Forums > General Industry > Question for models about a photographers looks.


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

Perhaps there is another thread like this, if so please direct me but I am  curious if you models would like to see what the photograper looks like before you do a shoot? Especially if the photographer is a man.

And would you turn down a shoot just because of what the photograper looked like?

I see there is a thread about showing your face (the photographer) and was just curious about this.

Jun 26 06 02:17 pm Link



Posts: 344

only if we are meeting before & I don't know who took look for in a crowd...

Jun 26 06 02:19 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Photoman754 wrote:
Perhaps there is another thread like this, if so please direct me but I am  curious if you models would like to see what the photograper looks like before you do a shoot? Especially if the photographer is a man.

And would you turn down a shoot just because of what the photograper looked like?

I see there is a thread about showing your face (the photographer) and was just curious about this.


Why are you planning on calling in the Fab Five for a makeover?

Jun 26 06 02:21 pm Link



Posts: 175

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Queer Eye for the Photographer Guy.

Sh*t, count me in, I could use some free clothes.


Jun 26 06 02:23 pm Link



Posts: 170

Bloomfield, Connecticut, US

Photoman754 wrote:
Perhaps there is another thread like this, if so please direct me but I am  curious if you models would like to see what the photograper looks like before you do a shoot? Especially if the photographer is a man.

And would you turn down a shoot just because of what the photograper looked like?

I see there is a thread about showing your face (the photographer) and was just curious about this.

Dude are you ugly?
Do you want models to like you as more then a photographer?
When was the last time you had a meeting with a model, face to face before shooting?
Have you had a lot of cancellations after the model sees your face?

Everyone cares what people look like. It just matters to what degree. The guy that works at BMW is an UGLY guy, but he knows how to fix cars. Bob Carlos Clarke was not attractive, but he was a brilliant photographer.

If you want a date, get out more. If you want to date a model, start off with being nice, getting them images that they like and go from there.

If you want to know just for curiosity, read the previous 400 trillion posts about this topic on this site and every other site. No worries man, just be a damn good cocky photographer and you will attract someone you are attracted to.

Oh and learn how to spell photograpHer if you want to use that title.

Jun 26 06 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

If it's a case of identifying a person you don't problem.....other than that I don't see any difference what a photographer looks like.....our place is behind the camera....yours is in front......your looks count....ours don't......of course there are the "beautiful people" who can only be seen in the company of other "beautiful people" which case I wouldn't want to shoot you anyway.....too many probems with attitudes....been there, done it and forget it.

If I had to worry about my looks....I'd be posting as a model.

Jun 26 06 02:57 pm Link


Ms Kaylee

Posts: 686

Helena, Montana, US

William R Beebe wrote:

Dude are you ugly?
Do you want models to like you as more then a photographer?
When was the last time you had a meeting with a model, face to face before shooting?
Have you had a lot of cancellations after the model sees your face?

Everyone cares what people look like. It just matters to what degree. The guy that works at BMW is an UGLY guy, but he knows how to fix cars. Bob Carlos Clarke was not attractive, but he was a brilliant photographer.

If you want a date, get out more. If you want to date a model, start off with being nice, getting them images that they like and go from there.

If you want to know just for curiosity, read the previous 400 trillion posts about this topic on this site and every other site. No worries man, just be a damn good cocky photographer and you will attract someone you are attracted to.

Oh and learn how to spell photograpHer if you want to use that title.

Awww give him a break!

BUT...William is correct. Does it matter what the model thinks of you? The model is the one who's supposed to look good, not the photographer. To answer your question, I cannot speak for everyone, but I personally don't really care what the photographer looks like. He just has to be able to take pictures that I'll like and he HAS to be fun to work with.

Jun 26 06 03:01 pm Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


I'd like to say I don't care or judge based on a picture but I'd be lying. I only ask to see a photo if I need to find someone I'm meeting with but I do make a judgment when I see a photo or a photographer in person. I judge how professional they are by their clothes, the way they carry themselves, and grooming. I judge how good or what style our photos may be by their personal style. And lastly I judge them personally, some guys just look like creepy serial killer rapists, I'm sorry, I know it's wrong but I do it, I judge them. If they do look creepy I like to talk to them a lot before we shoot, because if I feel uncomfortable it doesn't help either one of us.

Jun 26 06 05:53 pm Link


studio L

Posts: 1775

Oakland, California, US

Photoman754 wrote:
Perhaps there is another thread like this, if so please direct me but I am  curious if you models would like to see what the photograper looks like before you do a shoot? Especially if the photographer is a man.

And would you turn down a shoot just because of what the photograper looked like?

I see there is a thread about showing your face (the photographer) and was just curious about this.

Well, if you could see my face right now, you'd notice marty feldman eyes doing multiple 360 degree loop dee loops.

Sheesh. How utterly silly.

Jun 26 06 06:01 pm Link


studio L

Posts: 1775

Oakland, California, US

Tiara LeAnne wrote:
only if we are meeting before & I don't know who took look for in a crowd...

The red carnation up my nose and your mother on my arm-you can't miss me (us)!

Jun 26 06 06:01 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

This topic has been covered here before.

Personally, I don't care what the photographer looks like as long as his/her work is good.

Do models care what your photographer looks like?

Does it matter what the photographer looks like ?????

Jun 26 06 08:56 pm Link


Oriental Silk

Posts: 535

London, England, United Kingdom

Photoman754 wrote:
Perhaps there is another thread like this, if so please direct me but I am  curious if you models would like to see what the photograper looks like before you do a shoot? Especially if the photographer is a man.

And would you turn down a shoot just because of what the photograper looked like?

I see there is a thread about showing your face (the photographer) and was just curious about this.

A photographer's appearance is not of any great importance to me; however, out of curiosity, I like to know what people look like, especially if I have communicated with them for some time in on-line forums and so on. However, that is in no way related to whether or not I would work with them. When I speak to photographers on the telephone, I do admit to feeling happier to work with the ones who come across as articulate and well mannered, as opposed to those who have difficulty making a coherent sentence.

Jun 26 06 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 151

Bitter Springs, Arizona, US

I have never had a model ask me what I look like before a shoot

Jun 26 06 11:42 pm Link


Naomi Vida

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

It helps to match a name to a face. But it isn't completely necessary.

Jun 26 06 11:52 pm Link