Forums > General Industry > Whats The Meaning of a Trashy Photo ?



Posts: 279

Richmond, Virginia, US

Ive had photographers tell me that Im the most beautiful thing they've seen and others tell me that my images are very trashy and 'white trash looking.'  Whats the Line to cross at making images look trashy?  Is there even a real line or just a persons taste?  Id like to know what people think about this.

Apr 22 05 08:28 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

i think it's personal taste. it's all in what the person considers to be trashy.

Apr 22 05 08:31 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Whats the Line to cross at making images look trashy?  Is there even a real line or just a persons taste?

  Chanti, first of all, I think your images a pretty cool.. Some stronger than others but nothing that I would call trashy.. It really is just a personal view; no rules just personal taste.

  I think these type of views come about when people don't play within the "acceptable norms".. But then again, the idea behind art, at least to me, is to stretch the boundaries and to make people feel a little uneasy, to invoke some kind of emotion or reaction.. At worst, people will want to look at your stuff to see why someone thinks it's so awful and they just might like it!!

  Kinda a case of bad press is better than no press....



Apr 22 05 08:37 pm Link



Posts: 165

Seattle, Washington, US

I'd say it's a matter of taste. I don't find any of your posted pictures "trashy" but somebody who isn't used to those sorts of shots might. There is a wide variety of different genres of photography just as with any artwork and if somebody isn't into one or another, they're going to have a harder time "getting it".

Apr 22 05 09:41 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

The only thing I would think of is that a photographer may look at some of your work and say, wow that is great. Then they look at the rest and think, wow that is trashy! LOL I don't understand anything else but you look good and your images seem fine. All models will have images people like and don't like but at least you have some different styles.

Apr 22 05 09:56 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45336

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Chanti, I like your look! Your pictures are original and edgy. The word "trashy" does not come to mind for me, so I have no idea what they are talking about. But then everyone has an opinion ... your opinion is the most important when it comes to your pictures. 

Apr 22 05 11:55 pm Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Chanti: 
Ive had photographers tell me that Im the most beautiful thing they've seen and others tell me that my images are very trashy and 'white trash looking.'  Whats the Line to cross at making images look trashy?  Is there even a real line or just a persons taste?  Id like to know what people think about this.

First, let me say that I see nothing wrong with your images.  Your pictures are much better than many I've seen.

Second, I underlined the words im and my images above because I think the differnce might be an important point. You are not your images - and I think that means you shouldn't take criticism of your images as criticism of you - that is, don't take what other people say about your pictures personally.

My experience with critiques like that suggests there are a lot of people out there who are willing to express an opinion - even if their opinion is a crock. (Sometimes even my opinions don't hold water.) Sometimes unkind words have their origins in jealousy. Sometimes people say mean things when they feel threatened. And there are some people who seem to think they're building themselves up when they are tearing someone else down.

Rather than feeling hurt, better to feel a little pity for the poor things.

There's an old saying in fractured Latin, "Illigetimentes non corborumdum". It translates to something like, "Don't let the Bast%^$# grind you down."

Apr 23 05 12:23 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Trashy is wut u look like when u dun git yer hair did!

Apr 23 05 12:41 am Link



Posts: 279

Richmond, Virginia, US

Thanks For The Compliments Everyone.  I swear that was not the reason for me writing this post.. I really just wanted to get everyones opinions on the phrase.. "thats trashy"  Thanks Bunches for all of you who posted and Id love to hear more comments about this subject.

Apr 23 05 01:42 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Or like, maybe they weren't talking about you.  Maybe they were saying your images look trashy as in, they suck?

Apr 23 05 01:55 am Link


Dave Madsen

Posts: 63

BOISE, Idaho, US

I don't see anything wrong with your images.  In fact I like your look a lot. 

Apr 23 05 02:44 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Next time someone says to you your photos are "trashy-looking,"  tell them politely, "Thank you for your rude commentary - I will be sure to consider the source."

Apr 25 05 10:11 am Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Hummmm well first off to say Chanti, your work is NOT TRASHY at all.......what comes into my mind is artistic smile

Each person has his/her own definition of what TRASHY is I`d say

And well for me "TRASHY" is, very colouful, unkept looks and scantly clad....which as I shoot it is an ART FORM while I love the EURO TRASH looks I`ve created in the past

And well another form of trash is like an impossible photo shot with a cheap digital with a male/female model in nasty porno "adult" positions.....that is TRASH too but I guess in another form of it outside of art...which is disgusting

Just my opinion if that makes any dammm sense



Apr 25 05 05:20 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

To me, trashy are some of the people on the TV show Cops. If someone tried to take "erotic" pictures of some of them, I'd probably call that trashy.

Your photos? Definately not trashy.

Apr 25 05 06:10 pm Link