Forums > General Industry > Helping young photographers


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Just out of curiousity, do any of you photogs ever feel like giving back to younger or inexperienced photographers? Did anyone help you out? The apprentice:Photography edition...oh and BTW my friend Michael Vinereau (Mayhem #147398) is on this site and he has his eyes on fashion know...feel free to ignore this segment of my post.

Gotta love my schools photography program!

Jun 13 06 04:26 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

i am willing to tell any one how i did some thing no prob i eving give my phone # out or i am willing to call them if posble

Jun 13 06 04:42 pm Link


JaysonPolansky com

Posts: 816

Sedona, Arizona, US

I am also willing to share any of my insite.

Jun 13 06 04:46 pm Link


Harry Young

Posts: 744

Los Angeles, California, US

I've always believed in helping others, as a kind of "pass it forward" idea. Photographers or models of whatever experience level; they ask for info/ideas/etc ... I try to help to the limit of my own ability (but -not- pretend to be beyond that limit ... always lots to learn).

Jun 13 06 04:48 pm Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

I'm always happy to help out the young'ins ... but maybe it's best they don't ask me ... I'm negative and bitter.

Jun 13 06 04:49 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Yes and yes. Way back in the dark ages when I was learning which end of the camera to point, a couple of guys were of great help to me and many others over the years were also of great help. Keep in mind that this was long (very long) before anyone even imagined an internet, or hell, even a computer. Now that I'm an official 'old fart' and retired from the industry, it's my turn to pass on some of the knowledge I picked up over the years. I no longer maintain a studio, but have a dedicated shooting area in my home with lots of lighting gear. I can't even count the number of young shooters who have learned studio lighting and esp figure lighting techniques from me. To be honest, I've never known a serious photographer who would not share his/her techniques with others.

PS, one of those guys used to make a 4 or 5 hour round trip to my place from his home in Alabama to learn and practice studio lighting. He's now running a studio in his home townin Alabama and doing some beautiful work.

Jun 13 06 05:02 pm Link


EASE photography

Posts: 104

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

As someone who is newer to working with models, I've benefited from the advice and knowledge of other photographers.  Gord Weber of (MM# 49404) was wonderful to work with and encouraged me to see what is there, and what shouldn't be there.

Jun 13 06 05:54 pm Link


David Scott

Posts: 5617

Marion, Iowa, US

I've had someone help me... Scott Anderson (#58253)  He's been a big help to me over the past several months and learned so much more than I would have at this point.  It's nice to have someone like that help you out, and I look forward to getting a chance to do the same for someone else as well someday. smile

Jun 13 06 06:00 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

ahhh has anyone noticed my plug?

Jun 13 06 06:09 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Electra T wrote:
ahhh has anyone noticed my plug?

Yes smile

His work is really good, he's going to go a long way for sure.
His weakness is his information/bio. Grammar and punctuation would greatly improve the professional appearence! I feel that is pretty darn important since it is the first thing that anyone sees when checking him out.

Jun 13 06 06:18 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

NC17 wrote:

Yes smile

His work is really good, he's going to go a long way for sure.
His weakness is his information/bio. Grammar and punctuation would greatly improve the professional appearence! I feel that is pretty darn important since it is the first thing that anyone sees when checking him out.

Thank you! His work is really good, he's taken photos of my friend jen as well

lol my entire school is on MM! LOL. I'll tell him about his grammar.

Jun 13 06 06:21 pm Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

Electra T wrote:
lol my entire school is on MM!

So why hasen't he taken pictures of you?

Jun 13 06 06:25 pm Link


Frank Perez Imagery

Posts: 505

Redlands, California, US

Some really cool people helped me out when I was starting out, damn even still getting help today. Always willing to help the younger generation

Jun 13 06 06:27 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

JM Dean wrote:

So why hasen't he taken pictures of you?

He's has but that was like soph year, I look different now...I've taken very nice self portraits of myself, I just don't care to post them. I'm in the same program as him, but I have no real interest in photography..with ppl in it at least.

Jun 13 06 06:29 pm Link



Posts: 2442

Dayton, Alabama, US

I work with novice and amateur photographers ... hell, a seasoned pro photographer helped me when I started in the business ... we all gotta start somewhere.

added: now I won't help other models .. a woman wrote me at my musecube port and asked me to help her daughter get into modeling ... "um, I'm in a totally different genre of modeling than I think you want your 15yo doing ... you need to go elsewhere." 


Jun 13 06 06:30 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I don't help photographers.  Models, yes.  Single unwed mothers, definitely...

(Did I just write that?)

Jun 13 06 06:30 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

indeed u did!

Jun 13 06 06:32 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

You should see what I wrote on the FAKENESS ON MM thread.

Jun 13 06 06:34 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Tape Her Up wrote:
You should see what I wrote on the FAKENESS ON MM thread.

Welll...I'm being a little fake...I just wanted to get my friend some help! Without getting the thread locked

Jun 13 06 06:37 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Not at all.  You're looking out for a buddy, which is always cool.  And the photos look pretty good (at least to me they do).

Jun 13 06 06:40 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Tape Her Up wrote:
Not at all.  You're looking out for a buddy, which is always cool.  And the photos look pretty good (at least to me they do).

Yah he wins all this shite every frakkin' minute. We call him a contest-whore. Who knew

Jun 13 06 06:43 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

bumb izzle..dont wanna get lost in the shuffizzle

Jun 13 06 07:58 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

I have helped several photographers, either by lending equipment or providing, in the unlikely event they had less than I did, my expertise. smile I am just nice that way, plus I like to lecture. I had a two-light station setup at the Alternative Ohio shoot and anyone who asked was welcome to use it.

I have gotten some very helpful critiques from other photographers, but other than at a workshop I attended I haven't gotten a lot of hands-on help, simply because I rarely work with other photographers who are significantly more experienced than I. I would love to do so if anybody's offering.


Jun 14 06 10:15 am Link


Dogbone Alt-Process

Posts: 1016

Llano, Texas, US

I get my darkroom and studio access through bartering with one of the photo instructors here. Leading a few IR and alt-process workshops each semester for her students gives me off hours use of the photo facilities.

Jun 14 06 10:38 am Link