
Amira West

Posts: 134

Los Angeles, California, US

Is it weird that someone would get irritated for asking for a little info? Somebody emailed asking to work with me and their profile has some wonderful photos but no other info regarding name or studio. Nothing about who they are etc ...Totally sparse. Just some great photos. They emailed about travel and tfp etc... All the things that would make a girl go, hmm if I'm going to travel with this person, I wonder who they are.  I'm a little miffed as why they would be put off by me asking about their work and who they are.

Jun 26 06 10:49 pm Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

Not weird, suspicious.  Be careful.

Jun 26 06 10:53 pm Link


The Things Ive Seen

Posts: 458

Leadville, Colorado, US

I don't see anything wrong with getting additional info. On that note, let me take the opportunity to ask you something. Would you look at my portfolio and profile and tell me what I might be missing that you would like to know. I am getting ready to rewrite a few things and find in useful to state as much as possible up front. Please email me privately with your response if you don't mind.

Jun 26 06 10:53 pm Link


Amira West

Posts: 134

Los Angeles, California, US

Ivan123 wrote:
Not weird, suspicious.  Be careful.

I thought so too. I wonder who else this person has messaged and I hope they don't just give out the info they are requesting freely.

Jun 26 06 11:03 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Well... a person would give out any info a model would want; such as references, studio name, location, phone number, contact info, etc. I have absolutely no problem giving out that type of information and I have my phone number on my portfolio page. So, I don't get why a photographer would get upset if you were to ask him this sort of thing... unless... this guy isn't a real photographer and the photos in his port weren't his. Can you verify he actually took those photos? I'm not saying he stole them, but it is a possibility and may be worth checking out.


Jun 26 06 11:08 pm Link


Ruben Vasquez

Posts: 3117

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

The Things Ive Seen wrote:
I don't see anything wrong with getting additional info. On that note, let me take the opportunity to ask you something. Would you look at my portfolio and profile and tell me what I might be missing that you would like to know. I am getting ready to rewrite a few things and find in useful to state as much as possible up front. Please email me privately with your response if you don't mind.

Hi Ames. Don't mean to jump on the band wagon but I'm a new photographer and am in great need of advice so I would really appreciate your insight as well.

Jun 26 06 11:12 pm Link


Amira West

Posts: 134

Los Angeles, California, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
\Can you verify he actually took those photos? I'm not saying he stole them, but it is a possibility and may be worth checking out.


Yea totally Pat. I was thinking the same thing. The pics are great which makes it so weird. smile

Jun 26 06 11:14 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Ames wrote:
Is it weird that someone would get irritated for asking for a little info?

Actually it's not so much weird as yet another sign of inflated egos.  We (shooters) all expect that everyone should already know us through our work, and that models will have rushed out to google us (and thus be impressed with our achievements) and already contacted any other models we've worked with (and appropriately credited) to ask them, "How wonderful was he?!  Is he really as witty and charming and hunky as I think he is?" and stuff like that.

Some of us avoid the whole anonymity thing by blogging the hell outta cyberspace...


Jun 26 06 11:22 pm Link



Posts: 151

Bitter Springs, Arizona, US

I agree with
Pat Thielen
real photographers normly give out to much not to little info
be cairful................................................................................

Jun 26 06 11:30 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

Most models that  work with give me a copy of their ID, mailing adress, sign a full release, then pose nude (or semi). I don't think it's unreasonable for them to ask my name. LOL

Jun 27 06 11:00 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

If someone gets upset when you ask for more info, chances are they're hiding something bad.  Unless the money is even remotely worth the risk, I'd suggest avoiding him/her.

Jun 27 06 06:24 pm Link