Forums > General Industry > The Most _____________________ On MM


Bailee Martini

Posts: 648

Jacksonville, Alabama, US

you decide! what should be the next overdrawn, annoying ass topic? (smiley face)

Jun 08 06 02:30 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

The most ugly portfolio on MM.

Jun 08 06 02:31 pm Link

Makeup Artist

myles oreilly

Posts: 24

Westminster, Colorado, US

How about the most ignorant distasteful game of racist ping pong?

Jun 08 06 02:32 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Gay Jewish (and colored) great danes.
That wear leeederhosen[sic]

Jun 08 06 02:32 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Most obvious cell phone pic?  :: hides portfolio ::

Jun 08 06 02:33 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

Electra T wrote:
The most ugly portfolio on MM. mean ''ugliest''

Jun 08 06 02:34 pm Link


Bailee Martini

Posts: 648

Jacksonville, Alabama, US

myles oreilly wrote:
How about the most ignorant distasteful game of racist ping pong?

no no, we already did that one.

Jun 08 06 02:34 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

Worst speller? Worst use of grammar? Hardest profile to read/understand?

Jun 08 06 02:36 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

baelie wrote:
you decide! what should be the next overdrawn, annoying ass topic? (smiley face)

I'd happily start a how cute is bailie thread.. But even the nicey-nice *bump* threads manage to piss someone or other off..  (I know, I've done 5 or 6 now..)

Jun 08 06 02:38 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Nerlande wrote: mean ''ugliest''

I know what I meant. The most ugliest portfolio on MM would be worse.

Jun 08 06 02:38 pm Link


Bailee Martini

Posts: 648

Jacksonville, Alabama, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
Worst speller? Worst use of grammar? Hardest profile to read/understand?

along those lines, how about the worst banter presented by someone who's first language is obviously not english?

Jun 08 06 02:39 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

The worst pair of misshapen, lopsided, uneven, destroyed pair of fake tits on a model in a port! Yeeeck!

Jun 08 06 02:39 pm Link


Bailee Martini

Posts: 648

Jacksonville, Alabama, US

WG Rowland wrote:

I'd happily start a how cute is bailie thread.. But even the nicey-nice *bump* threads manage to piss someone or other off..  (I know, I've done 5 or 6 now..)

oh no; by all means, please feel free to start that thread.

Jun 08 06 02:40 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

baelie wrote:

along those lines, how about the worst banter presented by someone who's first language is obviously not english?

Definately yes!!

Jun 08 06 02:42 pm Link


Bailee Martini

Posts: 648

Jacksonville, Alabama, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
The worst pair of misshapen, lopsided, uneven, destroyed pair of fake tits on a model in a port! Yeeeck!

ooh i like it.

Jun 08 06 02:42 pm Link


Ryan Colford Studios

Posts: 2286

Brooklyn, New York, US

There's been enough "worst" threads floating around.  How about we commend someone for something they did well?  Best joke, banter, portfolio, profile,sexual position er I digress, but you get the point.

Jun 08 06 02:45 pm Link


Jon Roberts

Posts: 505

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

baelie wrote:
you decide! what should be the next overdrawn, annoying ass topic? (smiley face)

how about :

the most ...overdrawn,annoying ass topic... on mm 

you said it yourself!!

Jun 08 06 02:46 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Rhonda M

Posts: 1089

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
Worst speller? Worst use of grammar? Hardest profile to read/understand?

This makes me laugh my butt off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't know about a profile but I have seen a thread, and boy oh boy, it was rough!!

Jun 08 06 02:46 pm Link


Len Cook Photographer

Posts: 599

Fremont, California, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:

Definately yes!!

Incredible.  Just incredible.  Neither of you can spell and you're laughing at others.  Get a grip.

Jun 08 06 02:47 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
Worst speller? Worst use of grammar? Hardest profile to read/understand?

Ummm that would be me.

Jun 08 06 02:47 pm Link

Makeup Artist

myles oreilly

Posts: 24

Westminster, Colorado, US

how about best professional, best amateur ,and who are you kidding!

Jun 08 06 02:47 pm Link


Bailee Martini

Posts: 648

Jacksonville, Alabama, US

Colford Studios wrote:
There's been enough "worst" threads floating around.  How about we commend someone for something they did well?  Best joke, banter, portfolio, profile,sexual position er I digress, but you get the point.

i didnt say it had to be says "the most ______________ on mm"

Jun 08 06 02:48 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Colford Studios wrote:
There's been enough "worst" threads floating around.  How about we commend someone for something they did well?  Best joke, banter, portfolio, profile,sexual position er I digress, but you get the point.

Save the nicety nice shit for another thread....I wanna talk about models that look as though they eat from a dog dish....or a photographer who went to the Helen Keller School of Photography or a makeup artist who's only experience in doing makeup was with the Barbie Fun & Makeup Kit!

Yeah yeah....some of that shit...

Jun 08 06 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Michael Kirst wrote:

Save the nicety nice shit for another thread....I wanna talk about models that look as though they eat from a dog dish....or a photographer who went to the Helen Keller School of Photography or a makeup artist who's only experience in doing makeup was with the Barbie Fun & Makeup Kit!

Yeah yeah....some of that shit...

Michael Kirst.. Behind that pink wall lies a heart of gold.. (Which he ripped out of someone else's chest and keeps in a freezer hidden behind the wall..)  =p

Jun 08 06 02:52 pm Link


Digital Emulsion

Posts: 345

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Michael Kirst wrote:

Save the nicety nice shit for another thread....I wanna talk about models that look as though they eat from a dog dish....or a photographer who went to the Helen Keller School of Photography or a makeup artist who's only experience in doing makeup was with the Barbie Fun & Makeup Kit!

Yeah yeah....some of that shit...

Don't forget the managers....we need them as much as they need us.

Jun 08 06 02:52 pm Link


Bailee Martini

Posts: 648

Jacksonville, Alabama, US

Len Cook Photographer wrote:
Incredible.  Just incredible.  Neither of you can spell and you're laughing at others.  Get a grip.

there is a difference between not knowing how to spell and not using correct practices of grammar on the internet, knowing that they are understood and implied by most everyone. what word did i spell wrong? ironically, i am something of a grammar nazi, but i only use capitalization and punctuation when absolutely necessary on the internet.

Jun 08 06 02:52 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

WG Rowland wrote:

Michael Kirst.. Behind that pink wall lies a heart of gold.. (Which he ripped out of someone else's chest and keeps in a freezer hidden behind the wall..)  =p

How'd you know?? LOL

Jun 08 06 02:53 pm Link


Digital Emulsion

Posts: 345

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

baelie wrote:

there is a difference between not knowing how to spell and not using correct practices of grammar on the internet, knowing that they are understood and implied by most everyone. what word did i spell wrong? ironically, i am something of a grammar nazi, but i only use capitalization and punctuation when absolutely necessary on the internet.

well, enforcing correct spelling is the only way some people can feel good about themselves.

Jun 08 06 02:55 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Digital Emulsion wrote:

Don't forget the managers....we need them as much as they need us.

Oh yeah....!! The managers!!
Who manage from thier mothers basement amid the ruins of laundry and cat food.

Jun 08 06 02:55 pm Link


Len Cook Photographer

Posts: 599

Fremont, California, US

baelie wrote:

there is a difference between not knowing how to spell and not using correct practices of grammar on the internet, knowing that they are understood and implied by most everyone. what word did i spell wrong? ironically, i am something of a grammar nazi, but i only use capitalization and punctuation when absolutely necessary on the internet.

" someone who's first language"
In this case, it's "whose," demonstrating errors in both spelling and inappropriate use of the apostrophe -- perhaps the most widespread error in internet forums.  Grammar nazi, indeed.

Jun 08 06 02:56 pm Link



Posts: 12979

Winchester, Virginia, US

Len Cook Photographer wrote:
Incredible.  Just incredible.  Neither of you can spell and you're laughing at others.  Get a grip.

I too, found the irony to be unbearable.

-CLT (a person whose first language is not English)

Jun 08 06 02:57 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Oh wait.....! I've got one...

The gaylord bandicoot freaks who always put that lame MUYAA in the Announcments page.... Blech!! Hello Kitty mother f*&%ckers

Jun 08 06 02:58 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

How about:

A contest to see who can get his thread locked or zoned first.

But BCG is disqualified from competing.  We're not in his league.  smile

Jun 08 06 02:59 pm Link



Posts: 152

San Diego, California, US

OOO OOO OOO, how about the worst of the "worst of" forum topics???? but in your post, you have to include a bunch of links to the threads...

Jun 08 06 03:00 pm Link


Bailee Martini

Posts: 648

Jacksonville, Alabama, US

Digital Emulsion wrote:

well, enforcing correct spelling is the only way some people can feel good about themselves.

are you saying this towards me? we all have things we do to feel good about ourselves. me, i was just always the kid who did really good in english class, and didnt understand how everyone would write things like "Look over they're! A bunch of dog's for sale!"

when i say "grammar nazi", i dont mean that i correct people. in fact, i never corret grammar unless it is asked of me or it is in jest. i meant that mainly im picky about my own grammar and spelling, and annoyed by others who dont understand grammar that should be very simple and obvious. smile

my big pet peeve is the misuse of the apostraphe and s. both are very misunderstood and used improperly. hell, a few years ago, i found discovered mcdonalds using "it's" where it should have been using "its" in the copywright info on their drink cups. it was later changed. anywho, like i said, dont use good grammar when i type, but otherwise im a stickler.

Jun 08 06 03:03 pm Link


Digital Emulsion

Posts: 345

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Len Cook Photographer wrote:
" someone who's first language"
In this case, it's "whose," demonstrating errors in both spelling and inappropriate use of the apostrophe -- perhaps the most widespread error in internet forums.  Grammar nazi, indeed.

English is a stupid language to be a grammar nazi in. Example: "read". Present? Past? Many other examples to follow.

If its the only language you know, then well...feel embarassed.

Jun 08 06 03:04 pm Link


Christofer Rodriguez

Posts: 156

San Bernardino, California, US

World peace...

Jun 08 06 03:06 pm Link


Bailee Martini

Posts: 648

Jacksonville, Alabama, US

Len Cook Photographer wrote:

" someone who's first language"
In this case, it's "whose," demonstrating errors in both spelling and inappropriate use of the apostrophe -- perhaps the most widespread error in internet forums.  Grammar nazi, indeed.

sorry, my mistake. typing faster than im thinking. your mockery is fair. but otherwise, if "who's" were the proper word for the context, the apostraphe might be appropriate; however, we cant say, so saying it was "inappropriate use of the apostrophe" is negated by the fact that the entire word isnt right for the situation.

Jun 08 06 03:07 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

baelie wrote:
anywho, like i said, dont use good grammar when i type, but otherwise im a stickler.

I'd love to get together and stickle with you some time.  smile

Jun 08 06 03:07 pm Link


Digital Emulsion

Posts: 345

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

baelie wrote:

sorry, my mistake. typing faster than im thinking. your mockery is fair. but otherwise, if "who's" were the proper word for the context, the apostraphe might be appropriate; however, we cant say, so saying it was "inappropriate use of the apostrophe" is negated by the fact that the entire word isnt right for the situation.

"If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur."

Jun 08 06 03:10 pm Link