Forums > General Industry > A rather typical tale.....


Christopher N.

Posts: 657

Troy, Michigan, US

A fable.....

I met __________ this past winter while shooting content for another model's site. ____________ was energetic, charismatic and pretty fun to be around. She was an actress, and an artist. She was very direct and when we worked together the images were stunning. We worked together one more time months later and during this time we talked every so often. I was attracted to her, of course (who wouldn't be) but I kept it platonic. Hell I don't think I could have kept up with her :-)

During the last shoot we took some portfolio pics which turned out quite good. I was to meet her to give her a CD of high res stills.....and then I didn't hear from her.  She contacted me eventually. She had broken up with her boyfriend but someone new had "came back into her life"

I joined MySpace sometime later (on the recommendations of a few models I worked with) and she sent me a message, but I felt she was going in a different direction in her life and I figured I probably would never hear from her again. It happens.

Of course that was until I received a message sent from her MySpace account this week. It pretty much threatened bodily harm if I ever talk to her again (which was strange because I didn't and wasn't talking to her at all). Curious, I looked over at her MySpace page....her glamour pics had been taken down, her friends edited and what was there were the rantings of some person spouting his devotion and willing to attack any one who tries to "objectify" her. This 'person' was actually going over _________'s Friends list reading their profile, deleting who he didn't like and sending threatening emails as followup. Obviously he had gotten into her MySpace Account. Obviously drama was happening.

My initial reaction....well I wont divulge that. But ultimately....I did nothing. I didn't respond to the email and 'she' had removed herself from my friends list. Someone who is so concerned over the object of his obsession has ironically reduced her to an object by his control. I have no idea whether she is cool with this. I actually have no idea if she's ok. But unfortunately... there's nothing I can do and quite honestly there's nothing I should do.

Supposedly they're getting married. She saw something or maybe still sees something in this guy. Either way it's none of my concern. But a cautionary tale to women out there....if you get into a relationship with someone like that it will end in tears.

In the end, I'm not a boyfriend, I'm not a counselor, I'm not a relative and although I have shot with and had great working relationships with a bunch of models when it comes down to it, I'm not even a friend. That's the reality.

I'm just a photographer. I capture images or, bluntly, I take pictures.

So when stuff like this just turn on your lights, slap in another memory card and shoot with the next model.


There are probably a bunch of thread like this floating around nothing really new here. Just venting.

And moving on.

Jun 30 06 06:50 pm Link


Harry Young

Posts: 744

Los Angeles, California, US

sad, but true.
it happened with a model I worked with -one- time only. she was just starting out and I did some general fashion/casual with her. then her b/f (raving lunatic) emailed AND called my phone(!) to tell me "if I ever tried to shoot with her again, he would &%##@ me".
nothing I could do to 'fix' -that- relationship!

so I just deleted her images and went on to another model ... one with NO boyfriend around.

Jun 30 06 07:03 pm Link


Jane Weiss

Posts: 2027

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

my boyfriend isn't an ass smile

Jun 30 06 07:07 pm Link


Christopher N.

Posts: 657

Troy, Michigan, US

Sian Louise wrote:
my boyfriend isn't an ass smile

Well that's probably because he's British ;-)

Jun 30 06 07:12 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Too bad things often go that way......

I have many years experience in wedding photography....and I could tell that some of the brides weren't all that happy on their special day.....especially after meeting the groom.....had to wonder why a supposedly intelligent and attractive young woman would want to become some overbearing morons wife for life......just can't figure it out!!

Jun 30 06 08:19 pm Link