Forums > General Industry > You might be a glamour photographer if...



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Just bored with the threads on the police, thought I would start something fun

so fly my little monkeys, fly fly like the wind....

Jun 26 06 01:20 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

If your hair constantly gets caught in your nikon camera might be a glamour photographer...

If your bandana is greasier than a bag of french fries...

If you're wearing a trench coat with shorts and it's 90 degrees out...

If your belly sticks out farther than the front element of your lens...

Jun 26 06 01:23 am Link



Posts: 170

Bloomfield, Connecticut, US

You've seen more nudes in a hotel, then in your bedroom.

Jun 26 06 02:49 am Link


Michael Bell

Posts: 925

Anaheim, California, US

You create great images that will last longer than any fashion trend or magazine.

Jun 26 06 02:52 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Michael Bell wrote:
You create great images that will last longer than any fashion trend or magazine.


Show me ONE glamour image that is long lasting and timeless...

Jun 26 06 03:51 am Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

How about 90% of George Hurrell's portfolio?

Or... the Marylin Monroe windblown shot?

*ducking behind the bushes*

Jun 26 06 04:06 am Link


Uvision Media LLC

Posts: 440

Central Square, New York, US

*looks around the place and figures I'll be better off not saying a word lol.*

Jun 26 06 04:29 am Link


Israel Kendall

Posts: 641

Trenton, North Carolina, US

Rafael  Alvarez wrote:
*looks around the place and figures I'll be better off not saying a word lol.*

Same here, this thread got derailed fast...

Jun 26 06 04:39 am Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

you bore me to tears.  TEARS!

Jun 26 06 09:17 am Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

Michael Bell wrote:
You create great images that will last longer than any fashion trend or magazine.


Ok, my turn, you might be a glamour photographer find you can't take pictures of your sister or mother without everyone getting creeped out.

Jun 26 06 09:34 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

(Note that all of these say MIGHT.)

If you've ever set your camera to the "Cloudy" white balance setting indoors, you might be a glamour photographer.

If you've got a trunk full of panties, stockings, and similar items, and you're a non-transvestite male, you might be a glamour photographer.

If you've also got a trunk full of various makeup items, tweezers, nail files, and similar items, and you're still a non-transvestite male, you might be a glamour photographer.

If you've ever blown more than a hundred bucks on the day after Halloween in a costume store, you might be an alternative glamour photographer.

If you own a device (such as a filter) which is designed to make your images less sharp on purpose, you might be a glamour photographer.

If you've ever had to deal with the string, you might be a glamour (at least) photographer.

If you know Bernard of Hollywood's first name, you might be a glamour photographer.

If you've ever spent ten minutes trying to figure out how much more you can raise or lower a piece of clothing without showing something you don't want to show, you might be a glamour photographer.

If you've ever photographed a model in a swimsuit and there was no body of water larger than a bathtub for miles around, you might be a glamour photographer. (Or a catalog photographer. Or a GWC. Your call.)

If you've ever been six feet away from a woman too beautiful to be real, wearing little or nothing, and doing her best to look like a fantasy come alive, and all you could think about was how the damn lighting just wouldn't cooperate and she needs to stop smoking so her mouth won't do that thing anymore and isn't it time for lunch, you might be a glamour photographer.


Jun 26 06 11:09 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
How about 90% of George Hurrell's portfolio?

George who?

Jun 26 06 11:11 am Link


Old Ska Punk

Posts: 2677

Crivitz, Wisconsin, US

James Jackson wrote:
Show me ONE glamour image that is long lasting and timeless...

Jun 26 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

If you get into long discussions about the "butt-up-in-the-air" pose.

Describe how far apart the model's legs are to be spread in terms of "Playboy" or "Hustler".

Get very upset when models have nude pictures on ther profiles but say that they don't pose nude.

Jun 26 06 11:16 am Link


Jane Weiss

Posts: 2027

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

that still from breakfast at tiffany's - with the cigerette holder. Glamour al the way baby! And timeless to boot... lets not forget our english - glamour is only glamourous thats been shortened and stripped these days tongue

Jun 26 06 11:21 am Link


Bill Bates

Posts: 3850

Payson, Utah, US

If you look at a magazine like Playboy and critique the images, spend time trying to figure out how they were lit and never really notice the woman in the picture are naked.

Jun 26 06 11:25 am Link


Stacy Leigh

Posts: 3064

New York, New York, US

You see a beautiful woman and think "I'd love to shoot her", instead of "I'd love to do her"

Jun 26 06 11:30 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Timm wrote:

A) Not glamour - look up the definition

B) Not timeless - very dated, clearly late 70's early 80's even if you don't know who that is...look at the hair, styling, and coloration of the film!

Jun 26 06 02:47 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Jun 26 06 03:07 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

PK Digital Imaging wrote: … rch+Images

Again...not glamour photography.

Glamour photography and Glamourous photography are two different things!

Jun 26 06 03:09 pm Link



Posts: 1412

Columbia, Maryland, US

James I hate to break it to you but you may be kinda on your own with your own little definition of glamour.  Its a widely debated topic to be sure and I doubt you'll catch many flies continually insisting that everyone else is wrong. 

Rather than saying what it isn't - tell us what YOU think glamour is and perhaps show us some POSITIVE examples.  I doubt many will agree with your definition but at least we will be exposed to another perspective and possibly some fantastic images.

I can't wait!

Jun 26 06 05:24 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Photofurnace wrote:
James I hate to break it to you but you may be kinda on your own with your own little definition of glamour.

Actually I personally had no definition of glamour photography until I read this:

Jun 26 06 05:36 pm Link



Posts: 346

Charleston, Arkansas, US

William R Beebe wrote:
You've seen more nudes in a hotel, then in your bedroom.

OMG THATS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING!!!! lol- thats so funny smile)

Jun 26 06 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 45

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Stacy Leigh wrote:
You see a beautiful woman and think "I'd love to shoot her", instead of "I'd love to do her" reading my mind? LOL
Seriously though it's a sad reflection on aging...You see a beautiful woman, she sees her grandfather. sad

Jun 26 06 05:51 pm Link



Posts: 45

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

James Jackson wrote:

Actually I personally had no definition of glamour photography until I read this:

That may well be the wiki definition but that is not is a "catchall everyone have a go" type of source.

That said, even if this is the majority rule in terms of thought it's not what I would consider to be Glamour. To me Glamour is photographing a model (primarily female) in such a manner, style, setting, makeup, hair, costuming and pose that her beauty is emphasized. Which means that the model does not need to be nude to be photographed such.

Jun 26 06 06:11 pm Link



Posts: 1412

Columbia, Maryland, US

James your source of definition seems to make my point.  By that definition Timm's image of Farrah is in fact a perfect example of glamour. 

Anyway despite the fact that Wikipedia is not an authoritative source on anything (they accept contributions from anyone) that is a really decent definition or description of glamour.  Not that it matters but I totally agree.

I'd still love to see what constitutes glamour for you.

Jun 26 06 06:15 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

... if you are smart and confident enough to create images that you like, not to con errr, convince other people how deep and intelligent you are.

... if you are talented enough to create images in color that can inspire people that less honest folks have to shoot in monochrome to look artistic.

... if you think beautiful and sexy women are interesting enough.

... if you have the financial means to pursue images you enjoy, not what you have to shoot to be marketeable

... if you have the confidence and skill to shoot in a style that near every new and non photographer want to shoot in and yet still distinguish yourself through quality

... if you don't take yourself so seriously

... if you are like me.

Jun 26 06 06:29 pm Link


Philip of Dallas

Posts: 834

Dallas, Texas, US

Star wrote:
You might be a glamour photographer if...

You spend an inordinate amount of time on Model Mayhem.

Jun 26 06 06:39 pm Link


Frozen Instant Imagery

Posts: 4153

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

... if you are more concerned about the fading "golden hour" light than the naked woman in front of you.

... if your first reaction to a gorgeous woman lying topless on the beach is to set up a scrim and a reflector

... if you look at a naked woman staring lasciviously at you and think "she needs to put something on; maybe stockings?"

Jun 26 06 06:40 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

James Jackson wrote:
Actually I personally had no definition of glamour photography until I read this:

From your Wiki link:
Glamour photography is the photographing of a model (usually female), in a way that is intended to be erotic, yet not pornographic.

What is considered "glamour" has changed with the times. In the 1940s, clothed pin-up pictures were glamour. Many movie stars were featured in pin-up poses showing them in swimsuits. In the 1950s and early 1960s, photographers such as Peter Gowland produced glamour images with partial nudity.

So Hurrell's photos aren't in this category at all?  The Farrah picture?  The Marilyn picture?  That's odd.


p.s. Using wiki as a 'source' is like using The Onion as a 'source'.

Jun 27 06 07:45 am Link



Posts: 2463

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

James Jackson wrote:

Show me ONE glamour image that is long lasting and timeless...

Jun 27 06 08:02 am Link


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

Sian Louise wrote:
that still from breakfast at tiffany's - with the cigerette holder. Glamour al the way baby! And timeless to boot... lets not forget our english - glamour is only glamourous thats been shortened and stripped these days tongue

Actually glamourous is derived from glamour which is an old word for spell.  Someone would be under a glamour.

Jun 27 06 08:03 am Link


A. H A M I L T O N

Posts: 325

Coventry, England, United Kingdom

James Jackson wrote:
Show me ONE glamour image that is long lasting and timeless...

I'm probablly less of a fan of what glamour SEEMS to mean to a vast majority of the Internet shooters than anyone, but there's a style, time, and place where it does have a great purpose.  Brooke Shields (iirc this was in Time):

Jun 27 06 08:20 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40988

Columbus, Ohio, US

If you think just because it is black and white it is art, you might be a glamour photographer.

Jun 27 06 08:36 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

if you have convinced a model that a fashion shoot needs one bend over butt shot than you are.

Jun 27 06 09:21 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Meehan Photography wrote:

A. H A M I L T O N wrote:
I'm probablly less of a fan of what glamour SEEMS to mean to a vast majority of the Internet shooters than anyone, but there's a style, time, and place where it does have a great purpose.  Brooke Shields (iirc this was in Time):

hrm....seems I've been bested by not one, but two timeless glamour photographs...  Congrats.

Jun 27 06 09:25 am Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

If you say to the bride:  "Hold it... That's good now, stick your ass out... beautiful!"
You might be a glamour photographer (or an interesting wedding photographer!).

Jun 27 06 10:18 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Say cheese.

(my subjective opinion of course)

Jun 27 06 01:17 pm Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

Stacy Leigh wrote:
You see a beautiful woman and think "I'd love to shoot her", instead of "I'd love to do her"

Damn! Guilty... 


Jun 27 06 02:14 pm Link


A. H A M I L T O N

Posts: 325

Coventry, England, United Kingdom

Stacy Leigh wrote:
You see a beautiful woman and think "I'd love to shoot her", instead of "I'd love to do her"

I think it's the other way around. wink

Maybe I'm jaded because a fair percentage of the girls I shoot are 13-15.


Jun 27 06 03:18 pm Link