Forums > General Industry > Are you Perfect????


Coco from Houston

Posts: 177

Houston, Texas, US

What is beauty? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, RIGHT? So, what if [others think] you don't look like eveyone else thats "beautiful" or have you something different about you that makes it difficult for some to accept? Is it your right to tell them?

I know I have imperfections, but my imperfections still get me jobs. I dont need anyone giving me advice unless its done in a "means well" type way.

What has a client told you that you need to change???


What are your imperfections???

Jun 29 06 10:34 am Link


Lexi Evans

Posts: 1004

Levittown, New York, US

well, what others may view as my imperfections, physically, is my weight.

Jun 29 06 10:36 am Link


Miranda Cole

Posts: 286

Monterey, California, US

First of all, myself image. I tend to see myself differently than others. My personal views of my imperfections are my lips, my stomach, and my crazy hair that I have to tame each day.

Jun 29 06 10:39 am Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

I am not perfect at all, But if it means can you get the job done...I can, imperfectly...
Well actually, who is perfect in a place where so many are looking for different shades or shapes of this or that. Satisfaction of the masses is not always the perfect one. Private perfection is HOT!!!, Can you do that...I think you can...tongue

Jun 29 06 10:40 am Link


Coco from Houston

Posts: 177

Houston, Texas, US

Miranduuuhh wrote:
First of all, myself image. I tend to see myself differently than others. My personal views of my imperfections are my lips, my stomach, and my crazy hair that I have to tame each day.

I don't see what you are talking about u are beautiful. Don't even sweat it!!!!

Jun 29 06 10:42 am Link


Miranda Cole

Posts: 286

Monterey, California, US


Jun 29 06 10:45 am Link


Coco from Houston

Posts: 177

Houston, Texas, US

John Pringle wrote:
Well actually, who is perfect in a place where so many are looking for different shades or shapes of this or that. Satisfaction of the masses is not always the perfect one.

I totally agree!

Jun 29 06 10:45 am Link


Stonekey Photography

Posts: 507

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

Miranduuuhh wrote:
First of all, myself image. I tend to see myself differently than others. My personal views of my imperfections are my lips, my stomach, and my crazy hair that I have to tame each day.

Everyone is more critical of themselves than others.  If they aren't then there is something wrong with them, and they have a god complex.  Which in and of itself is usually just a facade that hides a weak and insecure individual.

Jun 29 06 10:45 am Link



Posts: 194

New York, New York, US

1.  My height
2.  My teeth
3.  A few minor scars (but i feel as though my scars add character...hehe)
Those are my top 3.

Jun 29 06 10:46 am Link



Posts: 40

Houston, Texas, US

My teeth, and I have a scar...on my face!

Jun 29 06 10:47 am Link


Jane Weiss

Posts: 2027

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

oh lord here goes:
my height
my teeth
my scars
my piercings
my cellulite
my bum
my tum
my hips
my ribcage
my pointy barely there boobs

oh wait are we meant to be listing imperfections? I LOVE ME! tee he he

Jun 29 06 10:53 am Link


Miranda Cole

Posts: 286

Monterey, California, US

Why dont you take out your peircings. That seems like an easy fix to an imperfection. I have tons of peircings (nose, labret, tounge, ears, belly) and if i got sick of them i would just toss em out.

Jun 29 06 10:55 am Link


Miranda Cole

Posts: 286

Monterey, California, US

Haha im an airhead, another imperfection of mine i guess, i just read the last line.

Jun 29 06 10:56 am Link


George Butler

Posts: 327

Marietta, Georgia, US

I think she is Per-FECT 10, of course she doesn't think she is, by the way this was coinciedence I just put this pic up today.

Jun 29 06 10:59 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I get up in the morning everday and say,"wow are you perfect!".....

Jun 29 06 11:03 am Link



Posts: 152

San Diego, California, US

If someone likes or loves the way you look, they will overlook any percieved "imperfections". 
Being a photographer, I have had models ask me to only shoot "this side of them" or "Please try to keep this out of the photo" but more times than not, I have shot however I see the model and they like/love it.  Only a few times have I had a model say otherwise or get upset...but then again, I am the one with the camera.  I think to capture someone properly, you have to find something about that person that you love in a way.  "Imperfections" make you, you.  and that in itself makes you beautiful.


Jun 29 06 11:04 am Link



Posts: 99

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Everyone is perfect.

Don't you love diversity?

Jun 29 06 11:04 am Link


Jane Weiss

Posts: 2027

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

this is such a cuddles and love thread. its wonderful.

I'd like to take this opportunity to pass round some home baked biscuits (cookies) smile

Jun 29 06 11:09 am Link



Posts: 371

Apart from my faults I'm perfect wink


Jun 29 06 11:10 am Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

I have fat thighs and a big booty,  but the guys don't seem to mind. wink But what I wouldn't give for thin thighs! And about 4 more inches to my height.

Jun 29 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 1939

Fairfield, California, US

I have a 3rd nipple LOL
I am kidding, lets see I am 31, 5'4", have had 3 kids, don't like my teeth, I have a scar on my ankle from an accident on my dirtbike (44 stitches), I had my tubes tied (tubal ligation) so I have a cross for a scar on my belly button, I am not tan, my boobs are small, I have a vein on the back of my leg I can't stand, I have a few stretch marks now on the side of my butt, and oh yeah my face/back breaks out when I am stressed.Other than that, I am perfect ROTF!

Jun 29 06 11:13 am Link


Coco from Houston

Posts: 177

Houston, Texas, US

REPhotography wrote:
"Imperfections" make you, you.  -Rob

I AGREE, but i believe some [even photographers] don't see that.

Jun 29 06 11:14 am Link


Jane Weiss

Posts: 2027

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

when i was thin i got freaked out that my pictures would be used for thinspiration... now that i'm not i'm more relaxed but worry my food shoots could still be misconstrued (sp?) its all gone horribly wrong! (off to eat more biscuits while she ponders)

Jun 29 06 11:23 am Link



Posts: 13

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I think my legs and arms are too skinny, maybe I need to try to gain a few pounds, doesn't sound bad...I've always thought that there was something weird about my face haha...and a bunch of other smaller things tongue.

...I think imperfections make people a whole lot more interesting, and this might sound strange but I would really like to see some people with "deformities" model...I've also had enough with looking at the twigs with implants tongue I say we need more natural and rubenesque models...sorry about the rambling, I've had very little sleep and it's waaaay to hot outside >.

Jun 29 06 11:29 am Link



Posts: 152

San Diego, California, US

Coco from Houston wrote:
I AGREE, but i believe some [even photographers] don't see that.

You are right.  Personally I think that its because they(the photographers) want to capture an ideal, not the person.  Not that I am better than the next guy, because I just started shooting models again(I shot structural photography for architect firms before) but I think I see things slightly different because Im not looking for homogenized perfection.

Jun 29 06 11:30 am Link


Constance Hilory

Posts: 1706

Mobile, Alabama, US

Heavens NO!
Here are mine:

I'm VERY short waisted so my body is totally out of proportion
My nose looks like Lois from Family Guy
Stretch marks on my knees, elbows, and butt from growing too fast (Should have listened to that doctor about lotion but I was 14 .... damn I'm an idiot)
Cellulite on the back of my thighs
Knobby knees
Small chest
Small lips

Yeah, but other than that I'm a perfect 10! I don't let it get me down though. No one is 100% perfect. ;P

Jun 29 06 11:40 am Link


Tessa Haviland

Posts: 76

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

I am perfect damnit!!! Oh... sorry, I was still dreaming that I had a perfect outlook of body image and super high, but not cocky self esteem. What a great dream. Everyone thinks they are too fat, not pretty enough, or plain and what not. Other people see them and think, man I wish I looked like her. It's all societies fault too!In many cultures, if you're thin, You're uuuugly!   For me it is my nose and chin. I have finally come to terms with my small perfect little breasts, but the nose and chin bother me, and my little love handles, and my thighs. Some people tell me I have a great body, but I look at it and say, well it's OK, but not great. I really need to just get over that. One day...   Everyone is special and unique and beautiful.

Jun 29 06 12:07 pm Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

I have slightly crooked teeth - which everyone tells me are fine, even cute, but to me they look bad - and I had some kind of skin disorder on the back of my right upper arm, which now has little scars all over it. My back is also a bit spotty...ugh... And I can have circles under my eyes sometimes. Other than that, I think I'm good. I would like to be a few inches taller, but at 24 I'm not going to start a super-modeling career anyway, so I'm really fine where I am, height-wise. That's really about it! I used to be a lot more critical of my appearance...

Jun 29 06 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

My very first double post! Yippee!

Jun 29 06 12:16 pm Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

of course i'm perfect!

back in tummy and my skin are my biggest problems right now. i'm actually really happy with myself...i think as a plus sized model you almost have to have more confidence about your body b/c a lot of people (a lot here on MM) try and knock you down about it...but i just don't even let it get to me. we're all beautiful, as cheesey as it is, it's really rather true! smile

Jun 29 06 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 274

New York, New York, US

I've been told the following by photographers/makeup artists:

*My lips are so assymetrical that they're difficult to work with
*My nose is crooked
*I have too many wrinkles: by my eyes and mouth
*I'm too short (at 5'5", I can understand that)
*I need to lose at least 10 lbs (but then I'd look emaciated in real life)

I think as long as you understand at all times that this business depends on looks (as well as other things, of course), then you can't take this personally. I can't change my lips, nose, wrinkles, height, etc. (unless surgery is an option, which it isn't). I could stand to lose a few pounds for modeling, but it's not high on my priority list (esp since modeling is not how I pay the rent).

I'm happy with myself. And that's enough for me.  smile

Jun 29 06 12:20 pm Link


Active Lifestyle Photo

Posts: 756

Laguna Niguel, California, US

My wallet doesn't quite have the girth I'd like. I'm considering an implant.

Jun 29 06 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

She was perfect. Her name was Lisa. In one hot summer afternoon I photographed her with one small softbox with 16 different hosta leaves from my garden for a one man show at a gallery. I took all the photos in under two hours. Lisa was perfect. She once lost a beauty pageant and cried. I had to explain that to win you had to be pretty. She wasn't pretty, she was beautiful.

Jun 29 06 12:28 pm Link


Texas SweetHeart

Posts: 69

Denton, Texas, US

If I could change anything,it would be my height.

Jun 29 06 12:31 pm Link


S Styles

Posts: 6

Coos Bay, Oregon, US

Ive been told my legs were too skinny and unattractive.


I dont like that my face if very round like a moon and I dont really have any cheek bone structure appearant.......

Wish my eyebrows could stay waxed looking forever

Jun 29 06 12:36 pm Link


Dee W

Posts: 32

Owings Mills, Maryland, US

people tell me i need implants to make it in the biss..i would never consider

Jun 29 06 12:39 pm Link


Marquita C

Posts: 84


Lets start at the top shall we...
my hair (hence the braids)
my eyebrows (can be fixed with some waxing)
my teeth
my neck
my arms (their so akwardly long)
my elbows (to pointy)
my breasts (sometimes depends on  my mood)
my stomach (takes forever to get it toned and a second for it to mush up)
my butt (dang blasted stretch marks)
my thighs
my calf
my ankles
my scars (i was a tomboy and then i had a car wreck)
my height

Don't get it twisted, I love myself. I personnally think I'm pretty darn cute, but everyone has something that they might want to improve upon. At 98lbs I was flat as a board in high school. I'm 116 now and thats a light number, but we all know that it never goes where we want it to go. So I'm still trrying to get comfortable in my skin. I'm getting there.

Jun 29 06 12:51 pm Link


Coco from Houston

Posts: 177

Houston, Texas, US

Diana A wrote:
people tell me i need implants to make it in the biss..i would never consider

Who ever told u that was totally wrong. Shame on them. Not even Playboy goes for women with implants, they perfer women with natural boobs.

I wouldn't do it either.

Jun 29 06 12:52 pm Link



Posts: 1939

Fairfield, California, US

I have heard that alot of models have low self esteem.(I think Dr. Phil said that LOL)
That is so confusing because if you enter this business and do photoshoots you must think your hot right?
It is true for me and that is why I probably like to be the center of attention. I didn't get alot of validation as a youngster or I was always told I was pretty my whole life and then I just assumed that was all I had to offer, that was my label.
Sometimes I wished I was not, so people would see that I am good hearted,sincere, hard working, smart, funny & talented.
Oh well.

Jun 29 06 12:58 pm Link


Kimeoshia Lashay

Posts: 2

Houston, Texas, US

First of all no one is Perfect but God! I do not care who you are or what you have, you are not Perfect! You may have perfect teeth, or a perfectly curved butt, but you are not perfect. You may even do some thing perfectly, but you are not perfect. Coco is right, BEAUTY is supposed to be in the eye of the beholder, but, the world and the people in it can have you losing your mind trying to please everybody with the way that you look.

I have a few imperfections that I would like to work on like he lower part of my stomach. I had a C-section when my daughter was born and the tissue that is scarred inside makes it hard for me to get rid of the "little" pooch. I want to lose another inch or two on my waist, and I hate the fact that I have a few crappy tatoos that I got when I was younger! But guess what? I love me so much regardless of what others may think, every imperfection!

Anyway, if you want to change who you are for yourself that is COOL! Never change for the likes of someone else. Remember that you have to love you first no matter what, because if you don't no one else has too!!!!!!

Jun 29 06 01:33 pm Link