Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > No makeup for print or commercial stuff??? huh?

Makeup Artist

Tiffany Journot

Posts: 73

Frisco, Colorado, US

I'll try to make this the short version story...

I was working with a model exclusively who had a non exclusive "agent" (they did go-go dancing and promotion stuff, and mainly TFP with new photographers).  The "agent" was interested in using me for all her girls for their events.  So, I contact the agent on many occasions, sometimes getting a response, sometimes not.  Recently, the "agent" wanted to become exclusive because she wanted to start doing more fashion/commercial stuff.  I contacted the agent again to give a great pitch why to use me now (or heck, even a professional MUA) since she was going more mainstream.  She replies "I have a main group of girls who actually don't wear alot of make up at all. And I'm also not a go-go dancer. Thanks though. smile "  So within the night the "agent" is no longer a go-go dancer, or her group of girls, and she thinks her girls will be fine in print without makeup.  Ummmm, okay...good luck on that one I say! 

Does anyone else feel sorry for the girls part of this "agent's" group?  I mean, the "agent" is setting them all up for failure....or so that is the way I see it.  How should I tactfully respond to this but get the point across?

And in case you are wondering, the model I normally work with did not go exclusive with that "agent".

Jun 14 06 08:14 pm Link

Makeup Artist

EmElle Makeup and Hair

Posts: 5013

San Jose, California, US

I would leave it alone, and let her sink.

Or, if you have a before and after photo of any model she has, send that to her - if you really want to pursue this and encourage her to use makeup for her models.  Make it a good clean commercial "no makeup" look.

Some people, though, have no eye to see the difference.  They really think they can get by without makeup or hairstyling, good clothes, etc.  It baffles me how many people wear blinders.

Jun 14 06 08:20 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Loretta Kendall A Salon

Posts: 148

Ohio, Illinois, US

I'm with you on this. I've had similar situations w/ models not agents. As an agent you'd think they would know that to enhance what they have a good MUA/stylist is key.
I just did a shoot were 3 out of 9 models did there own makeup. The photographer told me the models that had hair & makeup done looked far better than the ones who did their own. She also told me those models in the photos were looking washed out and she would have to do a lot of editing.

Jun 14 06 08:24 pm Link



Posts: 103

Brooklyn, New York, US

wow - I'm surprised that people can't see the difference; after I worked with a MUA once, I felt like there was no going back... I almost feel like I have to get rid of a large part of my portfolio now: the shots with makeup are so much better.

Jun 14 06 08:37 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'm confused.  What does an agent have to do with using makeup artists on their models?  Isn't that what photographers should be doing?  Am I the only one that has never encountered an agent who books an MUA for their models?

Jun 15 06 07:46 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

AH HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! that "agent" seems to be out of the loop of how things work.

Jun 15 06 07:55 am Link