Forums > General Industry > Does Paris get "Acting " & "Modelling "gigs cuz


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Does Paris Whatshername get those "acting " and "modelling " gigs because companies fear that  if they turn her down , her daddy will just buy the company ?

Jun 14 06 02:26 am Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Paris needs to be melted down into a lump of orange plastic, bronzed (fake tan, that is!) and displayed in a less popular sideshow... already, I have given her too much consideration tongue

Under that lazy eye and BJ expression, I can see where she would have once looked natural and even good in photos... but she comes off kinda smelly and destroyed every time a shot of her gropes its way to my eyes. So - I don't think she's hired for modeling potential; rather, the name.


Jun 14 06 02:31 am Link



Posts: 1361

Huntington Beach, California, US

She gets those gigs because people are fascinated with her for some reason.  I have a shot of her in my book and although I don't think it's my strongest work by far, it's the image that most impresses clients.  People who have something they want to get noticed, like photographers and advertisers, someone like Paris is an asset because people do pay attention to her.

Jun 14 06 02:44 am Link


revolution photography

Posts: 114

Los Angeles, California, US

Sign it here, NOW.

We, the UNDERSIGNED PHOTOGRAPHERS, vouch NEVER to photograph Paris Hilton!

Jun 14 06 02:45 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

Thyronne wrote:
She gets those gigs because people are fascinated with her for some reason.  I have a shot of her in my book and although I don't think it's my strongest work by far, it's the image that most impresses clients.  People who have something they want to get noticed, like photographers and advertisers, someone like Paris is an asset because people do pay attention to her.

For the same reason that people slow down to look at car accidents.

JAY carreon

Jun 14 06 02:46 am Link



Posts: 1361

Huntington Beach, California, US


Jun 14 06 02:48 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

revolution photography wrote:
Sign it here, NOW.

We, the UNDERSIGNED PHOTOGRAPHERS, vouch NEVER to photograph Paris Hilton!

And I heard somewhere that the Revolution will not be televised ( in other words you may be missing out on mega Commerical opportunities )

Jun 14 06 02:49 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Garry k wrote:
Does Paris Whatshername get those "acting " and "modelling " gigs because companies fear that  if they turn her down , her daddy will just buy the company ?

no, they probably do it because she needs money to fix her annoying lazy eyelid.

Jun 14 06 02:50 am Link



Posts: 1361

Huntington Beach, California, US

revolution photography wrote:
Sign it here, NOW.

We, the UNDERSIGNED PHOTOGRAPHERS, vouch NEVER to photograph Paris Hilton!

I would gladly trade a dozen Paris' for one of your Karissa's

Jun 14 06 02:51 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

revolution photography wrote:
Sign it here, NOW.

We, the UNDERSIGNED PHOTOGRAPHERS, vouch NEVER to photograph Paris Hilton!

lol, i'll photograph her! you know how many gigs having her in my portfolio would attract? like a ton! who cares if she's a crazy, fake tan, skinny, looks like a girly boy in the face chick? she'll bring me in money, that's all i care about if i get hired to shoot her.  i've shot ugly people before, i think i can handle it.

Jun 14 06 02:53 am Link


Alex Berg

Posts: 69

San Diego, California, US

i dont find her very attractive...her sister is way hotter...but yea she has the means to be very succesful, id be more dissapointed if she didnt get work with all of the opportunity she has had, it could not be easier to book work with the money that allows her to be constantly be in the public eye for better or worse, if she didnt have money, we wouldnt know who she was

Jun 14 06 02:53 am Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

JAY carreon wrote:
For the same reason that people slow down to look at car accidents.

JAY carreon

Yeah, she's a wreck...


If anything, I think the fascination must be, "how can people be so fascinated by someone who does nothing?" Looking at her is like looking at your fellow mortals and wondering what drives (n.p.i.) them to be interested... hard to say who took actual interest first.

I wonder if she's smarter than she appears... and the entire dumbass act is, in fact, a grand scheme to make the general population realize what senseless things they idolize?

(I doubt it, only because so far, she's inspired too many people to be like that persona...)


Jun 14 06 02:53 am Link



Posts: 1361

Huntington Beach, California, US

I wasn't that excited when I got the booking to shoot her, but she was very cool, and having shot her has gotten me work.  I would shoot her again.

Jun 14 06 02:55 am Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Thyronne wrote:
She gets those gigs because people are fascinated with her for some reason.  I have a shot of her in my book and although I don't think it's my strongest work by far, it's the image that most impresses clients.  People who have something they want to get noticed, like photographers and advertisers, someone like Paris is an asset because people do pay attention to her.

There are actually two shots of her in your book. I would think it hasn't hurt your look as a photographer. In fact, I am sure you have gotten work based on the simple fact that you have her in your book. It seems like a simple plan to me. It works too.

As to why we are pre-occupied with Paris. She is filthy both with wealth, and in a sluttish kinda way. I don't know if she is a slut, never said she is, but even without a butt, I would hit it, and cunt-in-u hittin't it for a loooooong time. Am I alone on this ?

Jun 14 06 03:03 am Link


revolution photography

Posts: 114

Los Angeles, California, US

Thyronne wrote:
I would gladly trade a dozen Paris' for one of your Karissa's

Ah, you got me there. Karissa's a doll, discovered and corrupter her myself, I did.


Jun 14 06 03:06 am Link



Posts: 1361

Huntington Beach, California, US

I shouldn't gossip, but I was sitting with her in the make-up room while she went over her Christmas wish list with her publicist.  That was very surreal.

Jun 14 06 03:06 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Thyronne wrote:
I wasn't that excited when I got the booking to shoot her, but she was very cool, and having shot her has gotten me work.  I would shoot her again.

I would pay to shoot her , just to have her in my book ( mind  you I wouldnt pay much )

Jun 14 06 03:07 am Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

Garry, all these posts about Paris......its borderline obsession and stalking......tongue

Jun 14 06 03:12 am Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Thyronne wrote:

I would gladly trade a dozen Paris' for one of your Karissa's

Surely, you don't really mean this. You are only being extravagant with your compliments of Karissa, right ?

It would be by far, a better business decision to shoot with Paris, than any up and coming model(s). You can use Paris' images in your port, to get them. Not the other way around.

Jun 14 06 03:13 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

R. Olson (RO) wrote:
Garry, all these posts about Paris......its borderline obsession and stalking......tongue

Whe I start posts regarding Muslim -  Christian relations ( ie Would you photograph an Iraqi American Model ) I got an outpouring of rigid  stereotypical religious  /cultural views about Muslims form non Muslim Americans ....( ie no Muslim woman would want to be photographed ever )

When I start posts asking about  Racial attitudes in AMerica - I am accused of accusing Americans of being racist

When I attempt to start a cultured /intellectual discussion about fashion ( ie Gaultier  or Galliano - who best represents the "dream " of Haute Couture ) the  discussion goes no where

When I delve into the world of porn ( ie Would Porn kill the career of a Fashion Model ) I am told ( incredibley ) that porn is not accepted by mainstream America

When I start 3 posts about  Paris - you suggest that its borderline obsession /stalking ( I 'll bet David Lettermen doesnt get such disrespect )

Please tell me what an interesting and safe subject to discuss might be????

I had some luck with  my "Body Painting - Is it ARt . Fashion or CHEESE discussion but alas it reached its expiry date, and i had to throw it out

Jun 14 06 03:37 am Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

revolution photography wrote:
Sign it here, NOW.

We, the UNDERSIGNED PHOTOGRAPHERS, vouch NEVER to photograph Paris Hilton!

I second, third and fourth that motion...

Jun 14 06 03:38 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Hell, I'll shoot her, if you guys don't want her.

Jun 14 06 04:45 am Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

J Schumacher wrote:
Hell, I'll shoot her, if you guys don't want her.

Me next. These people don't understand the power behind a name, no matter how skanky the person behind that name is.

Jun 14 06 07:13 am Link


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

There is something deliciously debauched about somebody who is that uber skanky.

Jun 14 06 07:16 am Link


Bryan Benoit

Posts: 2106

Miami, Florida, US

Add me to the list of people that would shoot her. Like it or not she IS a celebrity in demand.

Don't hate.

Jun 14 06 07:21 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

I'd probably shoot her if she would pay for the lab.


Jun 14 06 08:04 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

The events that she and I have both been to, she has been very popular with the people, including very sophisticated fashion people.

Jun 14 06 08:04 am Link



Posts: 666

Palatine, Illinois, US

She gets work cause somehow she's famous. And she's famous cause somehow she gets work.
Someone stop the cycle!

Jun 14 06 08:14 am Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Am I the only one not scared to admit that she's fcukin' hot?

Jun 14 06 08:14 am Link


Meagan Colf

Posts: 422

Seligman, Missouri, US

Gotta remember tho.......Paris would be nothing if it wasn't for daddy! Hilton is a powerful name and that is the ONLY reason in my book she is as famous as she is. She has only one look and thats to look as skanky sexy as she can. There is no glamour face in here, only sex.....i.e. Used sex that is. She gets the attention because of a name. Take that away and what have you got????

Jun 14 06 08:16 am Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Meagan Colf wrote:
Gotta remember tho.......Paris would be nothing if it wasn't for daddy! Hilton is a powerful name and that is the ONLY reason in my book she is as famous as she is. She has only one look and thats to look as skanky sexy as she can. There is no glamour face in here, only sex.....i.e. Used sex that is. She gets the attention because of a name. Take that away and what have you got????

Take her name away and she's still a hot chick.

Jun 14 06 08:17 am Link



Posts: 666

Palatine, Illinois, US

I honestly never thought she was hot, or even pretty. She's a stick, with an ugly face mounted on top of it.

Jun 14 06 08:19 am Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Adrienne Aurora wrote:
Am I the only one not scared to admit that she's fcukin' hot?

I'm not scared to admit it, I LOVE Paris Hilton!! Of course, I love Kelly and Peg Bundy too but my love for Paris is a special, pure love untainted by my ever more intense urges to do something sick and gooey with her. Paris is like the Freakiest Freak on Freak Avenue, that is SO HOT!!

Jun 14 06 09:09 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

In my view she's completely talentless and gets those gigs because she and her family have more money than God.

Jun 14 06 11:11 am Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

Doug Lester wrote:
In my view she's completely talentless and gets those gigs because she and her family have more money than God.

God's got money? Because he owes me 50 bucks.


Jun 14 06 11:16 am Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Adrienne Aurora wrote:
Am I the only one not scared to admit that she's fcukin' hot?

Sorry Adrienne, I must disagree.
Paris Hilton has Hank Hill ass.
Girls with no ass is like a Klondike bar minus the ice cream. It's just wrong.

Jun 14 06 11:23 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

She has enough money that people's opinions shouldn't matter..

And, yet... They still do..

That says something.. 

What?  I have no idea..

Jun 14 06 11:31 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Sabina N wrote:

Yeah, she's a wreck...


If anything, I think the fascination must be, "how can people be so fascinated by someone who does nothing?" Looking at her is like looking at your fellow mortals and wondering what drives (n.p.i.) them to be interested... hard to say who took actual interest first.

I wonder if she's smarter than she appears... and the entire dumbass act is, in fact, a grand scheme to make the general population realize what senseless things they idolize?

(I doubt it, only because so far, she's inspired too many people to be like that persona...)


Sabina, you rock!

I have ZERO respect for P.H.  Famous for being famous doesn't cut it as far as I'm concerned.

I'd give her a ham sandwich and a road map.

Jun 14 06 01:49 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

I find it fascinating how passionate people are about a person they don't care for.

I always find it too time consuming to put other peoples successes down.

They do their thing, I do mine and work on my own success.

Would I work with Paris?


Jun 14 06 02:08 pm Link



Posts: 17

I love her. She's great, plus it really annoys my friend when she gets told she looks like her.

If there was no Paris Hilton, I couldn't wind my friend up.

Jun 14 06 10:07 pm Link