Forums > General Industry > What the FFFFFF does this mean??


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

markcomp wrote:

Oh God, we're thinking alike now?

Jun 21 06 06:49 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Also, the model population changes as models come and go.  Some go out of town to different cities, and others go to Europe or Asia. Some never come back!  So when a booker says come back in a few months, often its because the booker knows the pattern.

Jun 21 06 07:00 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Daguerre wrote:
Also, the model population changes as models come and go.  Some go out of town to different cities, and others go to Europe or Asia. Some never come back!  So when a booker says come back in a few months, often its because the booker knows the pattern.

So many, i'll come back in a few months!

and if they don't like me!!

Jun 21 06 07:34 pm Link


Antoine McAdams

Posts: 781

Irvington, New Jersey, US

Just Keep Trying ET smile I know you'll find something really good...

Jun 21 06 07:36 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Antoine McAdams wrote:
Just Keep Trying ET smile I know you'll find something really good... did you call me?? ET??

Jun 21 06 07:38 pm Link


Antoine McAdams

Posts: 781

Irvington, New Jersey, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Was this from an agency?  It could mean that they have someone like you already.  They aren't going to take too many models with the same look; if they did, the agency would be competing with itself for jobs.

I doubt that they'd have someone to look like her even though the planet had a pretty diverse selection of have to admit she has a pretty unique look to her...

Jun 21 06 07:38 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US


Jun 21 06 08:02 pm Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Jay Bowman wrote:

The highlighted part is the most telling statement to me.

You went in. 
They saw you. 
They didn't sign you.

I wouldn't look into it anymore than that.  If they wanted to sign you, they would've...

They do NOT have time to see the same people over and over again unless they actually think that your look might come back around....They said resubmit...then said to make sure you resubmit...Do what they asked you do...resubmit...just don't walk in with the same stuff that didn't get you signed the first time...KEEP them what you are made of....AND...what you can be made up to look like...You are doing just fine...keep it up.

I looked at your port here...I would shoot with you ANYTIME.

Jun 21 06 08:13 pm Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Make sure you get more full lenght and totally different looks going to....spread a big a net as you never know which fish you will land!

Jun 21 06 08:16 pm Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

It’s a nice way of saying we’re not interested right now. Could be for a number of reasons and not necessarily have anything to do with you. Main thing is you got to see them. Don’t be discouraged. Keep beating the pavement. Go back and see them in a month or two.

Jun 21 06 08:20 pm Link


Marc Rosebeck

Posts: 2281

Albany, New York, US

Is possible the agency isn't getting enough work for it's current roster?  If this was your first open call than you have taken a huge step towards success, many aspiring's are fearful of open call's,( the rejection monster is looming behind the desk)  they are either going to say nay or yay.  Agency representation doesn't necessarily mean that you will be working regularly, some model's literally sit at the bottom of the booker's list and stay there, at that point what did getting signed really mean for them,  so when your signed, stay in the booker's face, call in,stop in and ask for work.

Wish you the best,

Jun 21 06 08:24 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Daguerre wrote:

No it doesn't. No REPUTABLE model agency (Ford, Wilhemina, etc.) will ask any model they don't like to come back and waste more of their time.  Doesn't happen.

This is in fact a very good sign.  It means they DO like you, they just don't have a place for you right now.

No it does not mean that at all... this is not a "doggy bag" industry where they will take you home to eat later.  It is a biz where they do not want to SEEM mean.. so they will say ANYTHING to get you nicely out the door.  Anything (ANYTHING) other than "we would like to represent you" means WE DON'T LIKE YOU!!!!!!

Jun 21 06 11:25 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
No it does not mean that at all... this is not a "doggy bag" industry where they will take you home to eat later.  It is a biz where they do not want to SEEM mean.. so they will say ANYTHING to get you nicely out the door.  Anything (ANYTHING) other than "we would like to represent you" means WE DON'T LIKE YOU!!!!!!

Since when have agents (especially NYC agents) cared about being mean?

Still, the effect is the same. They're not signing you, at least not right now. Go on to the next agency.

Jun 21 06 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

Electra T wrote:
I don't know, I think you should go to Click or Ford and see what they say..."

I'm sorry to say, I think she was being facetious.


Jun 21 06 11:55 pm Link



Posts: 558

Chicago, Illinois, US

Which agency was this?

Jun 22 06 12:51 am Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
No it does not mean that at all... this is not a "doggy bag" industry where they will take you home to eat later.  It is a biz where they do not want to SEEM mean.. so they will say ANYTHING to get you nicely out the door.  Anything (ANYTHING) other than "we would like to represent you" means WE DON'T LIKE YOU!!!!!!

You don't know what you're talking about.  Top tier bookers don't care about getting you nicely out the door.  They just say: Thanks for coming, here's a list of other agencies-- go see them!

Bookers at Wilhemina don't have the luxury of time to be 'nice'.  They see hundreds of wannabees a month.  Very few of those will be 'invited' back.  Most are simply told:  No thanks.

What an agency means by 'come back' is that that particular booker sees some potential.  What the prospective model needs to ask at that point is 'what would you like to see when I do?'.  The booker will give an answer to that.

Bigler, call any top tier booker in NY that's been doing this more than a year, and ask them what percentage of open call candidates they ask back.  By your theory, they are all called back.  Doesn't happen.

Try to remember that when you're giving advice, some people might believe you. And its their lives you are affecting!

Jun 22 06 10:04 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Angela Crystal McAdrian wrote:
Which agency was this?

I'll pm you the name, I'm not sure if I should say it here. Anyway thanks everybody for you input, lol no matter how conflicting some of it might be.

Jun 22 06 10:07 am Link