Forums > General Industry > Checking References


ErichDrazen Photography

Posts: 413

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Models - when you want to check a photographers references, do you ask for a list, or do you just check his/her work and and use links included with the photos?

The reason I ask is that I had a TFCD shoot a little while back and the model wanted a MUA, so we agreed to split the cost. To make a long story short, she never paid the MUA, and I was left to cover the entire cost. I have contacted her several times about this, but with no results. Becuase of this, (and the fact that she never gave me a list of images she wanted from the shoot) she has not received anything from me. I did have her listed with the models I have worked with, and had some images with her model link in my portfolio, but have since taken down the list and images.

If I had left her images and links up (or the model's list with her name included) I was concerned that someone might use her for a reference before working with me, and she probably wouldn't have great things to say about working with me.

Just wondering.

Erich Drazen

PS - In my messages to this model, I made it clear that I am still willing to supply her with images after she pays me back and tells me which images she wants.

Jun 16 06 04:44 pm Link



Posts: 330

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

I would rather contact models about the photographer before asking them to shoot, so I usually go with the ones already listed/linked in the person's profile or portfolio whenever I can. smile

Jun 16 06 07:47 pm Link