Forums > General Industry > A rational treatment of the "escort" issue



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

The entire concept of escorts to shoots is an Internet phenomena, as we know. Proponents of the practice will say, and perhaps rightly-so, that when a random Internet photographer deals with a random Internet model, there's no way to know what to expect. As such, bringing an escort becomes a safety issue.

Professional photographers, on the other hand, have no time for this. They have much to lose in terms of agency goodwill as well as professional reputation to risk being untoward to a model.

The problem, as I see it, is the clash of culture when a professional photographer also works with Internet models met on sites such as this one. On the one hand, the model has, at best, no real-world experience and, at worst, a head full of "here's how you do it" advice from other Internet models. The professional photographer who insists that an escort is not welcome is often seen as proving their "creepy factor" with that condition.

Until now, I have accepted this as a necessary evil in working with Internet models. Most of my client work is geared towards getting Maxim-style content for radio station web sites and promotions. Internet models are ideal, as they work in trade and genuinely appreciate the attention they get as a result. Insisting on bringing an escort has been something that I have reluctantly put up-with until now. I always have an assistant working with me, and escorts that caused problems were easily handled by my assistant - and the few times it got out of hand, a threat to simply end the shoot sufficed.

I've decided that I'm done with that. The final escort incident happened a couple weeks ago, and has crossed the threshhold for me. Yet I find that in deciding to eliminate the option to bring an escort, I am concerned that I will generate for myself a creep-factor. Granted, one could reasonably say, "So what? Those who would give you the creep mark are those with whom you don't want to work anyway." Yet, as I said, the Internet model pool tends to be from where I draw, and anything that taints that ability is bad.

With the proviso that we should all see that there are two distinct cultures at play here, I invite rational discussion on how to bridge the gap - or if the gap should be bridged at all?

Jun 30 06 12:57 pm Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Gee, what happened to ruin it for you?

Jun 30 06 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

So can we put the blame squarely where it belongs?

Damn you professional photographers who keep slumming into the internet to get cheap talent then complaining about the baggage that comes with it..

(In case it's slipping by, I'm being sarcastic.. Today I'm enjoying the irony that everyone seems so desperate to blame someone else for something... Anything..)

I think it's cool that Chris recognizes the internet neophyte models somewhat valid concerns..  Usually one side just insists on writing off the other..

Jun 30 06 01:04 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
A rational treatment of the "escort" issue

Just pay'em for cry'n out loud big_smile

Jun 30 06 01:12 pm Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

I don't allow escorts. The one time I did I found him sitting at my computer in another room. If references don't suffice (along with the fact that none of the people I've shot have ended up missing or dead) then I just won't shoot them.

Jun 30 06 01:14 pm Link


Diane Wallace

Posts: 100

Phoenix, Arizona, US

When working with either Internet models or our occasional non-commercial clients (women's portraiture) usually just the fact that there's another woman present through the entire shoot is enough to make them feel at ease. Since I'm the makeup artist/stylist in our studio, I'm at every shoot with my husband. Now that I've also started shooting this past year, I think it's just an advantage that I'm a woman- models don't feel like they need an escort with me. Maybe having an MUA present is good for more than just a great resulting look.

Personally, I don't like shooting with models' escorts present. We've generally had negative experiences with that, although I will also add that the times I've wanted to call the shoot were because of an unprofessional model, not necessarily the escort.

Jun 30 06 01:14 pm Link


1972 Productions

Posts: 1376

Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines

I think I'm gonna blame WG for it all today!!

As for this issue Chris, every model (and it hasn't been many) that have asked if they can bring an escort have been told yes and so far not one of them has.

If an escort were to turn up with a model he would be shown a comfy chair given a coffee, a pile of magazines and told 'we'll be done in a couple of hours'

Either that or he would find himself with reflector in having orders barked at him.

Most escorts (and this is jsut my belief) are concerned/paranoid boyfriends that don't want their 'Model' girlfriends left alone with some photographer the boyfriend dosen't know!  (Note to models ---- Lose these boyfriends instantly --- they will end your carrer really quickly)

I have been aproached by a couple of teen models for book updates (that's teens as in less than 18) and I insist they bring a parent or legal guardian along for everyones peace of mind.  Strangley these models object thinking that Ma and Pa will 'interfere' at teh shoot.   Has me baffled!

As for a problem escort, not something I really sweat about happening, I am 6'4 and 240lbs and I know where the baseball bat is at all times.

I have found with the ones that ask to bring an escort a reply of no problem, a couple of actual conversations over the PHONE and an indepth discussion as to whats going to happen, what I want and what they want out of it seems to calm the waters every time.

I'm still waiting for my first escorted model.

However if you blatently stated 'No Escorts' that does scream dodgy as hell --- run for the hills!

Just an opinion!

Jun 30 06 01:20 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

I just started working with the internet side of the talent equation. Mostly my experience has been with Ford, Stewart etc. I understand the need to have an escort as well as the need for me to have an assistant and a stylist or 2 for my protection. It is very much a 2 way street. I've had one annoying experience and many good experiences. If your studio is not large enough for a waiting area or lounge, make the escorts wait outside. Once they meet you and see your crew, it should be a slam dunk. If you work alone it still shouldn't be a problem. If you tell someone new to you they may not bring an escort, they probably won't show.

Jun 30 06 01:20 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I think the best reply I can give as a professional photographer is to just copy and paste an exchange with an internet model I've had recently:

Model: Also, I like to bring a friend with me to my shoots for extra safety, is that alright with you?

Me: As far as escorts go, I discourage them, but if you feel you'd prefer one I just make note that their presence is 100% your responsibility and interruptions or input to the shoot are not acceptable. I have plenty of model references available if you'd like to check with people on me, and there will be two assistants, a makeup artist, and other models there. On the other hand if you still feel more comfortable with an escort then by all means bring one. If they are a fellow model even better! big_smile

Jun 30 06 01:32 pm Link


Old Ska Punk

Posts: 2677

Crivitz, Wisconsin, US

I read an article several years ago about Pompeo Posar (for all you young-uns, he's was a very famous Playboy photographer). He didn't mind "escorts." He wanted the model to be comfortable. However, his policy was "no husbands or significant others." For the most part, I have found this policy to work the best. In one instance, I hired a professional model "couple" for a fitness catalog shoot, and I kept having to refocus the female on what she was doing because she was so busy watching what her boyfriend was doing with the other female model models. I told myself. . .never again.

Now, if I am doing a commercial job, where there is a MUA, and the AD, and a VP of marketing, etc., there will be NO escorts. Period. We don't need extra bodies around the studio. Most of the times we will use agency models, and it is very UNPROFESSIONAL to show up with an escort. It just doesn't happen. But occassionally, the client cheaps out on usage rights, and prefers to pay the model outright, and bypass the agency system. Allowances might be made, but not usually.

However, if it is a test shoot, I really don't mind if they bring a friend. That is when I sometimes use the internet community, and I realize that it works differently. I prefer that they use my references to find out how safe, and harmless, and happily married I am, but you can't always count on that. So if they feel more comfortable bringing a friend, so be it. If a model is uncomfortable, the pictures are going to suck, so why bother? In one of the sexiest pictures in my port, the models' mother was present. She was fun.

Just no spouses or significant others. If it was good enough for Pompeo, it is good enough for me.

Jun 30 06 01:36 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I love escorts, I can't afford assistants smile

Jun 30 06 01:37 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Darren Green wrote:
I think I'm gonna blame WG for it all today!!

As for this issue Chris, every model (and it hasn't been many) that have asked if they can bring an escort have been told yes and so far not one of them has.

*adjust blame on shoulders*

Could you pile a little more on the left?  My back's tweaked and I can't afford the chiropractor.. I'm hoping I can heap anough blame on there to get a good *snap* out of it..

Anyway, I'm not a pro photog..  I've also always said escorts are welcome..  I've also never actually had anyone bring an escort..  *shrug*

Jun 30 06 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Star wrote:
I love escorts, I can't afford assistants smile

Mine work for free, either because they enjoy it, or because they're new photographers and like the experience (I also give my assistants studio rights when I'm not working, including use of all my lights and sets). I'll likely lose one of my assistants in the next few months, as he's pretty-much ready to go it on his own.

But I digress - I just see the whole escort issue as more trouble than it's worth at this point. If I've not made a reputation for myself as a professional in my market yet, I'm likely not going to. Perhaps I'm being myopic.

Jun 30 06 01:43 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
But I digress - I just see the whole escort issue as more trouble than it's worth at this point. If I've not made a reputation for myself as a professional in my market yet, I'm likely not going to. Perhaps I'm being myopic.

Well...your reputation in your market may be strong, but I don't doubt that people who are very well known on the internet get asked if an escort can come.  I think it's just the cost of doing business with internet based models.

You are correct...they're a pain in the ass, and not worth anything from the photographer's point of view, but I've done shoots both with and without escorts and at this point I just see it as something to work around...and I have no problem with the phrase "Hey, you...go somewhere else so that she isn't distracted anymore."

Jun 30 06 01:51 pm Link


Manda Mercure

Posts: 506

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Darren Green wrote:
If an escort were to turn up with a model he would be shown a comfy chair given a coffee, a pile of magazines and told 'we'll be done in a couple of hours'

Either that or he would find himself with reflector in having orders barked at him.

lol the one time my husband has accomanied me to a shoot, (due to distance and me not driving) the photog put him to work holding reflectors, helping out with heavy stuff, etc. he didn;t expect it, figured he'd go chop some wood or clean up the property, but said he had a lot of fun.

i don;t think the problem is with escorts, but with relationship problems. personally, i feel safer knowing that in the odd chance that something did happen, my man would have my back. but we have a secure relationship that does not result in him being jealous of any other person who gets to see my boobies. he's always as excited as i am to see the shots and what we have come up with.

if my husband was the jealous, un-trusting type, he probably wouldn;t be my husband.

Jun 30 06 01:54 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

Mine work for free, either because they enjoy it, or because they're new photographers and like the experience (I also give my assistants studio rights when I'm not working, including use of all my lights and sets). I'll likely lose one of my assistants in the next few months, as he's pretty-much ready to go it on his own.

But I digress - I just see the whole escort issue as more trouble than it's worth at this point. If I've not made a reputation for myself as a professional in my market yet, I'm likely not going to. Perhaps I'm being myopic.

Not at all.. This just isn't your market.. It's the internet..  No one knows your reputation.. And all they have is your word.. Which looks like every other pro (and unfortunately every liar and self deluded fool).. If you can figure out a way to flag your profile so that everyone will know you're a pro in your market and not a faker, you could probably patent it and make enough money to retire..  Until then, welcome to the headache that is internet's contribution to photography and modeling..

Jun 30 06 01:57 pm Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I've got to say i think being a female negates the significant-others-as-escorts issue.

while very few of the people who model for me have turned up with escorts, several who have have brought boyfriends, and maybe i've just been lucky, but they haven't been problems at all. i guess i'm just not threatening enough. *note to self...*


Jun 30 06 01:57 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

Mine work for free, either because they enjoy it, or because they're new photographers and like the experience (I also give my assistants studio rights when I'm not working, including use of all my lights and sets). I'll likely lose one of my assistants in the next few months, as he's pretty-much ready to go it on his own.

But I digress - I just see the whole escort issue as more trouble than it's worth at this point. If I've not made a reputation for myself as a professional in my market yet, I'm likely not going to. Perhaps I'm being myopic.

I never really deal with the issue until I moved from  Northern CA to Southern CA.   It really never came up until then.  Maybe in the land of 1,000 televised car chases, the paranoia level is higher.  I had people that CONTACTED ME, begging to work, then say that even with recs and a pre-meet they would still need to bring someone because (and they all said the same line) "a girl can't be too safe these days"  (like ancient times in Rome or the Wild West were safe for women).

Anyway, I've just made peace that worlds don't have to stay collided.  Women/men that need escorts can work with photographers that love them.  I'll work with models who aren't quite as paranoid and everyone is happy.

Jun 30 06 02:03 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Synthetic Shadows wrote:
i guess i'm just not threatening enough. *note to self...*

Let me help

I've met her...she's got the crazy eye... be afraid, be very afriad.


Jun 30 06 02:06 pm Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

WG Rowland wrote:
My back's tweaked and I can't afford the chiropractor..

Take two Soma, two Valium, and a Darvacet. That clears it up right away.

Jun 30 06 02:27 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

JT Hodges wrote:

Take two Soma, two Valium, and a Darvacet. That clears it up right away.

I'm pretty sure it'd also kill me..

But as soon as I get another day off... Might be worth a try..

Jun 30 06 02:29 pm Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

James Jackson wrote:

Let me help

I've met her...she's got the crazy eye... be afraid, be very afriad.


Crazy eyes! like someone hit you in the back of the head!

and just when are we going to get together and talk shop? we should do coffee or something.

Jun 30 06 02:34 pm Link


FlirtynFun Photography

Posts: 13926

Houston, Texas, US

I tend to take a different approach. I communicate up front. I'm not famous so every model out there knows me. Photos tend to "pop" when a model is comfortable. I want good results out of a shoot and I'm sure she does as well. I let her know that if she brings an escort, I expect them to not interfere with the shoot. I may or may not ask them to help. I'm very open and honest with the ladies I work with and have had no problems in the past 10 years that I can remember. I reccommend models bring an escort to their first shoot with a male's the safe thing to do.

Jun 30 06 02:44 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

FlirtynFun Photography wrote:
I tend to take a different approach. I communicate up front. I'm not famous so every model out there knows me. Photos tend to "pop" when a model is comfortable. I want good results out of a shoot and I'm sure she does as well. I let her know that if she brings an escort, I expect them to not interfere with the shoot. I may or may not ask them to help. I'm very open and honest with the ladies I work with and have had no problems in the past 10 years that I can remember. I reccommend models bring an escort to their first shoot with a male's the safe thing to do.

Well, no offense, but with a name FlirtynFun Fotography I'd imagine some might be more inclined to bring an escort!

Jun 30 06 03:26 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

uh,..., like logic & common sense, rationality does not apply here on the 'Net.

(closes door & leaves)

Jun 30 06 03:27 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

I've never had a problem with a chaperone.  Never once.  I use a public studio, where I get to see how a lot of other photographers work.  I often get to see their pictures too.  Whether it's a coincidence or not, the photographers who take the best pictures seem to be the photographers who get along well with chaperones.  My conclusion is that if you don't work well with people, whether models or chaperones, then you aren't likely to make good people pictures.

Jun 30 06 04:55 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Personal preference I don't like escorts.

I allow them.

Think maybe I'll start charging for it.  Bring anyone you want $50 a head.

On the other hand, every model that told me during negotiations that they were bringing an escort...didn't.

Jun 30 06 05:34 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

phcorcoran wrote:
I've never had a problem with a chaperone.  Never once.  I use a public studio, where I get to see how a lot of other photographers work.  I often get to see their pictures too.  Whether it's a coincidence or not, the photographers who take the best pictures seem to be the photographers who get along well with chaperones.  My conclusion is that if you don't work well with people, whether models or chaperones, then you aren't likely to make good people pictures.

Do a google search for Jeanloup Sieff and see if your theory still holds water.


Jun 30 06 05:35 pm Link


Danielle Angela

Posts: 41

New Rochelle, New York, US

I guess the situation depends on the person and the escort.  I generally always bring my boyfriend with me although he usually waits outside and sometimes leaves and comes back right before the shoot is over he basically just is with me to meet the photographer, make sure I feel comfortable and be close by.  At times he stays and when he does there has never been a problem.  I could be posing in pracically nothing and it dosent bother him. He's cool and sociable and trusts me and respects what I do.  Although I understand how some boyfriends might go crazy depending on the type of shoot and how that can be disruptive.  BAsically I am all for escorts and like to always bring one ....the model should know the escort well enough and be able to decide whether that person would be a problem.

Jun 30 06 05:43 pm Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

Yeeey a new escort thread!!!
I was getting worried since there hasn't been one in ages.

Jun 30 06 06:37 pm Link



Posts: 113

Linden, New Jersey, US

Star wrote:
I love escorts, I can't afford assistants smile

Amen to that!

Jun 30 06 06:44 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

photofashion wrote:
Yeeey a new escort thread!!!
I was getting worried since there hasn't been one in ages.

Yeah, unfortunately nobody has actually answered my question - it's just devolved into a generic escort thread. I was hoping to find a solution. Silly me.

Jun 30 06 06:45 pm Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

Escorts? It depends on the personality of the escort.

Skeptical observers and negative thinkers pollute the environment.

Relaxed boyfriends, girlfriends and family members who are waiting across the street at the cafe.


Jun 30 06 06:47 pm Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

Christopher Ambler wrote:
Yeah, unfortunately nobody has actually answered my question - it's just devolved into a generic escort thread. I was hoping to find a solution. Silly me.

bottom line is this:

If you are working for a client and the model is being paid then under no circumstances should you accept her arriving in tow with anyone.
But if you arrange to meet people before hand (as you should be doing since correct casting is THE SINGLE MOST essential part of good photography) most folk are sensible and  - if you present yourself professionally - will not even consider insisting they bring a "friend"
Anybody that does insist is a few sandwiches short of the full picnic and should be avoided under any circumstances.*

* unless of course your real name is "bucky" and you are offering to take photos of them in your garage on your cell phone. In that case YOU should be avoided under any circumstances smile

Jun 30 06 06:56 pm Link



Posts: 70

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Darren Green wrote:
I think I'm gonna blame WG for it all today!!

As for this issue Chris, every model (and it hasn't been many) that have asked if they can bring an escort have been told yes and so far not one of them has.

If an escort were to turn up with a model he would be shown a comfy chair given a coffee, a pile of magazines and told 'we'll be done in a couple of hours'

Either that or he would find himself with reflector in having orders barked at him.

Most escorts (and this is jsut my belief) are concerned/paranoid boyfriends that don't want their 'Model' girlfriends left alone with some photographer the boyfriend dosen't know!  (Note to models ---- Lose these boyfriends instantly --- they will end your carrer really quickly)

I have been aproached by a couple of teen models for book updates (that's teens as in less than 18) and I insist they bring a parent or legal guardian along for everyones peace of mind.  Strangley these models object thinking that Ma and Pa will 'interfere' at teh shoot.   Has me baffled!

As for a problem escort, not something I really sweat about happening, I am 6'4 and 240lbs and I know where the baseball bat is at all times.

I have found with the ones that ask to bring an escort a reply of no problem, a couple of actual conversations over the PHONE and an indepth discussion as to whats going to happen, what I want and what they want out of it seems to calm the waters every time.

I'm still waiting for my first escorted model.

However if you blatently stated 'No Escorts' that does scream dodgy as hell --- run for the hills!

Just an opinion!


dont you (male) photographers get it?!?

saying NO escorts=rapist. thats what the model (and her already uncomfertable boyfriend/parents) are thinking. when you say no escort, or abosolutly no one who can over power me (ie. a boyfriend or dad) is allowed but you can bring your equally helpless hott friends, it SCREAMS CREEPY.

fortunatly, i have not encounted any such rediculous "DIVA" photographers, and when i ask if my boyfriend can come (wheter it be wait in a waiting room, in the car outside or in the next room, watching tv, whatever) the photographers that say "yeah, sure, no problem, tell him to bring something to read" and talk to me on the phone, you know, treat me like a human being?

>>guess what, then i dont feel the need to bring my boyfriend!!!

Jun 30 06 07:01 pm Link



Posts: 3664

Newport News, Virginia, US

Myself, I have had only a couple of problems with escorts. The exceptions have been of jealous boyfriend type. Once I put one to work and that made him concentrate on helping rather then being jealous. The other was sent to the car by the model after a short private conversation between them as he was only starting to get on my nerves, but was definately getting on hers.

I basically have three policies for escorts. I mostly deal with internet models as I have had not so good dealings with two agencies in my local area when I was starting out about 6 years ago.

1. For a non-fetish shoot - I state I have no problem with them being present, but one is not required.

2. For fetish shoots - I state that while I recommend an escort because of the nature of the shoot, one is not necessary.

3. For location shoots - I state, I highly recommend bringing an escort who is willing to play assistant and hold a reflector.

The last is based on the fact that I have found I almost always need a minimum of at least on assistant on a location shoot for something and as someone mentioned I can't afford an assistant on a regular basis.

Lastly, I am always jealous of Photographers who have MUAs for spouses

Jun 30 06 07:04 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

Yeah, unfortunately nobody has actually answered my question - it's just devolved into a generic escort thread. I was hoping to find a solution. Silly me.

The question was how to bridge the gap.

You can't.

Jun 30 06 07:09 pm Link


Raven Nevermore1

Posts: 3

Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, US

I almost always use an escort. A professional photographer should have their reputation to the point where they should be trusted. But I have never had the chance to work with one. I believe in safety in numbers, and if I'm going to a shoot with a guy that I don't know, I need to take my own safety into consideration. I would never expect my escort to be paid, afterall, they would be a friend that I trust and not a hired bodyguard. I have heard too many stories from friends about going to a photographer that appeared to be decent until they started to take their clothes off.

Long story short, I believe in my own personal safety.


Jun 30 06 07:17 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

The question was how to bridge the gap.

You can't.

Pity you feel that way. I'm not prepared to throw in the towel yet.

Jun 30 06 07:19 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
Pity you feel that way. I'm not prepared to throw in the towel yet.

Well tell us how you bridge the gap between a woman who is convinced she needs an escort for her safety with those that say they don't.

In other words if you have either a rational approach or a magic wand to remove fear I'm all ears.

Jun 30 06 07:28 pm Link