Forums > General Industry > End Usage of Your Images



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

I notice tons of just model shots on the site, yet it's for photographers/models looking to expand both their work to others in the industry. So! For the shooters out there, is it that you are shooting for just the models and I am sure you are also building up your own books with work. It's idea in getting some ideas out there for clients in the adbertising world to see you, but being I shoot a lot of models for stock images beyond ad work. You every think of marketing your work in other areas. I am sure  there is a vast amount of images that we all can sell.....from brochure to images being used for ad work that comes from some of your model shoots. I just been sitting here wondering about the business side of this industry. I think if anything you need to see what types of images will sell in other markets..or I am just trying to dig here to see why we just shoot models for model sake..or is that art for art sake. Just the businessman in me always trying to understand this animal we have all created in our works. And for you models....always try to expand and show a wide range of yourself in what you show...never limit yourself to just being on style/look.....

Apr 22 05 11:28 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Good advice, for both photographers and models.

I try to keep my portfolio diverse, but I still get saddled with the "alt.model" label. I fear I could put on a pastel business suit and still be an "alt.model."

Apr 22 05 02:32 pm Link


Steve Mills

Posts: 4783

Hermiston, Oregon, US

I'm aiming primarly toward marketing art prints. I have auctions on eBay (seller stevemills), but that's mostly to lead folks into my web store. Follow the link in my profile to my site, you'll see how I market my work. At last count I'd sold over 1,700 prints, literally around the globe.

Apr 23 05 12:54 am Link


Steven Stone Photo

Posts: 315

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Yeah... I'm a little confused about the work on this site.  Is there really a market for all this t&a shit?  It kinda seems as though it's just an incestuous arena... like everyone here shoots tits and ass to show to everyone else.  Where's the cash in that?  All this TFP shit... let me shoot your ass and I'll make sure you get a print of it.  I decided to be a shooter because I love photography... but I love money, too.  I want to be able to live off what I love so I can focus and progress without the stress of keeping a second (or third) job.
If you look at my pics, I'd hope that you see that I'm not too into shooting eye candy for the sake of seeing boobies and thongs.  I'd like to have a book that's marketable to major agencies, not just Suicide Girls, who pay shit and retain ALL copyrights.  Is there really any paying venues for all this shit?
And this isn't an attack on anyone in particular - there are a lot of competent shooters here.  But technical proficiency doesn't mean shit if there isn't some sort of narrative beyond "this chicks naked"...
I don't know.  Just a little bummed at the soft-core image swap this place seems to be.

Apr 23 05 01:07 am Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

As I have said before, I am the Photo Whore. Pay me to pull the trigger and consider it done. This week, I took photos of houses. No shit. Houses. Now granted they were beautiful houses, and the photos were for submissions by the architects for consideration for awards from the American Institute of Architects, but hey. I took pictures of houses.

Basically metering hell with a tilt shift 24mm.

Apr 23 05 04:31 am Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

Geez Brian, how come I'm always agreeing with you.

Shoot models for a living? LOL! Yeah right. Even most of the very top fashion shooters don't just shoot models. Like Brian, you pay me I'll shoot it. The only thing I WON'T shoot is weddings.

I don't sell anything except my photography services.

Apr 23 05 05:53 am Link


Dave Madsen

Posts: 63

BOISE, Idaho, US

Yup, hand me money and show me the subject.  For me weddings are where the money is, though.  I haven't found a client in Boise that wants me to shoot models.  This area is so conservative that I can barely find a place to hang my personal stuff just to show it.  However, if I gave up on the idea of trying to shoot what interests me I might as well give up shooting all together.  Who wants to not like what they do?

Apr 23 05 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Hollywood, Alabama, US


Apr 23 05 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Blacklist Visual: 
Just a little bummed at the soft-core image swap this place seems to be.

That's the interweb for you: nekkid chicks.

Apr 23 05 10:53 pm Link