calls, should you decide to print it on your card, DO NOT pick up on unidentified or blocked calls. Simple as that.

To date, I probably have a 85% success with finding models this way. I even approached one at a local grocery store and the person ended up modelling for me for 7 years! So it DEFINITELY works for me.

Jul 03 06 09:46 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I do this almost every weekend, at clubs. Here's the back of a 4x6 club card...

Jul 03 06 09:53 pm Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I actually got my first response from a cold contact the other day.

Hubby and I were trying out this nice Italian resturaunt here in KC (Lidia's-fantastic cuisine!), and our waitress was simply stunning! Tall, slender, blue eyes, brown hair, and a very nice Lithuanian accent to go along with it. I tell you what, I felt like a teenage boy the way I simply stared at her. She's got it all! Great bone structure, great teeth, fantastic personallity, and she's animated.

After she brought the check, I took out one of my business cards and simply wrote on the back "You look amazing; I'd love to photograph you!" and wrote my cell number on the back. The next morning I got a call from her, and we're shooting in two weeks.

Her name's Renata, and I think she's going to be great to work with. big_smile


Jul 03 06 11:58 pm Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

No need for the past several years, there are more than enough unsolicited inquiries coming in.  But when I started back up again almost nine years ago after a long break, my first batch of models came from the gym I worked out at.  I shot with friends the first few times before approaching strangers, and always had a portfolio in hand before I talked to anyone, which meant they saw faces they recognized in the book.  The yes rate was about 50 percent, better than I expected for downtown Chicago which can be a fairly hardened and cynical place.

How not to do it:  Once I watched a guy mess up by approaching a woman in a coffee house with no portfolio, no business cards, and dressed in a relatively scruffy manner.  You've got about 15 seconds to establish credibility, and if that doesn't happen, forget it.

Also avoid places where someone might feel cornered or threatened in any way; for example, the subway at rush hour is usually a very bad idea because everyone is in survival mode there.

Even in ideal settings, some will say no.  Be respectful, don't take it personally, and move on.

Jul 04 06 12:14 am Link


Emerging Souls

Posts: 64

Saint Augustine, Florida, US

My partner and I do that all the time. He is afraid they will think he is a pervert. So he sends me with with the
We have gotten decent reception from it.

Jul 07 06 03:42 pm Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:
I'd like to approach someone cold, however with the current local temperatures at around 110 degrees, I think it's gonna be hard to find someone that's even a bit chilly.

You should move south for the summer, dude.  117 degrees keeps the riff raff away. 

Geez, I wish it would snow!

Jul 07 06 03:49 pm Link