Forums > General Industry > Do female models prefer male photogs over women ?



Posts: 67

Austin, Indiana, US

I only ask this question due to the fact that most models on here are working with male photogs, yet there are some really outstanding female photogs on here as well.....just a question ( be nice !)

Staying Creative Under The Lens


Jun 24 06 07:35 pm Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Good luck, Jack.  The OP's on this site usually tend to get slaughtered.  It's even worse than running for office!

Jun 24 06 07:37 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I think most of the photogs on here happen to be male.. But I haven't heard too many of the female photographers starving for work..

Look up.. Let's see.. Sita Mae Edwards.. Krista.. Ack, blanking on names.. But they've all got full ports of enviable work..

Jun 24 06 07:38 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I think most models prefer talented photographers over those who are not.....male or female.....

Jun 24 06 07:59 pm Link



Posts: 67

Austin, Indiana, US

nice ......!

Jun 24 06 08:00 pm Link


Sarah Deathriage

Posts: 166

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I like female photographers myself. Because you don't feel like they are leering at your boobs. Haha.

Jun 24 06 08:07 pm Link


Durham Sorrow

Posts: 156

Beecher, Illinois, US

its due to an overpopulation of male photogs! I'd love to work with female photogs more! But maybe female photogs are more intimidating. (I can think of one I worked with who is. But Elizabeth Carter rocks! Even for as scary as she is)

Jun 24 06 08:10 pm Link



Posts: 827

Brownwood, Texas, US

Hey from a fellow Texan AND female photog, Jack ;c),

I have had some models say they were more comfortable working with me, since I'm a woman...but I would reiterate that I don't know that gender matters, as long as the photog respects a model's boundaries and is a talented artist.

We are definitely the minority, though.

Jun 24 06 08:11 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I'd submit that most models are working with male photographers, because most of the photographers are male. The only time I've anyone express a preference in the gender of the photographer, is on those craigslist ads, where guys are willing to PAY $25/hr to be photographed... by a female photographer.

jackfrost wrote:
I only ask this question due to the fact that most models on here are working with male photogs, yet there are some really outstanding female photogs on here as well.....just a question ( be nice !)

Staying Creative Under The Lens


Jun 24 06 09:39 pm Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

At least two sides to this. I used to partner with a female photographer - friend and some of the ladies preferred to have a woman photographer. I don't know how they would have felt if they knew the woman in question was gay. Others wanted me to shoot them, one reason given was that "a man will take pictures men want to look at". I doubt you will find any consensus here, just more variations.

Jun 24 06 09:51 pm Link



Posts: 3702

Fresno, California, US

Geez, what kind of question is this.  We're not obs or gynos here.  Still, like them, it should make no difference.

This isn't a date it a professional photoshoot.  It is always the quality of the work that matters.

Next question.

Jun 24 06 09:53 pm Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

Ehh, whatever. There are only a scarce handful of female photographers in my area and they mostly work different genres.

Jun 25 06 12:20 am Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jack + posting =

Jun 25 06 12:31 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

I blame Bush!

Jun 25 06 12:34 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

This has been covered here before.

Which do you prefer?

Would you preffer a Female or a Male photographer?

Have you worked with a female photographer?

Jun 25 06 12:36 am Link


Jaime Ibarra

Posts: 312

Austin, Texas, US

I vote nobody calls us "Photogs" anymore.


Male or female.

Please, mommy...make it stop!

Jun 25 06 12:41 am Link



Posts: 6703

Tampa, Florida, US

Not at all. I'd love to work with more female photographers. Some of the women on this site are exceptionally talented!!

Jun 25 06 12:41 am Link


Brutal Disaster

Posts: 9

I actually feel more comfortable with a femal photog. Just because it's easier to get naked in front of another doll:P

Jun 25 06 12:44 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

jackfrost wrote:
I only ask this question due to the fact that most models on here are working with male photogs, yet there are some really outstanding female photogs on here as well.....just a question ( be nice !)

Staying Creative Under The Lens


I work with most photographers who have a project I can help with.  I mostly do paid assignments, so I take what I can get.

I worked with my second female photographer today.
I like them better.

Jun 25 06 02:15 am Link



Posts: 12

Houston, Texas, US

I am usually the 1st female photog that models have used in the area... I always get kudos on how I treat them...

I am not sure what the male photogs are asking for... But, I hear & have seen where they say they are "artistic" photographs & it will end up being close-ups of the nips or crotch shots... & they wonder why these models don't come back.

I think they just feel more at home with a fellow woman since... the last thing on our minds is to get em naked or in akward situations.

And no, I am not saying that all male photogs are like this... just the fakes

Jun 25 06 02:24 am Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

no I prefer good photographers over bad.  big_smile  don't care whats in you pants.  It's not like I need it for anything.

Jun 25 06 11:51 am Link



Posts: 170

Bloomfield, Connecticut, US

I don't care what the model thinks, I much prefer being a male. I mean I have all the right clothes right now.

Jun 26 06 02:42 am Link



Posts: 37

Houston, Alaska, US

deathrockgirl wrote:
I like female photographers myself. Because you don't feel like they are leering at your boobs. Haha.

Its not only that but just nature I feel more confortable with females

Jun 26 06 02:44 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Tim Baker wrote:
I blame Bush!

Shame on you!!

Jun 26 06 05:11 am Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Female Photog here,

I have no problem getting women clients. Most say they prefer to work with a woman and they felt more comfortable. Most always show up alone and get dressed right in front of me lol.
Kinda funny lol

Jun 26 06 07:27 am Link



Posts: 2442

Dayton, Alabama, US

Whether I'm modeling or working or hanging with friends ... I prefer men over women -- granted when it comes to modeling, I have only shot for 4 women and they were all great.  Other women unless they're tomboys or prior military just tend to drive me nuts in general.


Jun 26 06 01:37 pm Link


Zakiya Soleil

Posts: 126

Kennesaw, Georgia, US

jackfrost wrote:
I only ask this question due to the fact that most models on here are working with male photogs, yet there are some really outstanding female photogs on here as well.....just a question ( be nice !)

Staying Creative Under The Lens


That's hard because I have shot with really talented male photographers. but with them as an exception, i usually feel more at ease with women; not that I like shooting with them more but just feel more at ease, I had a shoot the other day with a male photographer and he just sorta gawked at me and told me I was hot and that my body was bangin. it was so totally out of line and unprofessional. At that moment I would have really preferred a woman there shooting me instead. But dont get me wrong or twist anything. I'm not judging or saying that all male photographers are that way. But all in all it is about the work the produce and the respect that is there.

Jun 26 06 04:52 pm Link


Zakiya Soleil

Posts: 126

Kennesaw, Georgia, US

...And someone else (a photog i know) said something about how if its a male photographer then are going to tend to try to get you into poses that are sexually appealing to men. And they wind up being kind of raunchy or boob closeups. Not try with all but definately true with a few I've seen.

Jun 26 06 05:05 pm Link



Posts: 297

Northampton, Massachusetts, US

I'm a female photographer and am never hurting for models. Basically the only people I've ever met who are uncomfortable with me as a female photographer are male GWC's. wink I guess they're afraid if too many models realize you can get TFCD without arching your ass for the camera they'll never get another TFCD or something?

I shoot nudes and glamour, though I hesitate to call it glamour. If left to my own devices, a lingerie shoot with me will look more like an ad for La Perla than a pictorial in Maxim. HOWEVER! If a model wants something undeniably sexy, I'll shoot that. Just because I'm female doesn't mean I can't tell if a pose is hot. big_smile If a model wants something more along the lines of a men's magazine, my lack of a Y chromosome is not going to inhibit my ability to shoot that.

(Sidenote: I've heard some male photographers on MM say in the past that females can't take sexy or provocative photos, because sexy photos only happen when the model is flirting with the photographer. I think that's a bunch of wishful thinking, honestly. big_smile)

I don't put a lot of the nudes or lingerie I've shot into my portfolio here, because I like to work with a model first before I ask her to take her clothes off, so I don't think it's really relevant to new models judging my work. wink Call me old-fashioned.

Jun 26 06 05:21 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Michael Longeneker wrote:
At least two sides to this. I used to partner with a female photographer - friend and some of the ladies preferred to have a woman photographer. I don't know how they would have felt if they knew the woman in question was gay. Others wanted me to shoot them, one reason given was that "a man will take pictures men want to look at". I doubt you will find any consensus here, just more variations.


I'm pretty upfront about being queer.  It hasn't affected women's comfort level that I'm aware of.  For starters, I'm very picky about models (male or female ) that I work with, and so I screen out folks that aren't chill.  Secondly, the fact that a lesbian is attracted to some women isn't quite the same as working with a hetero guy. For one,  unless they've had surgery, lesbians have breasts as well. Want to catch a look at breasts, lift your shirt.   So, it's not a big deal seeing another pair when you have a set of your own.

Getting beyond the leer factor is essential if one wants to get shots that are more than just shots designed to arouse the purient interest of the viewer.  I play a lot with the concept of sensuality vs sexuality and by virtue of that I work with a lot of images that if shot with a leer in mind, would look very different in the final print.  My avatar would be an example of what I would consider sensual and erotic but not overtly sexual.

I don't run into the problem with models not being able to turn it on in front of a woman.  A good model can turn it on in front of a mule.  Rapport of course is important but in the men and women I work with, our chemistry isn't gender based, it's based more on respect.  And when we're working, I have no problem telling a male or female that they're looking hot, or sexy, or whatever it is they're looking like.

I'm not really shooting many nudes right now, but the ones I am are actually by request of the model, in particular via word of mouth.  Models that have worked with me know that there's no leering, no pressure to get nude, boundaries are respected.  So, actually I have way most requests for nudes  than I'm requesting!

Anyway, me thinks that male or female photographers that treat models as they themselves would like to be treated don't generally have a problem finding subjects to shoot.

Jun 26 06 05:29 pm Link


Kelly Sedivec-Ealy

Posts: 2704

Iowa City, Iowa, US

I am a female photographer and I have never had a problem lining up a shoot, as a matter of fact I stay pretty busy all year and most people I shoot ask to come back more then once...

I am pretty easy going though and the models feel very comfortable working with me...

I even get comments from many men that they admire how I capture the photographs of these models and they look incredibly sexy without taking everything off...

The comfort level I do think is higher and that helps...but they can be just as comfortable with a gracious fun loving male photographer too...

Jun 26 06 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 1636

Salisbury, Maryland, US

Great thread...I rank the debate up there with PC/Mac, Canon/Nikon, Ford/Chevy...It's whatever--and whomever--gets the job done for you. As a hetero (non-phobic) male photographer, though, and not that I'll ever have to worry about making the choice, if *I* were being photographed for anything other than a corporate shot, I think I'd rather have a woman---whether gay, straight or otherwise. And she should definitely lie to me about how good I look smile

Maybe I feel like I'd relate better, who knows. Alas, I'm destined to peer through the LITTLE end of the camera. Interesting thing about the letch thing, though, it seems the nudes get 100's of more views than any others here.  Ciao!

Jun 26 06 08:18 pm Link


Pamela Sally H

Posts: 21

Boston, Massachusetts, US

i don't care about male or female...i just don't like creepos...and i have dealt with more male creepos than female creepos. most of the female photographers have seen me naked but none of the males have...and that is becuase of the creepo factor.

Jun 26 06 09:49 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Dee Dee Desire wrote:
i don't care about male or female...i just don't like creepos...and i have dealt with more male creepos than female creepos. most of the female photographers have seen me naked but none of the males have...and that is becuase of the creepo factor.

Why do most females think every man wants their sex ? I don't know if you are one of those females. The question just made more sense following your remarks.

Jun 26 06 09:53 pm Link


Dark Star Photography

Posts: 254

Portland, Maine, US

I've had a lot of clients tell me that they enjoyed working with me as a female photographer because they're more comfortable having another woman brush their hair out of their faces, move their arm for them so as not to ruin a pose, etc.  And that they're fine asking me if their boobs look good, etc., stuff they don't want to ask a male photographer they don't know well.

Jun 26 06 09:55 pm Link


Visual Sanctum Photo

Posts: 1

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Moonsbreath wrote:
Hey from a fellow Texan AND female photog, Jack ;c),

I have had some models say they were more comfortable working with me, since I'm a woman...but I would reiterate that I don't know that gender matters, as long as the photog respects a model's boundaries and is a talented artist.

We are definitely the minority, though.

Well said. I completely agree. I work behind and infront of the camera and its about making the person feel comfortable, acting professional and having talent.

Jun 26 06 09:58 pm Link


Pamela Sally H

Posts: 21

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Tony Culture Photoz wrote:

Why do most females think every man wants their sex ? I don't know if you are one of those females. The question just made more sense following your remarks.

I never assume anyone "wants my sex" (and i don't think i gave that impression) but when I meet a photographer and I get a creepy old man vibe off him then my clothes will stay on. If I work with a female and she gives me a creepy vibe then my clothes will stay on.  We have to look out for ourselves and unfortunately/fortunately photographery is extremely accessible these days and there are more GWC's than CWC's (chicks with cameras....just made that up..ha)

Jun 26 06 10:07 pm Link


Tim Vieyra

Posts: 23

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Everyone always worries about the model feeling comfortable but i think the model can make the photographer just as uncomfortable. The respect and comfort have to work both ways not just towards the model. If a model walks into a shoot with the predisposition that the photographer is a pervert then what respect is the model giving the photographer.

I dont think the question should be if female models are more comfortable with male or female photgraphers but should be, who's a professional photographer/model.

Jun 26 06 10:46 pm Link


Naomi Vida

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

I would have to say that as of now, I've had better experiences with female photographers than males

Jun 26 06 10:47 pm Link


Naomi Vida

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

I would have to say that as of now, I've had better experiences with female photographers than males

Jun 26 06 10:48 pm Link