Forums > General Industry > Models that are also "Photographers".



Posts: 682

Baltimore, Maryland, US

How do the rest of you respond when you see that in a BIO.?  The delusional model in a couple threads yesterday about being too good for TFP and another about getting all the RAW files to do her own editing, when finally pushed to the wall by reason and common practice said "I'm a photographer too".  To me, that implied that she should have more input than the guy pushing the button.

Others bring it up in a more friendly way, but you just have to wonder if they mean they are photographers, or just have a camera, possibly the one they used to do the 4 MM images.

Jun 25 06 02:12 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Watch it, Mac -- when I looked, you had only 9 photos.  What's the cut-off point; if you have 8 or less, you are not worthy, but if you have more than 8, you are entitled?

Sorry, but your post smacks of a prejudice to me.  Look -- as far as I'm concerned, all aspects of the agreement between photographers & models are negotiable.  If a model wants RAW files, she is entitled to ask; if a photographer doesn't want to give the model RAW files, he is entitled to decline.  If the model wants to be paid, she's entitled to ask, but no photographer is obligated to pay her.  If a photographer only wants to give her  5 or less TFP images with no license to edit, the model is entitled to decline.  Passing judgment on what you perceive is an unreasonable demand is just rude.  If you don't like the deal, walk away.  But don't badmouth someone just because you don't like their offer.  That's being a sore loser -- it is hardly professional.

On a tangent:  I know quite a few models that are very good photographers.  In fact, my favorite model (see my portfolio) happens to create some of the best self-portraits I've ever seen.  That she is an able photographer doesn't make her a difficult model.  As I've said, she's my favorite.

Jun 25 06 02:28 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Off topic but.....One of the best photographers I have worked with also models.  Lenka Drstakova.  Damn she rocks.  You can check out her images in my port under 'LD Studios'. 

On topic....tell her to get off her high horse!  Why does everyone have to be such a diva?!  Sheesh.

Jun 25 06 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 682

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Watch it, Mac -- when I looked, you had only 9 photos.  What's the cut-off point; if you have 8 or less, you are not worthy, but if you have more than 8, you are entitled?

Sorry, but your post smacks of a prejudice to me.  Look -- as far as I'm concerned, all aspects of the agreement between photographers & models are negotiable.  If a model wants RAW files, she is entitled to ask; if a photographer doesn't want to give the model RAW files, he is entitled to decline.  If the model wants to be paid, she's entitled to ask, but no photographer is obligated to pay her.  If a photographer only wants to give her  5 or less TFP images with no license to edit, the model is entitled to decline.  Passing judgment on what you perceive is an unreasonable demand is just rude.  If you don't like the deal, walk away.  But don't badmouth someone just because you don't like their offer.  That's being a sore loser -- it is hardly professional.
Thanks for the input, but you missed the point I apparently wasn't able to make.  The part about TFP and RAW files was just an example, not my example, just something on a couple of threads yesterday.  However, it did show rather clearly that the model was acting as if she was on the other side of the camera and deserved more say than the photographer.  As for how many pics on a site, it really doesn't matter.  My pics are probably older than you, but I am just here for fun and I like them.  This is not a serious site so why get your panties in a wad?  By the way, badmouthing, implies you are pointing a person out.  I did not.  Not my problem everyone knows about a 5+page thread.  Just looking for other opinions, and I appreciate yours.

On a tangent:  I know quite a few models that are very good photographers.  In fact, my favorite model (see my portfolio) happens to create some of the best self-portraits I've ever seen.  That she is an able photographer doesn't make her a difficult model.  As I've said, she's my favorite.

Jun 25 06 02:59 pm Link


Andrea Barnett

Posts: 108

Sacramento, California, US

some of the best photographers in the world were once models at one point or another. and - frankly - if i knew i could do a better job editing than you could... i would ask too.

Jun 25 06 03:02 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Macphoto wrote:
How do the rest of you respond when you see that in a BIO.?  The delusional model in a couple threads yesterday about being too good for TFP and another about getting all the RAW files to do her own editing, when finally pushed to the wall by reason and common practice said "I'm a photographer too".  To me, that implied that she should have more input than the guy pushing the button.

Others bring it up in a more friendly way, but you just have to wonder if they mean they are photographers, or just have a camera, possibly the one they used to do the 4 MM images.


Just an aside, it's not always a guy pushing the button and not everyone is shooting RAW.  I shoot silver and chrome myself....

I don't ever give out files for editing unless the person I'm giving them to 1) I trust implicitedly and 2)has demonstrated to me that they are a competent craftsperson as well as artist and 3) respects my direction.

I have a very good friend that I work with alot.  She is a great model.  She is also an excellent designer and photoshop editor.  Sometimes she had great ideas about edits.  Sometimes she (okay lots of people) have no idea where I'm trying to go with concepts.  That's we the control and direction comes in.

Digital technology (easy shots and easier erasing) has made it simpler to call oneself a photographer.  So has the reduction of art classes in public schooling as many viewers are seemingly unable to distinguish good work from absolute crap.  And opinions always differ. 

Yes I am seeing an increased number of models "doing" photography as well.  Some  are quite good, others are no different from the never ending converyer belt of snapshots one sees on the web.

Jun 25 06 03:22 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45344

San Juan Bautista, California, US

There are many model/photographers out there who are far better than me.  One is  I have her book and have chatted on the phone with her.  Interesting thing is that she had never heard of the website let alone this website until I called. 

There are many talented women who are far better with Photoshop than I am, so I'm happy to work with them!   Also I enjoy shooting models (both male and female) who know a think or two about photography.  It makes for better communication! 

Best wishes!

Jun 25 06 03:34 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Originally I had some long drawn out answer, but in the end it wasn't worth the keystrokes.

Operating a camera makes you no more a photographer than operating a fork makes you a chef.  So yes, I admit I get irritated when so-called "models" who've pushed the shutter button a few times claim to be photographers... 

...I'll also freely admit that I get irritated when random non-models who've pushed the shutter button a few times suddenly claim to be photographers.  I don't discriminate.

Jun 25 06 04:00 pm Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

The trouble with "photographers" and "models"....

Whenever anyone whips out the quotation marks, I know we are in trouble....

Now ellipses are cool....

Jun 25 06 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I think models make pretty good least they know what they want from someone in front of their cameras......

All the other stuff about wanting RAW files....or negs or anything else....that's another thread....

Jun 25 06 04:10 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

That's neat how you assumed that because someone has spent time in front of the camera, they're too incompetent to do anything behind it.  If I actually gave a crap what you think, I might be insulted.  smile

Jun 25 06 04:38 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Off the top of my head, models who are amazing photographers:  Lapis, Sylwia Krol, Amy Dunn, Shyly, Elizabeth Carter, Benny (he's new but learning fast).  And I'm sure there are tons at the bottom of my head, but I won't list them here.

Jun 25 06 05:31 pm Link



Posts: 17

Portland, Oregon, US

i model and photograph.. i actually prefer photographing but started modeling because i thought it would help me with my photography to see what it was like on the other side of the camera and learn from other photographers.. and its definately made a huge difference in my photography, but i enjoy doing both.

Jun 25 06 05:32 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

But I will say that none of the model/photographers I have shot have pushed me to give them Raw files.  I have, and I've been excited to see what they came up with, but I did that out of my own trust of their sensibilities.  Coercion is wrong.

Jun 25 06 05:35 pm Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

Unless the model has had a recent lobotomy, don't underestimate their skill behind a lens or in a darkroom (digital or chemical).  There are several models on this site that I want to work with just so I can learn more about their photographic techniques.  Male or female, it doesn't matter which side of the lens a photographer gets their start from, their work is all that matters.

Jun 25 06 05:46 pm Link


Pixie Blue

Posts: 59

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Hi Mac,

I have that stated in my profile, but I don't mean it in a high and mighty way.  I mean that I am interested in photography but don't consider myself an experienced or talented photographer at all.  I did go to college for graphic design and consider myself to have a little bit of knowledge about art and layouts.  And yes, 2 of those pics are my own creations to fill up the four slots required for MM.

Jun 25 06 06:13 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

I am both model and photog. Some of the photog's I work with like that and even feel it makes me easier to work with because not much direction is needed. Compare my work by all means. MM#5809 is my modeling website, I have more photographs posted at  do you tihkn my photography isn't as good because I was a model first? I also require copies of ALL images taken at the shoot with full rights to edit, publish, and produce. Don't like it, then don't shoot with me.


Jun 25 06 06:20 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Off the top of my head, models who are amazing photographers:  Lapis, Sylwia Krol, Amy Dunn, Shyly, Elizabeth Carter, Benny (he's new but learning fast).  And I'm sure there are tons at the bottom of my head, but I won't list them here.

Your forgot Suzie Randall.....

Jun 25 06 06:37 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

*Raises one hand hand for Brian Diaz to see her in the back row*
*while smacking the OP with a stack of check stubs from both Modeling and Photography jobs with the other hand*

Jun 26 06 01:16 am Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Don't forget the lovely Miss Kassandra... amazes me what she can do with self portraits.

Jun 26 06 02:46 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Experimental Photoworks wrote:
*Raises one hand hand for Brian Diaz to see her in the back row*

Holy crap.

This is funny:

"A great model is able to take an idea/vision that a photographer proposes and make that idea/vision come to life." - Experimental Photoworks

Jun 26 06 03:04 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45344

San Juan Bautista, California, US

I've been thinking about this thread.

Being that I modeled, acted and played music before becoming a photographer, writer ... etc., it is a natural progression for any one in an industry to move into other positions in the industry.

I am so tough on myself that I was never satisfied with the pictures taken of me so I started taking pictures of myself long before it became a thing.  Also I'm NOT such a great musician that I would put anyone through the torture if hearing me, although I look pretty cool trying!  Acting was good to me, but I got tired of the walk on roles and never seemed able to latch on to a "lead role!"   So I took up stage management and direction instead. At times I'm not happy with a script, I rewrite it!   

What I'm saying is that it makes sense for models to take up photography.

Jun 26 06 12:27 pm Link


Jane Weiss

Posts: 2027

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

On topic tell her to get screwed.

it is ILLEGAL full stop done it there no questions asked for a model to re-edit your images without your explicit consent. RAW JPEG whatever she asks for even negs s/he can get lost.

Off topic people should read copyright law!

Back to on topic i did a lot of w/e as a photographers assistant before being roped into modelling because of a no show. Then i figured why am i carrying bags and holding reflectors when i can be paid to just turn up and look good yikes (just kidding models!)

Then i started to save and now i have enough money to pay models for me to shoot them untill i feel experienced enough and my book is strong enough to offer tfp or to command pay.

PS yes i'm 18 smile Work experience happened at 13, modelling not long after - paid from my first job but doing tfp thesedays because its frigging fun smile So when i turn 19 next month i should be changing again - its like that Paul Weller song only female! wink

Jun 26 06 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 344

I wanted to be a photog 6 years before modeling ever crossed my path... I have much to learn before I can have an attitude like that girl! but I do a fine job of capturing what I want in the first shot & editing it well.. I edited my main pic with permission from my photog & I took this pic when traveling in NE

I am saving money to buy a better cam..I am much more passionate about photography than modeling

Jun 26 06 01:57 pm Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Diana Moffitt wrote:
Off topic but.....One of the best photographers I have worked with also models.  Lenka Drstakova.  Damn she rocks.  You can check out her images in my port under 'LD Studios'. 

On topic....tell her to get off her high horse!  Why does everyone have to be such a diva?!  Sheesh.

Lenka is excellent. AlliPhotoGraphix (Alli) is also. And in L.A. Sylvie Blum, a former model herself who was photographed by some of the greats...

Jun 26 06 02:02 pm Link



Posts: 344

Ward is one of my Favs  ; )

Jun 26 06 02:08 pm Link


A for Alex

Posts: 35

Houston, Alaska, US


Jun 26 06 02:10 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

I do both. But my modeling is my own self portriat work. I will be working on a series on myself soon. I also like to do some GQ fashion style.

Jun 26 06 02:15 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Zoe Weisman is another who rocks both sides of the lens.

Jun 26 06 07:25 pm Link



Posts: 175

Manassas, Virginia, US

This in my opinion is a bad thread to start....

You really need to cool your jets Mac....As someone stated before.

Some of us models that are photographers started out as photographers and turned into models (such as myself). Ive been in school for photography since i was 14-15. Now im working on getting a Masters.

I think some of the models-photographers i have worked with have been some of the best i have worked with... They understand both sides of the camera.

And by the way, if you are going to might want to look at the quality and amount of your own work...

There is my two cents

Jun 26 06 07:29 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Macphoto wrote:
How do the rest of you respond when you see that in a BIO.?  The delusional model in a couple threads yesterday about being too good for TFP and another about getting all the RAW files to do her own editing, when finally pushed to the wall by reason and common practice said "I'm a photographer too".  To me, that implied that she should have more input than the guy pushing the button.

Others bring it up in a more friendly way, but you just have to wonder if they mean they are photographers, or just have a camera, possibly the one they used to do the 4 MM images.

no problem with me at all - I can learn a few things from this model/photog ---

Jun 26 06 07:33 pm Link


Tanya Dakin

Posts: 176

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I do state that i am a model with a backround in photography, I want the people whom work with me to understand i UNDERSTAND, and to give me the same respect they would a peer, not just another subject. I have 2 sites and the most recent has one section for self portraits and the other for modeling all in one. I started out teaching myself photography and darkroom skills, then realized i needed a subject that understood what i needed for my projects, whom better but myself. But I never demand Raw files, Negatives or anything else, i am pretty good with photoshop, If the person shooting decides they can trust that i won't post anything unedited then they chose to give me raw files and so on. but that is always a personal choice.
and in no way do i ever assume i am too good for tfp/cd.
If more Models were familiar with Photography they might make more patient subjects, and understand how long it takes to set up a shot , and learn a new technique or two.

Jun 26 06 07:50 pm Link


Olaf S

Posts: 1625

Allentown, Pennsylvania, US

You can be good at both...Tiana Hunter's photography is excellent, and she is also an exceptional model.  Tanya's stuff is very good, and she totally rocks as a model.  Being able to do one well does not necessarily  mean you will suck at the other, BUT (and this is a BIG "but") a model doing a shoot and then wanting the RAW files so she/he can do their own editing is laughable.


Forgot about Cyntia K (MM 1398)...gorgeous model, very talented photographer.

Edit 2:

DAMN...forgot SYLVIE BLUM!!  Great, great model.  Outstanding (and multi published) photographer.

Jun 26 06 08:05 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Hey, im not *THAT* bad! ^_^;
*hugs her preciouse nikon*

Jun 27 06 02:38 am Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Kassandra wrote:
Hey, im not *THAT* bad! ^_^;
*hugs her preciouse nikon*

No one said you were bad at all.. quite the opposite... and if they do...

I'll give em one of these....


Jun 27 06 04:08 am Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

PK Digital Imaging wrote:

No one said you were bad at all.. quite the opposite... and if they do...

I'll give em one of these....


Jun 27 06 04:19 am Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

KM von Seidl wrote:


Just an aside, it's not always a guy pushing the button and not everyone is shooting RAW.  I shoot silver and chrome myself....

I don't ever give out files for editing unless the person I'm giving them to 1) I trust implicitedly and 2)has demonstrated to me that they are a competent craftsperson as well as artist and 3) respects my direction.

I have a very good friend that I work with alot.  She is a great model.  She is also an excellent designer and photoshop editor.  Sometimes she had great ideas about edits.  Sometimes she (okay lots of people) have no idea where I'm trying to go with concepts.  That's we the control and direction comes in.

Digital technology (easy shots and easier erasing) has made it simpler to call oneself a photographer.  So has the reduction of art classes in public schooling as many viewers are seemingly unable to distinguish good work from absolute crap.  And opinions always differ. 

Yes I am seeing an increased number of models "doing" photography as well.  Some  are quite good, others are no different from the never ending converyer belt of snapshots one sees on the web.

...So what does it take to be different???

Jun 27 06 04:44 am Link


Cynthia Leigh

Posts: 799

Orlando, Florida, US

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
Don't forget the lovely Miss Kassandra... amazes me what she can do with self portraits.

Much love for Kassandra too ^o^

I'm actually looking to get back into photography.  I did it in high school with my old Canon EOS 750 for the schools Photo Club (and got a little darkroom exp), and I now want to get a Canon Digi Rebel XT so that I shot some stuff that either a) photographers I know aren't interested in shooting with me, b) for personal projects, & c) for a paysite I'm putting together.

I've also gotten back into drawing again and I'm taking a lot of my artwork digital (thus the dreaded and loved deviantart link on my page ^_~). 

As far as editing in Photoshop, the first photographer I worked with just gave me a cd of RAWs when he heard I knew how to edit, and told me to go at it.  Now, that doesn't happen that much anymore, and I don't press photographers for the opportunity since I certainly don't feel like doing 20 mins+ worth of editing on a picture, but I do have photographers that I know that do that because I'm better at Photoshop than they are. *shrug*

Jun 27 06 02:46 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

I agree with LookNSee. Everything is negotiable.  I don't normally give anyone my RAW files but I did for one girl, Sabrina.  As she's a graphic artist, I wanted to see what she could. As it turns out, JPEGs are fine for her as she hasn't take the time to learn how to use a RAW converter.  But it was something we talked about and I agreed to it.

As for models being photographers, our very own Kassandra is a mere 17 years old and she's doing self-photography with a very distinct style and vision that I find appealing.  In addition to being a good model, I think she's going to improve in her photography and become quite good at it...well, more good than she already is anyhow. big_smile

Jun 27 06 03:03 pm Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

Given my background in publishing, I have quite a bit of experience working with photoshop. I understand that I don't have the right to alter a photographer's photos, but I have to say, it sucks when I receive a disk full of unuseable images from a photographer who is either less skilled or less attentive to detail in image editing than I am. I would never want to completely rework the image, but it's really tempting when you have images that you know have the potential to be useable with a little straightening, cropping, skin smoothing, etc.

I often find full-body shots that don't really work, but my face looks good, and I want to crop it into a nice headshot or beauty image. I have this other image that I love, but the shoes just don't match my dress and I totally want to go into photoshop and adjust the color.

Jun 27 06 03:17 pm Link