Forums > General Industry > Can a sucessful photographer have sex and love ?



Posts: 67

Austin, Indiana, US

Seriously people, can a successful photographer have it all? I would like to know those who are rather successful in this field; so far I have worked my ass of to obtain three photography studios, one in Dallas, another in San Antonio, and a gallery/studio also in San Antonio. And plus, I am able to publish my very own publication, I have all three studios fully staffed and am on the move to opening another studio in Las Vegas....yet, with all this my life seems to have less social action,   (no sex, not by trying though) and I have, or I think have someone who is there for me. Or at least I thought she was. I have been so wrapped up in my work, so that when there is time to be with each other, (a man will be a man) she is not on the same level to go. Besides that, I think the age difference is starting to become a factor for me. There are times we are so different, but what is so perfect about her, loving her is like being on life support--when I'm not with her, it's like I'm choking, I can't breathe. Perhaps it's me over-thinking about this. I love this woman so much, and there are times I know that she is attracted to models in this field, and she just pretends she's not ( it's cute ). I'm not stupid, though. I'm just at this moment of my life where I need to really think about everything, ya know? She isn't your average woman, smart and on her way to getting her career started, like everyone she has her setbacks but is on the right track. I really need some feedback on this!

Thank you.

staying creative under the lens
     ( well trying too)

Jun 25 06 02:58 pm Link


David Michael

Posts: 88

Independence, Missouri, US

Geez, Jack. I don't want to sound condecending, but what are you waiting for?

I have an amazing, beautiful, intelligent woman in my life whom I love very much. Why can't you have all three? I understand that photography today is 90% business, but if the business end of it is sucking up so much of your time that you have no time to enjoy the fruit of your labors, what good is it? Get ahold of this lady and do not let her get away!


Jun 25 06 10:10 pm Link


Brandon Ching

Posts: 2028

Brooklyn, New York, US

I really don't see what the problem is either.. you love her, you need her, so what are you waiting for? Git'r done! Ask yourself what's more important... having all these studios, or this woman.

Jun 26 06 12:20 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Complex wording for a simple question with a simple answer: yes.

Jun 26 06 12:21 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
Complex wording for a simple question with a simple answer: yes.

what was the question again?  I thought it was a rant.

Jun 26 06 01:29 am Link



Posts: 290

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

No offense, but your post was too long to read, and who really cares anyway?  If we knew anything about life or love, we'd be out there living it and making it.

Jun 26 06 01:35 am Link



Posts: 290

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

P.S. how do you define sucess?  No, don't answer. . .

Jun 26 06 01:36 am Link



Posts: 170

Bloomfield, Connecticut, US


Are you gay? I mean do you want to be with a man and not this women? If you do, continue doing what you are doing. Back in the day I carried two laptops, two pagers, traveled too much and carried way too many cell phones. Yep I was the Jerry Maguire of my industry. Oh by the way I worked too much and had two marriages (at two different times). One day I had too much and just quit. 30 years and retired. Too much! Then I got too bored. Now I have this saying and I think it really is a mantra that you might want to think about adopting:

Every day is a Saturday.

Now that I do photography full time and have been for the last 6 years, if I have to shoot more then 2 times a week, that is too much. I treat my life like every day is a Saturday. You know Saturday is the best day of the week. Although Friday is the end of the work week, you still had to work on Friday. Sunday is a day off, but most people start to think about work coming up and really don't enjoy Sunday. Saturday is truly the one day where people just have fun and don't think about work.

My life is important to me. Money really isn't all that it is cracked up to be. Think about it, if you spend all of your life building your business and keep thinking you will do the other things in life after you've built your business into this huge success you will have no person to share it with. Then when you are old and alone, rich in the bank but poor in the heart, you will hear someone say "It sucks to be you"


Jun 26 06 02:27 am Link


Bill Bates

Posts: 3850

Payson, Utah, US

Ummm ... what are you waiting for?

Ok, she is a model which means she is likely good looking. She understands what photographing models is like and won't likely be the jealous type about your chosen career. Didn't I read in your post she is attracted to other models? If you found a beautiful woman that also likes the same kind of woman you do; I think you found the Holy Grail of girl friends.

Let your managers do their jobs and take a little time to relax and properly court this girl.

Jun 26 06 08:57 am Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

William R Beebe wrote:

Are you gay? I mean do you want to be with a man and not this women? If you do, continue doing what you are doing. Back in the day I carried two laptops, two pagers, traveled too much and carried way too many cell phones. Yep I was the Jerry Maguire of my industry. Oh by the way I worked too much and had two marriages (at two different times). One day I had too much and just quit. 30 years and retired. Too much! Then I got too bored. Now I have this saying and I think it really is a mantra that you might want to think about adopting:

Every day is a Saturday.

Now that I do photography full time and have been for the last 6 years, if I have to shoot more then 2 times a week, that is too much. I treat my life like every day is a Saturday. You know Saturday is the best day of the week. Although Friday is the end of the work week, you still had to work on Friday. Sunday is a day off, but most people start to think about work coming up and really don't enjoy Sunday. Saturday is truly the one day where people just have fun and don't think about work.

My life is important to me. Money really isn't all that it is cracked up to be. Think about it, if you spend all of your life building your business and keep thinking you will do the other things in life after you've built your business into this huge success you will have no person to share it with. Then when you are old and alone, rich in the bank but poor in the heart, you will hear someone say "It sucks to be you"


Thats why you have to do what you love.  You have to make a living at it too, but it has to be something you love.  If you separate them, you will miss one and resent the other.  Its unsustainable in the long run.

Jun 26 06 09:02 am Link


Ivan Aps

Posts: 4996

Miami, Florida, US

Welcome to the fork in the road.  We all end up hitting this point.  When I had the choice of a career that would be exciting and constantly trowing new adventures my way or a life where I could be with someone I love, have a family who also had me there for them for all the good moments and bad ones.... I chose the family.  Scaled down the photo to feed my desires but also have a very good paying 9-5 that allows me to be home every night with my wife and son.  I wouldn't trade them for the world and have never regretted the choise I made.

That said, that was my choice.  You have to do what is important to you.  Her, or the crazy heavy hitters photography world.  Which ever choice you make, do it with conviction and don't let yourself sit back and go "what if I chose the other?" because if you do, it will cause the choice you made to become a miserable one.

Jun 26 06 09:04 am Link


Erwyn L

Posts: 325

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

what's more important? success or happiness? love or money? your job or your relationship?

Jun 26 06 09:09 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

jackfrost wrote:
Perhaps it's me over-thinking about this. I love this woman so much, and there are times I know that she is attracted to models in this field, and she just pretends she's not ( it's cute ). I'm not stupid, though.

WTF...are you saying she might be lesbian?

Jun 26 06 11:46 am Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

WTF...are you saying she might be lesbian?

Bonus!  LOL.

Jun 26 06 12:01 pm Link