Forums > General Industry > My first year



Posts: 275

Wichita, Kansas, US

I just noticed when I signed on a few minutes ago that the 26th of June is the 1 year anniversary of signing up with MM.  It got me in an introspective mood and so I reflected on what the last year of this site has and has not done for me.

I have to say what I like about this site the most is when there is one on one contact either via tags, emails or comments, I am generally very pleased with how professional everyone is.  I am not one seeking attention nor do I crave the spotlight so I guess thats why when someone stumbles across my work on here and they make an effort to contact me on it, regardless of whether they have something positive or negative to say, I am flattered that they took the time and effort to contact me.  I am not one to post anything under the "announce" and I rarely comment under the forum section because I believe my opinions are to be shared with the individual rather than forcing my opinions on others.  That being said, I do read the forums often and it seems that the old addage that "one bad apple can spoil the bunch" holds true. It can be disconcerting that a few members use the forums to get on their soapbox to attempt to give the impression that their opinion is more valid or relevant than someone else posting in the forum.  Long ago, my mother, like everyone elses mother, told me that if I didnt have something good to say, dont say it.  I tag portfolios that I like, and I dont tag ones that in my opinion warrant acknowledgement.

I have enjoyed my first year on MM. I have met and hired 9 different models from this site.  I have enjoyed working with each of them and I look forward to working with as many of you as possible in the future.  Except for the ones that already know everything and have no room for improvement, I am on a learning curve and always want to improve on my work.  If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to contact me.

Everyone keep up the good work and I hope I enjoy the 2nd year as much as I did the first year.

Bob F

Jun 25 06 11:08 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Congrats Plaster. Nice to hear from another person that nothing bad has happened while being here.

Wholly bats crapman!!

I just passed my 1 year mark a few days ago. All without anything bad to report.

See you next year Plaster.....

Jun 25 06 11:13 pm Link