Forums > General Industry > height requirements


Austen Parker

Posts: 76

Does someone at a height of 5 10" have little to no hope of being signed with a top modeling agency? Or can something else change that like being an identical twin?

I want to know smile


message me cause these are hard to keep track of

Austen + Tyler

Jun 13 06 12:41 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

Twins has little to do with it. You need to go to agencies and see what they say. You can search the forum for height threads but thats mostly opinion. The people whos opinion matters are the ones who will sign you and get you the work.

Jun 13 06 12:43 pm Link


Constance Hilory

Posts: 1706

Mobile, Alabama, US

This may be off subject but you gentlemen are only 16. I'm sure you will continue to grow in height. I do not pretend to know anything about agencies but I think they may consider your age/height. Just my thoughts.

Jun 13 06 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Constance Hilory wrote:
This may be off subject but you gentlemen are only 16. I'm sure you will continue to grow in height.

Put differently, don't panic until it is time to panic.

Ask the question again in two years.  Not all that many fashion agencies are interested in 16 year old men regardless of height.

Jun 13 06 01:19 pm Link


Austen Parker

Posts: 76

ok thanks, is there anything I can do now to make sure I grow at least my 2 iches (a little less) I am about 5 10 and 1/3 inches... I looked at some websites and they all sell pills but they are all scams. Does anyone know anything about growth so I can make sure I get the most out of my growing. It says the average male stops growing at age 20... so I hope I can grow 1.6 inches within at least two years. I wanted to sign with an agency after my professional pictures getting taken comming up by a sum of people, but our height I have heard is going to weigh us down.

Any advice?

Jun 13 06 05:45 pm Link


Constance Hilory

Posts: 1706

Mobile, Alabama, US

Genetics determine height. There is no "magic pill" or "secret way" to increase it......naturally.  Otherwise everyone here would be a few inches taller.

Jun 13 06 05:48 pm Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

i'm sure you'll do it don't want to take any hormones or anything like that. besides, i've seen men on comercial agency sites who were 5'10 and 5' maybe, as TX pointed out, you shouldn't panic. smile

Jun 13 06 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Austen Parker wrote:
Any advice?


1.  Stop worrying about height.  It will be what it will be, and neither you nor we know what that is.  At this point it doesn't matter.  Later it will, so later is when you worry about it.

2.  Stop worrying about pictures.  Before you spend any more time on shoots, find out what the agencies in Detroit want.  (Here's a hint:  Detroit is a very "commercial print" city.  They will want "commercial print" shots - and it's very unlikely you will get any until you get a photographer who specializes in them.  Agencies know some.)

3.  Fashion, and agencies outside of Michigan, are for later.  Finish school, then worry about it.

Jun 13 06 06:15 pm Link



Posts: 298

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

5'10" could get some agency interest.

Jun 13 06 06:55 pm Link


Austen Parker

Posts: 76

ok..I'll try not to. THere is some site I went to that says they have these insoles you put in your shoes that stimulate your growth hormone, and some pill called MFIII which can make you grow 2-6 inches taller. I just want basic fact such as sleeping patterns, posture, eating habits, ect. to follow so I can make sure I grow to my fullest.

What can I do right now to make the most money and get the best experience right now?

I already have several shoots sceduled in the Detroit area, but I kind of would like to be with an agency so I am getting as much exposure as necessary, along with my brother. Is there a site that I could go to in the future that would give me a list of decent agencies in the Detroit area that I could submit professional pictures to and be part of for now? Or in any other area?

thanks for all of your advice everyone

Jun 13 06 07:38 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I give up.  Every single piece of advice I have given you has been ignored.  It's clear you are going to do whatever you set out to do before you ever made a post on the forum, so good luck to you.

Jun 13 06 07:43 pm Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

TXPhotog wrote:


1.  Stop worrying about height.  It will be what it will be, and neither you nor we know what that is.  At this point it doesn't matter.  Later it will, so later is when you worry about it.

2.  Stop worrying about pictures.  Before you spend any more time on shoots, find out what the agencies in Detroit want.  (Here's a hint:  Detroit is a very "commercial print" city.  They will want "commercial print" shots - and it's very unlikely you will get any until you get a photographer who specializes in them.  Agencies know some.)

3.  Fashion, and agencies outside of Michigan, are for later.  Finish school, then worry about it.

Very good advice, especially #3.

Jun 13 06 07:47 pm Link


Austen Parker

Posts: 76

oh I'm sorry if this is offending to you, no we did read your information and know that it is best to not worry about it and finish school and all that before entering an agency, but if there are little things normal people can do besides "scam" pills and what not, I would like to know.

I do not see any harm in that. Yes we did read your information and found it valuable, we would just like more people's advice from different points of view along with their advice about all this.

Jun 13 06 07:50 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Austen Parker wrote:
oh I'm sorry if this is offending to you,

Actually, yes, it does offend me.

For 16 year old boys to be considering some of the things you have discussed, even a little bit, bothers me.

Listen up:


Two years from now you might have a height problem, but there isn't a single damned thing you can do about it now.  Nothing.  Anything at all that you do will be a waste of time and money, and some things could be dangerous to your health.  The very last thing you want to do is ask a bunch of people on an Internet forum about things like that.  If you are so concerned about it, talk to your doctor.  He will give you much better advice than anyone here will.

Austen Parker wrote:
I do not see any harm in that.

I do.  I have seen far too many young boys (that's what you are) and girls do stupid things to their health while obsessing about a problem that they don't even have and, as in your case, couldn't do anything about if they had it.

You have totally missed what you should be worried about, and instead are still on these dual paths of "height" and "pictures", neither of which you are going about in the right way.  So you will waste time, energy, perhaps money, perhaps hurt yourself along the way, and in the meantime end up with a bunch of pictures of the wrong type that you don't need, simply because you didn't bother to find out what you do need.

Call the agencies in Detroit.  Now.  If you can't find them, you aren't ready to be models.  Ask them what they recommend.  I will flat guarantee you that they will NOT recommend that you try doing anything at all about your height, and they will NOT recommend that you be off shooting pictures with Internet photographers.

Jun 13 06 08:02 pm Link


Austen Parker

Posts: 76

ok, I will just wait until I am 18 or whatever and not worry about it until then, and I'll get a doctor's advice instead of random internet people's advice... but I hear from everyone that one should go to professional photographers in the area or whatever and have them take some pictures of you before one decides to enter into a modeling agency. Not to say I would at my age because that would be "bad" I would never do anything that would hurt me to get taller. The only reason I entertained that idea was because IF there was a chance at it, I would like to take it BUT there isn't I am now aware of so thats fine, I am done talking about.

I apologize for getting you upset and can understand your frustration, I just want to do what will be best in order to stay on track. Before I do anything, I need some experience in front of a camera, along with my brother.

I looked at the website and found it quite helpful. I really do not need any further advice, but if anyone has something they could tell me and my brother that could help us out let us know.

Jun 14 06 10:39 am Link

Makeup Artist

Rhonda M

Posts: 1089

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Constance Hilory wrote:
This may be off subject but you gentlemen are only 16. I'm sure you will continue to grow in height. I do not pretend to know anything about agencies but I think they may consider your age/height. Just my thoughts.

At 16, you are pretty much full grown.  My doctor said that I was fully grown at 15.  He was right because I haven't gotten any taller and nothing has changed (i.e shoe size, arm & leg length, height- you know-things that determine genetic growth).

Jun 14 06 10:43 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

Rhonda McLendon wrote:

At 16, you are pretty much full grown.  My doctor said that I was fully grown at 15.  He was right because I haven't gotten any taller and nothing has changed (i.e shoe size, arm & leg length, height- you know-things that determine genetic growth).

Thats usually for women. Men start growing later and finish growing later.

Jun 14 06 10:50 am Link


Austen Parker

Posts: 76

I hope not sad Oh well if thats the way it is, oh well I guess there isn't anything that can change it. We will see...My one grandpa was 6 4" or something like that and all my uncles arte above 6 0 "...but my Dad is 5 6" and his dad is 5 8" ....and then my grandmas dad was above 6 ft. Basically my moms family is all tall, but my dad's is mostly short. idk we will see

Jun 14 06 10:51 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Austen Parker wrote:
I hear from everyone that one should go to professional photographers in the area or whatever and have them take some pictures of you before one decides to enter into a modeling agency.

Who is the "everyone" you hear this from?  Are they themselves professionals in the industry, or just passing on bad information that they got from someone else?

Jun 14 06 11:10 am Link


Austen Parker

Posts: 76

Well I would figure they are professional when they say they are and have been doing it for many years. I know they can be lying but I have got references from other models about them so I figure they all are not out there to lie

Anyways, I'll ask agencies in Detroit what they are looking for so I can request photographers I will be working with to take pictures of that certain type of picture I need.

I have to go out and eat dinner now because school just got out today and my friends and I are going to go eat somewhere. I'll be on this later

thank you everyone for all your imput, I honestly have learned a bit today

Jun 14 06 11:28 am Link