Forums > General Industry > Pay plus prints ?


Lacking focus photos

Posts: 319

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

I've recently been paying a few models for some work.  Part of the convience for me is I can load the photos on my computer, forget about them and work with them later at my leisure. 

Problem is models see what I'm shooting and want a print or two for them as well as payment.  Has anyone else had this problem?

I always go over the release before the shoot, but many models don't seem to comprehend pay OR prints. 

Should I be offering both?

Jun 27 06 08:54 am Link


Klassic Photo

Posts: 1308

Bullhead City, Arizona, US

Never hurts to be a nice guy. Sometimes you get paid back many times over.

Jun 27 06 09:00 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

You are compensating your models.  Cash is a form of compensation.  Prints are a form of compensation.  The model is asking to be compensated, and suggesting a particular mix of cash and prints.  If  you don't like that, you can always adjust the other component of compensation accordingly.  But I see nothing wrong with her asking.

Jun 27 06 09:01 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

TheAnj wrote:
I've recently been paying a few models for some work.  Part of the convience for me is I can load the photos on my computer, forget about them and work with them later at my leisure. 

Problem is models see what I'm shooting and want a print or two for them as well as payment.  Has anyone else had this problem?

I always go over the release before the shoot, but many models don't seem to comprehend pay OR prints. 

Should I be offering both?

These kinds of questions always get two general types of responses - most commonly, the "be a tough pro and make the bitches suffer" response, and the "give 'em whatever they want" response.

I think this is a simple pricing issue like any other. Any issue that comes up often with my clients gets added to my "discuss before the shoot topics list." While you are going over the release, explain that prints from the shoot are available if they want them, and here is what the prices are.

Or, if you find doing prints to be more bother than it's worth, explain up front that prints are NOT available under any circumstances.

There are really no right or wrong answers -- other than the most important one -- decide what your policies are, communicate them effectively, and be happy.


Jun 27 06 09:03 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

They want a print or a CD?

I usually get at least a few pictures emailed to me....sometimes an entire CD.

I wouldn't ask for a print, I can do that myself.

Jun 27 06 09:03 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I have often been given CD"s of the images with a request that if I want any retouched to let the photograher know.
If it comes up often enough, it does sound like something you should address before hand, offer a second pricing structure for the model, or simply offer four or five retouched images for their portfolio use. I can't imagine that it would take you that long to retouch a few of the best images from the shoot and worry about the rest later.

Jun 27 06 09:05 am Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

I think some photographers might charge a modest fee to cover the cost of the prints, assuming the model was paid for posing. If a model wanted several large prints, it would only be fair to have her cover the cost. If she only wants one or two modest sized prints, you might want to cover the cost of that yourself. Only you can decide where to draw the line on this. Of course, the best situation is to discuss all this before the shoot.

Jun 27 06 09:06 am Link



Posts: 1438

Niles, Michigan, US

Someone else mentioned coming to an agreement regarding compensation prior to the shoot on what the compensation consists of - cash, prints, CD, or combination of those. I have seen postings where the model wants to be paid  (  $75 -$100 per hour rates) AND get a CD. ( I suppose that would be a PTFCD ?).
I can see paying or giving a CD, but not both. (Would be like me paying a bride to shoot her wedding and then giving her the album and CD as well)

Jun 27 06 09:42 am Link



Posts: 1466


charge a high fee for prints or files and see if they still want them, if they do then its worth it to prep them. 

Stephen Eastwood   

Jun 27 06 09:51 am Link



Posts: 1466


Jun 27 06 09:52 am Link


Tessa Haviland

Posts: 76

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

I work with a photographer that pays me a small amount and gives me photos for my portfolio. Unless I don't like a photographer's work, I will always try to get a good photo or two out of a paid shoot. I will also talk about this before hand with the photographer so there are no suprises. So in a way I am paying for the prints by cutting my rate. If the model doesn't talk to you about it before hand, or her rates are already outrageous, then I would tell her that she is SOL. If it isn't in the release, it shouldn't be expected.

Jun 27 06 10:30 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

it depends on how much you are paying them. if you are meeting a model's typical day rate ($1000+), then it seems silly for her to fuss over prints and most agency girls really could care less, because they do everything through their agency. If the agency wants prints so badly, they will call you.

it is really your call. if you want to be a nice guy and give her a few images, thats cool. Unless you paid her like $25 or something... then you mine as well treat it like it was a test shoot.

If you paid her a decent rate and want to charge her be reasonable. don't be a jerk and charge her overblown rates, like say... you would a wedding. Because, unlike most brides, models and make-up artists already know it doesn't cost $50 for a basic 9x12 full page bleed.

Jun 27 06 10:56 am Link


Lacking focus photos

Posts: 319

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Bullhead Photography wrote:
Never hurts to be a nice guy. Sometimes you get paid back many times over.

Thanks to all for the great advice and opinions.  I guess in a small market like Cincinnati, word gets around and I'll probably be working with the same model a few times  True, it dosen't take much time and money to work a few images for the model.  Guess I need to work on my communication, or atleast not be so lazy.

And a new term!  PTFPCD !

Jun 27 06 03:00 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

TheAnj wrote:
I've recently been paying a few models for some work.  Part of the convience for me is I can load the photos on my computer, forget about them and work with them later at my leisure. 

Problem is models see what I'm shooting and want a print or two for them as well as payment.  Has anyone else had this problem?

I always go over the release before the shoot, but many models don't seem to comprehend pay OR prints. 

Should I be offering both?

I have gotten photos back from every [paid] shoot I have done...  Be it one or all.  But usually it's on a CD or E-mailed to me.  Are you complaining about models wanting prints or wanting photos online?  With three or four photogrpahers I work with, I can tell them if I want prints and they send them to me.

Jun 27 06 03:03 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

I don't mind sharing pictures but when they ask for copies during the shoot (instead of during initial email exchanges) then it's irksome.   They're trying to increase their compensation by putting the other person on the spot -- not a professional move.  Of course, the clincher is when they ask for a copy of the DVD so they can sell it on their website -- while expecting full pay for the day...

Jun 27 06 03:17 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

If the model gets paid full price for modeling and that is that.

To me it's like paying a mechanic to repair your car and then the mechanic asking you if he could borrow your car.

Jun 27 06 03:54 pm Link


Sonya Marie

Posts: 592

Tucson, Arizona, US

I too have been given photos be it email or cd from every paid shoot I have done. I have never asked for them they have usually been offered to me...but I truly appreciate it.  It is up to the photog paying if he so wishes to do so. If I would like copies or a cd of my own I dont mind doing my part in either paying or cutting the rate paid to me for those prints but like I mention I havent had to being that the photog usually offers them to me, maybe they like working with me a little..teehee wink!!

Jun 27 06 04:03 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Never without negating the price inclusive of images (usually about $20.00 each).

Then on disc only with no time frame for receipt (I hate being rushed).

Jun 27 06 04:05 pm Link