Forums > General Industry > Models over the age of 30.....



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

30 (waves)

Good luck!

Jun 30 06 08:11 am Link


A J Kahn

Posts: 120

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Older models are wonderful subjects.  They often posess a sense of self confidence that comes with experience.

Jun 30 06 08:12 am Link


Julie Montana

Posts: 120

Kalispell, Montana, US

You go for it!! I started at 36. Just find your spot in modeling and have fun!! Thats what its about!! Good Luck!!!

Jun 30 06 08:16 am Link


Sweet Emotion 68

Posts: 456

Oldsmar, Florida, US

Suellen wrote:
Starting late in this kind of work, im interested in your views of being over 30 years old and modeling....I'm already 33!

How acceptable is it?

Do you think there is a market? What is it?

Who is accepting models of this age and older?

Keep in mind, i already have a 'day job' and this is not my main means of income....
more or less im interested in what the opinions are of people modeling at this age and what avenues i (they) should look into.

Thanks for your time.

Hello...............I believe that their is a market for Models over 30...........I read in the St.Petersburg Times that there is an 80 yr old Model from Philly that still gets plenty of work so I guess that bodes well for us ladies/men also. I think it all bolis down to building a solid Port and making the right contacts.............the real bummer is dealing with all the scams aimed at desperate models, well they think we are that way, and the many Porn/Adult Industry people who contact me because there is always a market in the 'skin trade".........I wish you and all Models over 30 the best of luck and I know that if you try hard enough it can all fall into place................

Jun 30 06 08:20 am Link


ron gonzales

Posts: 5

Dallas, Texas, US

for all of us over 30.......LIFE'S GETTING BETTER AND BETTER!!.......isn't that right peggy v!

Jun 30 06 08:22 am Link



Posts: 796

Julie Montana wrote:
You go for it!! I started at 36. Just find your spot in modeling and have fun!! Thats what its about!! Good Luck!!!

DITTO!!! on what she said...

Jun 30 06 08:23 am Link



Posts: 1126

Roselle Park, New Jersey, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:

Depending on the type of modeling....of course it's acceptable.....

Actually....I'm finding that models in the age range of 30-40 are becoming very sought after for commercial have to remember that what's popular is pretty much set by the average age of the society around you....

Take a good look at the commercials on TV....especially ones dealing with banks, investment funds....practically anything to do with never even see models/actresses below the age of 30.....

Then too...look at ads for Coke, McDonalds, little plastic never see one over 25......

So, it all depends on what markets you wish to persue......

Personally......I find models between 30 and 40.....incredibly sensual........and it's hard to be sensual when you have no experience in life or can't even understand it's meaning!

>>Personally......I find models between 30 and 40.....incredibly sensual........

Jun 30 06 08:24 am Link



Posts: 796

Wow... you've got some great images inside your port...
and lucky you...
got to do some "gun" shot images...
i'd love to do some of those...
they'd fit me more than glamour etc.

Jun 30 06 08:26 am Link



Posts: 1349

Detroit, Michigan, US

Art is definitely one of the best opportunities for older models. Personally I prefer to work with models who are past 30, as mentioned they usually have more self-confidence and don't look in the mirror every minute or two to see how they look.

As an example, the model who is featured in my portfolio is in her 50's, started modeling at 39 when she was pregnant and saw the beautiful nude images of Demi Moore. Since then she has modeled many times for artists and photographers.  She just did a session with two local photographers to update her portfolio and still has the "look" that works for artistic poses, with no plans to quit.

Jun 30 06 08:50 am Link



Posts: 356

Converse, Indiana, US

Hi Sullen.  I've been petite modeling from the age of 19 and I just turned 30 last November.  (go scorpio!)  I find that after having 2 babies and turning 30 staying in shape takes alot more effort.  I think it's funny when people tell me "Wow you look good for your age!"  The term "your age" is fairly new to me, and its weird to here.  Hell I wanna look smokin' at any age!  I do have my loyal photogs, but my market is changing as my body is changing.  For instance, when I was pregnant with my second child I had a surge in maternity shoots from people I had never met before in my years of being active in this community.  It was a different market. 

I figure I will probably only do this for a couple more years.  But I will always have my hands in it.  I do makeup/hair and I've picked up photography in the last couple of years as well. We have to be honest with ourselves about the impact that age, hormone changes, babies, and our enviromnents have on our bodies.  I ask God for the grace to let me know when it's time for me to move on.

Remember to work in with looks that best compliment you for the age you are, and not much younger.  You will get the best results that way, and the work you put out there will not be dated or come off as trying to hard.  Carry yourself with grace, and sophistication.  You are a very pretty lady!

Good luck!


Jun 30 06 08:50 am Link



Posts: 356

Converse, Indiana, US


Jun 30 06 08:51 am Link


Lacking focus photos

Posts: 319

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

I love working with 'older' - (dare I say that) models.
You have a great look and portfolio - you'll do well.

Jun 30 06 03:47 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I'm 33 and having a blast.  I have many friends over 30 working in different genre's on the business and doing great things.  While, I am an art/alt model and that's what I want to be...over 30 doesn't mean that's all that's available.  Perfect examples, Cyndie Myst in fetish who looks amazing!, and Peggy who's already posted who does glamour/fitness and has a body to die for!, and up until recent retirement Ms. Mayan Lee.  I could name women for days over 30 and amazing!

Jun 30 06 04:25 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Suellen wrote:
Starting late in this kind of work, im interested in your views of being over 30 years old and modeling....I'm already 33!

How acceptable is it?

Do you think there is a market? What is it?

Who is accepting models of this age and older?

Keep in mind, i already have a 'day job' and this is not my main means of income....
more or less im interested in what the opinions are of people modeling at this age and what avenues i (they) should look into.

Thanks for your time.

I think your still "hot" and will be for years to come

Jun 30 06 10:31 pm Link


David Michael

Posts: 88

Independence, Missouri, US

Jun 30 06 10:34 pm Link



Posts: 213

Arlington, Georgia, US

Garry k wrote:

I think your still "hot" and will be for years to come

HA ha! Thanx! smile

Jun 30 06 10:36 pm Link



Posts: 213

Arlington, Georgia, US

Thanx to all that have responded to this thread.
This kind of information has given me much encouragement and it is greatly appreciated!
I need to take some more serious portfolio pics before i head off to the agencies...
Thanx again!

Jun 30 06 10:38 pm Link


Bjorn Lumiere

Posts: 816

Asheville, North Carolina, US

I actually prefer to work with models who are 30+   Usually by that time people have had the opportunity to gain a little life experience & sometimes a whole bus load of it. That life experience gives the model more of an emotional advantage to draw from.

When I create images I’m looking for much more than a “beautiful exterior” or empty shell void of thoughts or ideas.  I want to see that light in the eyes & experience of life that can only be acquired with time. Your energy, desire & versatility are definitely well depicted in your images.


Jul 01 06 01:33 am Link


Aleta Pardalis

Posts: 372

Oceanside, New York, US

I'm turning 31 this year. There seem to be quite a few models over the age of thirty here. As a number of people mentioned, commercial modeling needs people of all ages.

Jul 01 06 08:43 pm Link


Tanya Dakin

Posts: 176

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Ok turning 36 at the end of this year, and I have a day job as well, I get a good flow of work.

Jul 03 06 12:58 pm Link



Posts: 110

Dayton, Ohio, US

Great Thread!  It's nice to see so many talented beautiful models!  I don't think that 30 plus or even 40yr old models should be ever compaired to 20 something year old models or younger.  It's completely apples and oranges. 

Both are beautiful!  Everything is in the eye of the beholder.  Over 30 is not dead!  I think a woman is sexy or beautiful no matter the age.  It's just a number!

Keep on Smilin!


Jul 05 06 12:14 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

pw-gii photographics wrote:
Mayan Lee

Jul 05 06 01:07 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

And maybe it's because I'm getting older I keep thinking that I'm not as old as I used to think it would be when I was 21.

We've advanced the "it" age up 10 years ... "40's is the new 30's" and so on ... so heck, you're really in your 20's and you just forgot!

Jul 05 06 01:09 am Link



Posts: 998

Hartford, Connecticut, US

Suellen wrote:
Starting late in this kind of work, im interested in your views of being over 30 years old and modeling....I'm already 33!

How acceptable is it?

Do you think there is a market? What is it?

Who is accepting models of this age and older?

Keep in mind, i already have a 'day job' and this is not my main means of income....
more or less im interested in what the opinions are of people modeling at this age and what avenues i (they) should look into.

Thanks for your time.

Go see a thread over here about how a bunch of us feel about models over thirty...

Then check out the woman, model and friend I put onto that thread at

And you can also check out a few pics of Tomiko on my portfolio here at MM.


Jul 05 06 01:53 am Link


Rachel Lovitt

Posts: 135

Tacoma, Washington, US

BendingLight wrote:
Please note that my MM portfolio is composed mostly of those under 30, and is somewhat different from my normal photographic work….

Just curious why you don't post your "normal photographic work" on MM... ?

Jul 05 06 08:37 am Link


Rachel Lovitt

Posts: 135

Tacoma, Washington, US

I'm 38, and I do find that art photographers seem to like working with me and my body type. Even so, I do still see a plethora of 18-25s in the ports as well as on the art sites. What I find I bring to the shoot is life experience and a genuine confidence that is not over the top. That is not to say that younger models don't have that, but I personally, as a photographer (I both model and shoot, including self portraits), would much rather work with women my age. That is just am aesthetic preference I have.

Jul 05 06 08:42 am Link


Sou DeSade

Posts: 222

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

After reading this thread I started feeling much better about getting older. We all probably go through a phaze where we realize that we are not going to be 20 forever. But beauty is of all ages and it is great that there are people who appreciate that!

Jul 05 06 08:44 am Link


Attractive Portraits

Posts: 209

London, England, United Kingdom

Im photographing a 36 year old soon. As long as she/he fits the bill what's the problem?


Jul 05 06 08:51 am Link


Southern Gent

Posts: 711

Atlanta, Georgia, US

There are even models over the age of 40! lol...and I love every minute of time in a shoot. There is a market for all ages in modeling, as long as the model is serious and professional about their work smile

Jul 05 06 08:57 am Link


Olaf S

Posts: 1625

Allentown, Pennsylvania, US

What happened to my earlier post?!?!

Anyway, here is Nori again:

Jul 05 06 08:59 am Link


Old Ska Punk

Posts: 2677

Crivitz, Wisconsin, US

Hello Suellen,

There are always opportunities for models over thirty. People over thirty is still a major market, and many campaigns are targeted as such. In my small corner of the advertising world, I have used "over thirty models" for several fitness product catalogs and packaging projects. The client wanted "older" models because "older" people were their market. I did a shearling and fur coat campaign that the client wanted an older more sophisticated woman. They thought that a twenty something model would look silly. The model we used was 34. It all depends on the market.

And several people mentioned art. Yup. Older models make great art models. My favorite art model (pictured) I have photographed off and on for over ten years (I have also used her for commercial projects). She is now in her forties, and looks better than ever. Timeless beauty is precious.

Jul 05 06 09:31 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

It just depends on the model. Some models look older than what they are and some look younger.

Noami Campbell is a prime example of a 35 to 36 year old who is still at the top of her game. Iman was another but chose to quit the business. But the youthful look seems to be the norm with us African Americans anyways.

I think that alot of it is appearance/youthful look first and marketing next. Marketing as in niche market. If there is a market for the over 30 to 40. But with that market, they are looking for someone that look that 30 to 40 age physically.

Jul 05 06 10:52 pm Link