Forums > General Industry > horror and fetish shooting


Sean Abel Photography

Posts: 318

Newburgh, New York, US

I have received a couple of comments on some of the pics I have taken recently that they are in bad taste. My feelings on this is that every picture that is taken is art in the photographers eye. Everyone has there own style of shooting. Can I get some imput on fetish and horror pictures for portfollio use.

Jun 22 06 06:03 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Okay, this seems like an easy one.

What's the point of your portfolio?

To get work? If you're getting negative feedback from potential clients, then your portfolio is obviously on the wrong track.

Art for art's sake, beauty in the eye of the beholder? If you're just doing this for yourself, that's fine, but that makes it more of an online gallery or showcase rather than a portfolio.

Abels Images wrote:
I have received a couple of comments on some of the pics I have taken recently that they are in bad taste. My feelings on this is that every picture that is taken is art in the photographers eye. Everyone has there own style of shooting. Can I get some imput on fetish and horror pictures for portfollio use.

Jun 22 06 06:20 am Link


Sean Abel Photography

Posts: 318

Newburgh, New York, US

no this was just another photog, the models I have been working with love this style of shoot as do I.

Jun 22 06 06:22 am Link


Ivan Aps

Posts: 4996

Miami, Florida, US

Abels Images wrote:
My feelings on this is that every picture that is taken is art in the photographers eye. Everyone has there own style of shooting. Can I get some imput on fetish and horror pictures for portfollio use.

And the first finger painting a child does is art to their parents.  But it will never be in MoMA.

Fetish and Goth in my mind is all about execution.  Taking some .99 cent fake blood, smearing it all over a model with a gothic hair do and pal skin does not make it a great goth picture.  There some goth photographers on here who do amazing work.  They venture into new subject matter, use new lighting techniques and their images actually have a commentary to them both morally and socially.

The trick is not to take a picture.  It is to take a picture in a way no one has done it before and if for non-commercial but for sake, it must hold a personal or socialogical commentary.

Jun 22 06 06:35 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Abels Images wrote:
I have received a couple of comments on some of the pics I have taken recently that they are in bad taste. My feelings on this is that every picture that is taken is art in the photographers eye. Everyone has there own style of shooting. Can I get some imput on fetish and horror pictures for portfollio use.

It depends on who you are and why you are doing what you are doing. Horror images aren't for everybody -- no matter how well-executed they are, a certain percentage of the population will tell you they are awful and in bad taste.

So if you're just trying to be a general interest photographer, posting them is going to cause you problems.

On the other hand, if this is your primary genre of work -- where you want to leave your mark, than simply don't pay any attention to the detractors.

I think we Americans are unrealistic sometimes -- we want everything at once. We want to do whatever we want to do, and we want everybody to like all of it. Can't do that -- doesn't work.

You have to make choices. Do you want to be known as a horror photog? Cool. Go for it. Do you want soccer moms to love your work? Take down the horror stuff.

Easy, huh?! Just make choices, and then live with them.


Jun 22 06 06:46 am Link



Posts: 150

Massillon, Ohio, US

Coming from a fetish-goth model (however you want to label it).....
I would never do "blood" shoots", unless it will look real.
People are drawn in to photos that a realistic...
I think you had the right idea, these photos themselves are nice.
I would just use a differant approach at making them look more realistic.

Jun 22 06 07:01 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

If you're looking for fashion work....wayy off track....if it's art...heading there....if it's for you own satisfaction....I guess you're there, I think......but you may be get slot in specialing in "sick models"....check my thread in non-tradional models....

Jun 22 06 07:06 am Link



Posts: 12

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Yip, its not everybodies cup of tea... but as an art I would agree it has some merit, a very niche market... and in my eyes... thats a good thing.

Jun 22 06 07:07 am Link



Posts: 79

Dallas, Texas, US

I love it. My main problem is finding photographers who aren't squeamish in my area.

Jun 22 06 10:16 am Link


Ugly Shyla

Posts: 90

Austin, Texas, US

If it's of any coldolance the majorty of MM doesn't understand the whole concept of horror or fetish shooting,most of them don't even know what a Alt Model is.You can ask almost any Alt model on here and they will tell you the same thing,they get negative comments from people who have no clue what is going on,or what you are trying to do.
It's one thing if somebody say critiques your way of shooting like say your lighting or composition of the shot.Sometimes that can be really helpful if you are just starting out and are looking for tips.
But if you post a shot of say a bloody model and all they can say is "ewww that's gross",and you attempt to tell them that is what you were going of,it normally just confuses and upsets them.Kinda like if you hand a algebra book to a monkey,they don't "get" it so they just sheik at it no matter how much you try and explain it to them.

Jun 22 06 10:24 am Link



Posts: 558

Blood doth not horror make.

Spraying blood over a model wont make them look like a goth horror shot. It will make them look like some girl in fake blood amond the army of others in fake blood.

Horror is something that should make you stop, shock you, make you think. Spraying blood over a model does none of this, it just looks crappy, and cheap and so, so, over done.

To look good, gore needs very well executed SFX, which comes mostly from excellent make up.

Jun 22 06 11:15 am Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I don't understand goth. I suspect that it could be a reaction to glamour much in the same way as punk was a reaction to overmelodic rock and roll that featured long guitar solos.

Personally since I admire beauty I don't understand this tendency in goth to make the attractive unattractive. But my opinion is based on pure ignorance. Every year I take a halloween cover for a local arts magazine. In the example shown here it was to illustrate an article on small independent film companies that specialized in horror.

Jun 22 06 11:24 am Link



Posts: 34

Houston, Texas, US

Fetish & Horror (In my opinion) are not in bad taste. Its all about how your doing & the concept of it. I am very into the fetish & blood thing so its all good to me. The only problem I have with some of the images in your protfiolo is the well...the tacky way the blood is poured on the model. Its one thing to have a model that looks like she's bleeding, but if you have her just coverd in some fake blood? Where's the body that the blood came from is what I ask myself. Did she sever a limb or bite a neck?

Your in the right drection, and what your doing is not "In bad taste" to the alternitive world. Its just you need to work on concept a bit.

Jun 22 06 11:31 am Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

in bad taste.  who cares?  (smirk)

Jun 22 06 11:38 am Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

...Stacy wrote:

in bad taste.  who cares?  (smirk)

Stacy I live in Canada and having been educated in Texas I have soft spot for the US and many things American. But I do believe that we here in Canada have "progressed" a bit in not showing people and specially women in such poses as this one that you show. I believe that some misguided young people get to see these pictures and then they get this longing to replicate it in real life. Perhaps this is why they may go into schools and shoot people. There is so much violence in American films, in American news (all in living colour) and I cannot understand why the bulk of computer games involves getting rid of people with violent means.

I believe that it is pretty difficult to shoot pornography. I have tried and given up realizing that pornography (from my end) is to do something in bad taste. This image that you have shown is pornographic because it is in bad taste. The idea that everything is game or ok as long as the model is willing and over 21 is something that I don't quite agree with.

In the 1984 film The Hit with John Hurt and Terrance Stamp, John Hurt shoots Stamp in the eye (who is wearing glasses). Without showing any blood the delicate noise of the glasses shattering and tinkling is horrific. No need for blood.

Jun 22 06 12:29 pm Link


Natalie Addams

Posts: 200

Los Angeles, California, US

If that’s the genre that you'd like to be in, then it’s perfect. I am a huge fan of this style, but it’s hard for me to find photographers, that aren’t scared away from it.  ^v^

Jun 22 06 12:46 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

alexwh wrote:

Stacy I live in Canada and having been educated in Texas I have soft spot for the US and many things American. But I do believe that we here in Canada have "progressed" a bit in not showing people and specially women in such poses as this one that you show. I believe that some misguided young people get to see these pictures and then they get this longing to replicate it in real life. Perhaps this is why they may go into schools and shoot people. There is so much violence in American films, in American news (all in living colour) and I cannot understand why the bulk of computer games involves getting rid of people with violent means.

I believe that it is pretty difficult to shoot pornography. I have tried and given up realizing that pornography (from my end) is to do something in bad taste. This image that you have shown is pornographic because it is in bad taste. The idea that everything is game or ok as long as the model is willing and over 21 is something that I don't quite agree with.

In the 1984 film The Hit with John Hurt and Terrance Stamp, John Hurt shoots Stamp in the eye (who is wearing glasses). Without showing any blood the delicate noise of the glasses shattering and tinkling is horrific. No need for blood.

Oh good< i finally made it into the porn industry.  I was trying so hard!!!

Jun 22 06 12:52 pm Link


House of Indulgence

Posts: 585

New York, New York, US

Horror is not for everyone. I personally love it. But I have rules to my images. IOne is to never show the woman as a victim. It is done too often and I find it a "cheap" way out. Most men find strong women scary. Especially if they have just castrated thier best friend. LOL!!!!!!!!

Art is all subjective. One man's art is another man's trash. Go with your guts and your opinions, not other peoples'. Get influence and people's perspectives from artist's you admire. They should be able to look at an image subjectively and give you a good critique.

Personally I come from 2 schools of thought. You either have an image that communicates a message o you have cool looking picture. One has depth, the other surface. If you are doing art then you need to communicate your ideas effectively. Such as having more real looking blood ( as per a reall splatter pattern fro the weapon) or go more theatrical and fake ( show elelemnts that elude to the more fake aspect of the blood). Either way you have to push at one end or the other.

Just another 2 cents.


Jun 22 06 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 46


Jun 22 06 01:04 pm Link



Posts: 46


I have a lot of fun with Horror & know much about the genre.  I haven't had any bad remarks yet on what I have done, even if I do at least someone is talking about what me & the crew I work on stuff with are doing which says a lot.  However, I understand that some people just don't get it & never will.  Good luck with your projects, I know I have plenty more in my head & I hope to make them reality soon.  Also we must not forget that people have been violent way before TV, movies and major media was ever around.

Jun 22 06 01:05 pm Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

Abels Images wrote:
I have received a couple of comments on some of the pics I have taken recently that they are in bad taste. My feelings on this is that every picture that is taken is art in the photographers eye. Everyone has there own style of shooting. Can I get some imput on fetish and horror pictures for portfollio use.

Is my avatar in bad taste? Art is meant to disturb at times...
Don't create art for anyone else but yourself...

Jun 22 06 01:40 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

You can please some of the people all of the time....
You can please all of the people some of the time.....
But you still can't kill everyone that isn't pleased by you.


Jun 22 06 03:36 pm Link


Christopher N.

Posts: 657

Troy, Michigan, US

Abels Images wrote:
I have received a couple of comments on some of the pics I have taken recently that they are in bad taste. My feelings on this is that every picture that is taken is art in the photographers eye. Everyone has there own style of shooting. Can I get some imput on fetish and horror pictures for portfollio use.

The images that got me into photography (mainly Bourdin) are the ones that influenced most of my portfolio. I really don't use alot of blood since (for me anyway) it takes away from my particular "tragic beauty" theme. Recently I'm starting to get away from the genre but still I stand behind my portfolio. In alot of cases it was a model's idea for a pose or scenario ("I'm glad to do a shoot where I don't have to smile," one model told me.)

When a small gallery contacted me to display some of my work I asked "Don't you think that this might be a bit controversial for you?"

He looked at me like I was an idiot.

"So you're telling me you DON'T want your work to be noticed??"


From an emotion and art perspective, I think you're fine.....

Jun 22 06 05:29 pm Link



Posts: 5

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Apfel Photography wrote:
Fetish and Goth in my mind is all about execution.  Taking some .99 cent fake blood, smearing it all over a model with a gothic hair do and pal skin does not make it a great goth picture.  There some goth photographers on here who do amazing work.  They venture into new subject matter, use new lighting techniques and their images actually have a commentary to them both morally and socially.

The trick is not to take a picture.  It is to take a picture in a way no one has done it before and if for non-commercial but for sake, it must hold a personal or socialogical commentary.


Fetish photography presents a fresh challenge because you are representing a culture. I was at an event recently and had a professional dominatrix teach me the proper way of weilding a whip... that should evidence the attention to detail that is required of anyone venturing into this field.

Another example: I had a film student ask me to be in a coercion play sequence when he found out I was exploring the fetish world. Because it was not something he had a strong understanding of, it an obvious exploitation rather than an honest portrayal.

Perhaps that is why you receive such criticism.

Jun 22 06 09:16 pm Link