Forums > General Industry > Depressed about agency today..headshot help also


Model Kari

Posts: 146


So I sent my photos into Flaunt agency a few days ago for consideration and they sent me an email back saying to come today between 2-4. I go today, walk in and tell them about the email I received and I'm here for an interview. The guy says "who sent you the email" As I mentioned the name he says thats him but he doesnt remember sending it and that maybe someone else used his email. Then he basically says flat out that I am fat and that I should come back when I am in shape. I drove an hour to hear him tell me I'm fat for one minute. Pretty depressing

OK so anyway... I REALLY need some headshots. I'm very new at this so I wanted to know if anyone knows an affordable place in NY to get some headshots.

Thanks so much
cheer me up  :*(

Jun 13 06 09:42 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Not sure where you went, but the ONLY thing you're "overweight" for would be fashion, and at 5'3"... well, it's moot 'cause shorties like us don't get picked up by fashion agencies.  Sounds like that agency (?) came up with a lame excuse.  Even if you did lose weight, I doubt you'd have any luck with them afterwards.  Beware.

Jun 13 06 10:00 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Don't worry about one agency.  Sure, being in fabulous shape is always going to help, but what one guy says isn't going to kill you.  There are plenty of other commercial and talent agencies out there.

And I happen to know someone who has reasonable rates for fabulous headshots... wink

Jun 13 06 10:05 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

It's always dangerous to take what an agency person says at an open call too literally.  He  might have actually meant what he said, and he may simply be coming up with an excuse.  But I don't think it would hurt to take him at his word.

110 pounds, 26 inch waist on a 5'3" girl?  Yes, I can understand where he was coming from.  Two inches less on the waist (probably 5 pounds or so) would make you more competitive.  The fact that you have a relatively wide face also makes a difference; losing a little weight would put more definition in it.

Jun 13 06 11:02 pm Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Had a similar experience, traveling from Victoria to Vancouver to meet an agent. He and I had sent a few e-mails back and forth; he seemed excited to meet me. When I got there, he told me I was too short and too old... yet my age and height were in the original e-mail I sent. I could have spared myself the trip and costs, which for a student, are better spent on food and print cards.

He must have caught on to this, because he then asked if I had any other appointments that day. I did, but only because I phoned another agent for open call times when I got off the ferry - thought, hey: may as well visit two. But it took me a while to clue in that he likely wanted to know this so he wouldn't get blamed for wasting my time, when sufficient info to reject me was already in front of him.

I was so surprised that I forgot to stand up for myself. By now, I'd like to think I would no longer let something like that slide...

OP - I hope you, also, will not let someone get away with too clear a conscience wink Height, look, and size are agency's business - but so is reading all the details they ask you to provide...


Jun 13 06 11:07 pm Link