Forums > General Industry > What is critic for you?



Posts: 29

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Hello and good morning MM!

I must ask why almost no one is giving serious critic on pictures.
I for example a model is putting up a new pic and get a bunch of comments, ALL of them is just about her body and how HOT HOT HOT  the pic/she is.
Why not leave some words about the composition/lighting/pose/colours/sharpness????
I know that I much more apreciate real critic, not just some nice words, even though you can include that too  wink.
I want to improve myselfe as a photographer. My goal in this is not to find more and more hot girls, that I can probably do somewhere else.

Think about this and leave your thoughts, please.

Jun 28 06 01:05 am Link


Offshore Photography

Posts: 202

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Well it seems this site is more for networking then critiquing. If you request a genera critique there is many who will be kind enoght to share their thought and help with some technical.
However it it not the best for techical critiques and or set up for this due to the fact there is not tecnical information shared about the image.
I you wish some oin depth and want to grow as a photographer I have found none better than or

for real strong critiques.
All the best,

Jun 28 06 01:11 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Critiques belong in the Critique forum.

Jun 28 06 05:03 am Link



Posts: 29

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Brian, I did not directly ask for critic here, I just want to discuss it generally, so I did not thought it should be brought up in the critic forum. I might be wrong.
I use a few other sites where critic is given in a useful way, but I guess I have to accept the level of coments I get here then.
Sure its nice to know people like my job, but if for example 40 people say a pic is great despite its greatly overexposed, without saying anything else than that its hot, that I do not understand.

Jun 28 06 05:47 am Link



Posts: 784

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I think you're not seeing more in-depth critique here, because most people here have never experienced one (in a classromm situation, say), and don't understand the idea..."Hot" IS critique for this site.  (This is NOT a criticism of the site, merely an observation of what to expect.)  There are a few photographers on this site I respect, and have asked their opinions on specific images. Most here I couldn't care less about....I'm here to network with new models I think have the potential to develop into the "real deal" with a little guidance. I do my best to give constructive, agressive critique-mostly to models, although sometimes I DO go through other photographer's portfolios and add occasional comments.  Trouble with that is, if I think they are good enough to bother with, there's not much more to express than admiration. I think most of the people that NEED the help aren't open to receiving it. OCCASIONALLY, if I wander through the forums, (and after I've seen the ridiculous things some of these photographers post, it's become more rare..) and someone with real potential has ASKED for critique I'll drop by and add my 2 cents-doing my best to help with understanding all the pros and cons of an image. Real critique is here, but you really can't expect to grow much from a forum where anyone, no matter their skill level, is encouraged to leave any comment...

Jun 28 06 06:30 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

MWPhoto_ wrote:
Brian, I did not directly ask for critic here, I just want to discuss it generally, so I did not thought it should be brought up in the critic forum. I might be wrong.
I use a few other sites where critic is given in a useful way, but I guess I have to accept the level of coments I get here then.
Sure its nice to know people like my job, but if for example 40 people say a pic is great despite its greatly overexposed, without saying anything else than that its hot, that I do not understand.

What I meant is that when people want to be critiqued, they will go to the Critique forum.  Most people don't want unsolicited critiques directly posted in a photo's comment section.

Jun 28 06 06:34 am Link



Posts: 29

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Greg, Im with you!
I accept it like it is and I use other sites to develop my skills. I will still try (carefully) to give the best critic I can even on this site and I hope I don´t dig for my own funeral because of it.
Also, I sometimes gice critic to a model becasue she "shout" for it and where the model also say that if I give a comment she will give one back. The "give one back" have never happend, though some models give me a tag and that is apreciated although a comment of a pic would be even better.

Jun 28 06 11:40 am Link