Forums > General Industry > To music or not...


Dreamscapes NRazorblade

Posts: 24

Long Island, Kansas, US

Ok here's a question for ANYONE and all who wants to answer.
Do you listen to music YOU want to hear (as a photographer)
Do you listen to music THE MODEL wants to hear OR
No music at all....

I usually put music that the model and I could agree on but i lean more towards what would inspire the shoot, Im interested in hearing what others think...

Jun 22 06 06:28 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

like most, has been asked before ...

... but okay, depends if i'm shooting studio (mix of what everyone might like) or out on-location (maybe MP3 player jacked into my head; LOL).


Jun 22 06 06:29 pm Link



Posts: 75

Personally I'm not a picky person so typically I just listen to whatever the photographer chooses...I don't focus on the music during a shoot anyways since sometimes there is none (on location)

Jun 22 06 06:32 pm Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

I usually ask before the shoot, but most models say anything is that's what they get! I like having music in the studio. It definitely relaxes me and most models seem to like it as well. I would like it on location, but I prefer not to disturb others around me.

Jun 22 06 08:48 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I use music in almost all of my shoots, but the music is for me as an aid to my concentration. If the model likes it that great, if not, then that's too bad. It's usually classical music from a chamber group, quite jazz something along those lines. I can't work with loud or frantic' music.

Jun 22 06 09:27 pm Link