Forums > General Industry > Just the FAQs?


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

I notice on all forums, here on MM and elsewhere, that there is a cycle of interest. Once we have debated a subject to death and feel that the subject has been completely surrounded and all points of view completely covered, we get annoyed when the same subject comes up again a few weeks later. We face the dilemna of either just letting it go and have people not benefit from the brilliance of our input, or we have to jump in and discuss the same tired thing all over again. The current answer of choice seems to be -- just shut down the conversation and tell people to read the FAQ.

I've always wondered about this -- it seems like people come and go, and the point of a forum is to let the people who are here NOW have a chance to discuss amongst themselves. At the same time, I understand how irritating it can be to see people saying things we disagree with, when we've already covered it in detail in a previous thread.

But I wondering, is the answer -- "just read the FAQ" really fair? Should we just shut down the conversation and close threads every time new people want to discuss subjects the old veterans feel have been talked into the ground?

I think it's an interesting question -- are the forums here to provide the definitive final answer -- in the form of a FAQ -- or is it fairer to just let new people rehash the subjects that some of us are tired of talking about? Is there any middle ground?

Jun 20 06 09:03 am Link


Rebekka Raynor

Posts: 59

London, England, United Kingdom

I find comprehensive search facilites on forums a godsend.  It means I don't have to trouble the world with my brilliant ramblings, daily woes and invaluable suggestions because I have found someone beat me to it.

Jun 20 06 09:10 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Jun 20 06 09:11 am Link


A. H A M I L T O N

Posts: 325

Coventry, England, United Kingdom

To do that you have to actually have a DISCUSSION forum, not an argument forum.  It requires that you come to a clear conclusion question or subject and hand and can post a definitive answer.  Otherwise, it would have to be a Frequently Unanswered Questions, or FUQ.

Let's not having any FUQing going on around here!

The whole basis of how MM works (or doesn't depending on your viewpoint) is that the management takes no active part in the content of the site.  There are no clearly established experts that the actual site defers to, and therefore the members don't either.

If you asked something as simple as: What is modeling?  The answer you get will be different based on who answers...supermodels will answer one way, fashion photographers another, commercial photographers yet another, short models, fat models, ugly models, old models, actors and actresses, GWCs, professional and really really horrible amateur make up artists and stylists...they all give a different answer.

So what do you put in the FAQ?

Jun 20 06 09:12 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

A. H A M I L T O N wrote:
The whole basis of how MM works (or doesn't depending on your viewpoint) is that the management takes no active part in the content of the site.  There are no clearly established experts that the actual site defers to, and therefore the members don't either.

That's my point -- increasingly, we see moderators gently or not so gently chilling or even completely locking conversations they feel have already been adequately covered in previous conversations that have been captured in a list of topics.

That's certainly one approach -- but to me, it creates a class system -- the honored veteran members, whose beautiful words are enshrined in the FAQS, get to have their views aired, while the newcomers are just supposed to shut up and learn at the feet of the masters, but PLEASE don't talk about these things any more.

I think it gets to the heart of the very question of what a forum is -- is the goal to disseminate the correct answers (whatever they are) in the most efficient way possible, or are we providing a forum where people are allowed to freely talk amongst themselves? The two goals are conflicting, IMHO.

I can see both sides of the argument -- but I think a forum needs to remain a forum, where newcomers get to go through the same thought processes and conversations the old folks did -- if they want to. I can see how that could be frustrating, but I think anything else really chills free speech and the open exchange of ideas.


Jun 20 06 09:20 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

This question has actually been asked many times.
Even last week.

What is the intent of the boards besides have a little fun after work or for some in between edits?

Is the purpose to get and diseminate correct information?

If it is then everyone does not always have the correct answers.
Some people have agendas and many people try to help and protect people against these things.

It often takes a large amount of time to explain the correct answers or give the correct information.

Often people are pointed to
Because often many questions can be answered there,  then after reading that or other information stated if confusion still exist then people can help explain with more ease.

Many of these questions ARE asked day in and day out.
Sometimes the Wrong information is given out.
The people that do know the correct answers are not always around or have the energy to repeat.

And you get mad because they point you to the correct answers?
not sure if I get that part.

If we get past the FAQ then we can get to the conversations about new things or issues that are not answered.

Having the discussions from time to time is fine,  things change,  attitudes change.
My attitude or feelings on many issues has changed drastically since coming on to netforums a year and half ago.

Changed ideas on escorts,  watermarks, copyrights,  websites,  private information,  etc.
If I just began should I have to have people respond to me personally or would pointing me to a conversation where the different views are already stated be fine.

I guess some people do not like it.  But I just want to find the answers and if a thread had drama then all the better not to HAVE (currently going on) Drama or an arguement.

Jun 20 06 09:29 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

bang bang photo wrote:
That's my point -- increasingly, we see moderators gently or not so gently chilling or even completely locking conversations they feel have already been adequately covered in previous conversations that have been captured in a list of topics.

The moderators usually only lock new threads when there are two current conversations going on at the same time.
What is the purpose of having two conversations going on asking the same question in two separate sections or even the same section?

I do not understand why you would want that.

I think not reading the FAQ of any site if not the first day then soon is like buying a Camera and not even skimming over the manual.

Jun 20 06 09:31 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Okay,  I have an idea.

I am going to make a quiz.

just for fun.  cheat if you want.

You score yourself.
But a list of questions that even many older members are clueless about and discussed oh so often.
And a list of questions/answers that would help the new people besides reading the FAQ which really all should do.

Later in the week,  hopefully.  I will post it when I have it.
You are welcome to email me with ideas of questions and I will credit you in the quiz.

Jun 20 06 10:08 am Link