Forums > General Industry > If you're gonna lie...


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28747

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Please make it believable. I had a model booked for July 1st. She e-mailed me today saying she cannot make it cause she has a funeral to go to that weekend. Do people really plan funerals that far in advance? I'm assuming the person in question isn't scheduled for execution.

Jun 14 06 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 172

San Francisco, California, US

Hahaha thats hilarious! People are stupid smile

Jun 14 06 07:20 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Please make it believable. I had a model booked for July 1st. She e-mailed me today saying she cannot make it cause she has a funeral to go to that weekend. Do people really plan funerals that far in advance? I'm assuming the person in question isn't scheduled for execution.

Now that is funny! One day she may realize how stupid that is and will feel really dumb.

What did you say in response???

Jun 14 06 07:20 pm Link


Annie aka Fannieannie

Posts: 19

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

No shit... That is hilarious...

How have you been? It has been forever

Jun 14 06 07:20 pm Link


Active Lifestyle Photo

Posts: 756

Laguna Niguel, California, US

Yeah that would be one ripe corpse :-D

Jun 14 06 07:21 pm Link


Fade To Black

Posts: 411

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Someone died and the funeral is 18 days away? That is one Wake I would not even DRIVE past for fear of unpleasant smells.

Unless its premeditated....did she mention being upset with anyone close to her? "Ugh, I am going to KILL my mother in law"?

Jun 14 06 07:21 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28747

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I didn't say much. Just told her "Thank you for letting me know."

Jun 14 06 07:22 pm Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

Bad lies, while annoying are actually to your benefit. If you know they're lying, it should make it much easier to decide whether or not you want to work with them (as opposed to those truly devious people).

Jun 14 06 07:23 pm Link



Posts: 172

Doylestown, Pennsylvania, US


Jun 14 06 07:24 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Yes!!!! and another one bites the dust.....
Keep screwing up girls, you'll only make my job easer.

Jun 14 06 07:24 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I am reminded of a story a buddy of mine once told me.  He was doing the World of Darkness RPG with four friends of his--two sets of married couples actually--and the wife of one of the friends stood up and announced "We have to leave because I have to be at work next week".

No kidding.

Jun 14 06 07:25 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Maybe she has plans for her BF?

Jun 14 06 07:27 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28747

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Lens N Light wrote:
Maybe she has plans for her BF?

I just checked the AZ Department of Corrections website. Arizona has no scheduled executions in the next couple of weeks.

Jun 14 06 07:29 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Maybe she meant to say 'wedding'.

Jun 14 06 07:32 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
Maybe she meant to say 'wedding'.

I often get the two confused.

Jun 14 06 07:37 pm Link


Jonathan D Holloway

Posts: 137

Dallas, Texas, US

Not that this is related, but I'm curious to know how long it takes for the armed forces to release a body and fly it back from the Middle-East.

Jun 14 06 07:38 pm Link



Posts: 3619

Aberdeen, Washington, US

aren't there religions that say you have to have the body lay in wake for a month? 

Or something?

Okay, I know, I'm too nice.

Jun 14 06 07:40 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28747

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
Maybe she meant to say 'wedding'.

I recognize your tongue in cheek post. But playing Devil's Advocate, she didn't know this 3 days ago when we scheduled it? Is this a Pop-Wedding... Like a Pop-Quiz? And before anyone says maybe she forgot about it, she told me she needed to check her calendar before she scheduled anything. She checked, and picked the 1st. I will give her that she gave me plenty of notice.

Jun 14 06 07:40 pm Link



Posts: 3619

Aberdeen, Washington, US

Jonathan D Holloway wrote:
Not that this is related, but I'm curious to know how long it takes for the armed forces to release a body and fly it back from the Middle-East.

OOOOH good question.

Jun 14 06 07:42 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

I think its you Jebbia, really, you get no shows, I get no pay.

Mine, I cant  pay you:
just spent my money at the hair stylist.
had to spend $600 on my dog
just bought a new car
going to Jamaica on vacation
and the best
buying a gift for the BF this week.

Jun 14 06 07:45 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

John Jebbia wrote:

I recognize your tongue in cheek post. But playing Devil's Advocate, she didn't know this 3 days ago when we scheduled it? Is this a Pop-Wedding... Like a Pop-Quiz? And before anyone says maybe she forgot about it, she told me she needed to check her calendar before she scheduled anything. She checked, and picked the 1st. I will give her that she gave me plenty of notice.

Hell, I don't know. I just know that I have a wedding to go to on that day. wink

Jun 14 06 07:47 pm Link



Posts: 1353

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
I think its you Jebbia, really, you get no shows, I get no pay.

Mine, I cant  pay you:
just spent my money at the hair stylist.
had to spend $600 on my dog
just bought a new car
going to Jamaica on vacation
and the best
buying a gift for the BF this week.

I wanna be part of your list...

my excuse: I bought a house and furniture is fu**ing expensive ;-0~

Jun 14 06 07:48 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
Maybe she meant to say 'wedding'.

I thought only guys thought of weddings as funerals.

Jun 14 06 07:50 pm Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

WG Rowland wrote:

I often get the two confused.

Yeah, "wedding" and "funeral" sound SOOO much alike.

Jun 14 06 07:50 pm Link


Jenger Snapps

Posts: 28

San Antonio, Florida, US

Yeah I was gonna say that too about the service men... cause alot of times they don't fly them directly to the states... and I know my brother said they had a funeral over there for some of their fallen officers too so I assume it was before they sent them home...

I also have heard of people dying and them having a funeral in one city and then flying the body to another city and they had ANOTHER funeral the next weekend...

That having been said, since it's so ODD a circumstance I would've explained why I knew I would be attending a funeral two and half weeks before the day. Because of course she would have to know that that is weird.

Jun 14 06 07:51 pm Link



Posts: 113

Linden, New Jersey, US

Jun 14 06 07:51 pm Link



Posts: 113

Linden, New Jersey, US

One of my sister's ex bfs told her that he couldn't go to a party with her that was in 10 days because he was coming down with a cold and would be sick on that day...

Jun 14 06 07:51 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Katie Scanlan

Posts: 977

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

hahahaha ahh... wow. That's pretty amazing!

Jun 14 06 07:59 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Geez, I must be the only one here that could reasonably believe her... at least in Britain bodies can be, and are often, held on ice for months pending either a police investigation or a coroner's inquest [or both]

Unidentified deaths [such as amongst the homeless where there is no obvious and known family] the police will sometimes hold the body on ice for YEARS without burrial until every possible means of identification and locating family is completely exhausted.

As for America...doesn't anyone here watch CSI?


Jun 14 06 08:17 pm Link


Frank Perez Imagery

Posts: 505

Redlands, California, US

i was thinking service men also, or autopsy...maybe it was a crime related death... at least she cancelled far in advance ...

Jun 14 06 08:24 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28747

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Ok, Devil's Advocates. You have valid points. But, assuming they are the case why is she setting up photoshoots? Shouldn't she be grieving?

Also, if there is some weird circumstance as some of you have pointed out, I think it would have been prudent of her to explain it so that she doesn't come off as a liar, or worse, retarded.

Jun 14 06 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 245

Superior, Arizona, US

yeah hey john, i hate to be so morbid about it, but you might wanna call her back and maybe see if she'll shoot while at the funeral? would be a totally new concept and choice of backgrounds....... or maybe just offer to be there and shoot the funeral for memories sake???

Jun 14 06 08:30 pm Link


Rich Davis

Posts: 3136

Gulf Breeze, Florida, US

Could have been a cremation with a memorial service and burial service when the scattered family members could finally gather.

Jun 14 06 08:31 pm Link


LNV Innovations

Posts: 174

Spring, Texas, US

They could have been mummifying the body and the presentation date just slipped her mind.

Jun 14 06 08:49 pm Link



Posts: 1050

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

John Jebbia wrote:
I didn't say much. Just told her "Thank you for letting me know."

Best answer!

Yeah I wondered if it were premeditated as well! smile

Jun 14 06 08:53 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Loretta Kendall A Salon

Posts: 148

Ohio, Illinois, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Please make it believable. I had a model booked for July 1st. She e-mailed me today saying she cannot make it cause she has a funeral to go to that weekend. Do people really plan funerals that far in advance? I'm assuming the person in question isn't scheduled for execution.

OMG! thats funny the same thing happened to me a month ago!

Jun 14 06 08:53 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Chris wrote:
yeah hey john, i hate to be so morbid about it, but you might wanna call her back and maybe see if she'll shoot while at the funeral? would be a totally new concept and choice of backgrounds....... or maybe just offer to be there and shoot the funeral for memories sake???

Neat! Ideal for Jebbia if she is a goth.


Jun 14 06 08:57 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Maybe she changed her mind and doesn’t know an adequate way to cancel her scheduled appointment.

My question is, does it really matter what her reason is?

Jun 14 06 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Simplex Innovations wrote:
They could have been mummifying the body and the presentation date just slipped her mind.

Well I've heard of "use by" dates; and "sell by" dates; but never "burry by" dates. LOL


Jun 14 06 08:59 pm Link



Posts: 213

Arlington, Georgia, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Please make it believable. I had a model booked for July 1st. She e-mailed me today saying she cannot make it cause she has a funeral to go to that weekend. Do people really plan funerals that far in advance? I'm assuming the person in question isn't scheduled for execution.

That is pretty pathetic, but if she did not give a heads up would we see another 'model that flaked on me today' thread?!?!?

People should just cut thru the BS and just be blunt...saves everyone time and money...

Jun 14 06 09:00 pm Link