Forums > General Industry > models with drug problems


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

I had a model that I shot over a 6 yr term. I shot her around 8 times a year. I could never understand why some days she looked beautiful and other days she looked like she was living in the woods. She got very strange with the last shoot we did and I never called her again. Now I here she is hooked on pain killers and pot.

What a damm shame..


Jul 09 06 05:59 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

dee740 wrote:
Yes the word "some" is good enough to use. It's not "all" or "none". I don't and my friends don't so that "some" right? I don't really have any stats to say "most". "some" indicates there are people on both sides of the issue. You can't take issue with that.

It's not about me not taking issues with that. But me taking issue with your appauld that people are still using drug mentality. It's as if you defined it as a fad type of thing without actually calling it a fad.


you and your friends being drug free doesn't push away the reality of a epidemic that has always been. I've been around plenty of drug attics and still see them almost everyday both young and old. Hell, I've photographed a bunch of young run away kids one was shooting up one day and the next day they allowed me to photograph them in their family like routines. I still have these images where you see the needles and the condoms. For all that you know, a friend or two could be using drugs and you'd never know. Some people have that ability to hide it. It's just like people who can be in the closet about their sexuality or someone with Aids. Not all fit a pattern all of the time.

You are being given examples by multiple users on here. Not all drug attics walk late nghts or early morning with a coat on in the middle of the summer. They usually started where one of your friends might have started. A little weed here and there. For some, that high isn't good enough, stress, or just happened to come across something being nieve.

You ever heard of Crystal Meth? I strongly recommend that you watch a documentary on that and the addictions that come with it. Meth users, while most of them are white, come from different lifestyles.

Jul 09 06 09:58 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

wasted models, at least i can tie them up and gag them and keep shooting in my work. wow, i new i shot bondage for a reason, lol.

Jul 09 06 10:02 pm Link