Forums > General Industry > Can i get in trouble...


Lexi Evans

Posts: 1004

Levittown, New York, US

I go to college and any girls I think fit the description I want i confront and give my card. Im respectful, of course, and don't bother them in their studies, but could i get in trouble for it anyway?

Jun 05 06 08:02 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Lexi Evans wrote:
I go to college and any girls I think fit the description I want i confront and give my card. Im respectful, of course, and don't bother them in their studies, but could i get in trouble for it anyway?

On or off campus?

Jun 05 06 08:03 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

So long as you're being respectful, I don't think so. I suppose one of them could go nuts and try to make some wierd claims against you... but I think thats a risk we all run doing anything anywhere it seems...

Jun 05 06 08:06 pm Link


Constance Hilory

Posts: 1706

Mobile, Alabama, US

I met two of my favorite photographers that way. Do not be pushy, hand them the card, and leave the rest up to them. As a model, I don't see anything wrong with it. However, others may see it from a different view or may have had bad experiences. Use your best judgement.

Jun 05 06 08:06 pm Link


Lexi Evans

Posts: 1004

Levittown, New York, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

On or off campus?

On- campus

Jun 05 06 08:14 pm Link


Robert James Imaging

Posts: 82

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I wouldn't worry too much, just be respectful give a card and on the card tell what you are trying to accomplish.  If you are focusing on nudes...  ... well maybe a bit awkward.  Also offer brining an escort to the first shoot.  It could be annoying but the comfort factor will triple.  I refer people to my MM port and don't show any nudity.

Jun 05 06 08:20 pm Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

I sincerely hope that you can ALWAYS get into trouble.

Jun 05 06 08:40 pm Link



Posts: 7840


if you introduce yourself, rather than CONFRONTING anyone and are merely suggesting you'd like to photograph them - if they would like to pose in return for some said pictures - thats one thing
You can say what your interest (bondage) is later but my advice is always use a professional TIER and use as a model someone who has done it before. Its not worth them freaking out and telling people on campus after.

Asking people you dont know if they want to do bondage pictures (and you are not paying them, as a professional) is not a great idea at ALL.

If by FIT the DESCRIPTION you mean you know they are into it...better plan, but If I were You I'd offer in the clubs or scenes where it goes on ..and the subjects are showing their involvement. Harasser or pervert is probably not a good label to get from the college - while you are IN the college!!


Jun 08 06 01:58 am Link


C and J Photography

Posts: 1986

Hauula, Hawaii, US

Crop 4 images to 8x10 and put them in corners of a 16x24 canvas in photoshop. This will leave you 4" in the canvas for business card style text. This canvas printed on a 4x6 print is 4 thumbnails each 2" x 2.5" and an inch by four inches of text. Enough to let them see you could be legitimate and they might want the benefit of a shoot with you. at 14 to 29 cents a print these work far better than any business card to help establish rapport immediately.

Introduce yourself, ask if you can show them something, show the card, offer the card, offer to shoot, do not allow them to feel a response is required, point out contact info, thank for their time, walk away, allow them to detain you but never reapproach them.

The card and the first contact must be "G" rated and a conversation not a confrontation.

Jun 08 06 02:16 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Lexi Evans wrote:
I go to college and any girls I think fit the description I want i confront and give my card. Im respectful, of course, and don't bother them in their studies, but could i get in trouble for it anyway?

No.  I'm in college and I first strike up a conversation but I am also female and females on a college campus trust other females more.  BUT! i don't think it's anything weird as long as you're respectful.  If anything, if you don't mind them bringing a friend in order to feel safe or comfortable then go ahead and tell them that, if you are actually taking a photography class they are more likely to help you too. smile  I ask people on campus a lot, especially if we have the same class together. lol

Jun 08 06 02:20 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

A lot of people in the art department at most schools also have castings for like figure models and such and anything that is nude, they are always paid regardless of the project.  If you are asking for bondage or anything they'll probably freak out a bit and not do it.  Some might, most will think you're a freak for asking so for that kind of work.

Jun 08 06 02:23 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Lexi Evans wrote:
I go to college and any girls I think fit the description I want i confront and give my card. Im respectful, of course, and don't bother them in their studies, but could i get in trouble for it anyway?

If it's a state school, nope. You have a right as a tax payer to be there.

If it's a private school, you need permission to recruit there, although if it's a large college I seriously doubt anyone will care.

In both cases, you might want to talk to the Chair of the Art department and see if they can recommend anyone or if they will allow you to put a poster up in the Art Department advertising your services and wants in the way of models.


Jun 08 06 04:59 am Link


Oriental Silk

Posts: 535

London, England, United Kingdom

I am on the staff of a college in Sussex, England. In my opinion, if you have legitimate reason to be on the campus (i.e. you are a registered student or a member of staff), then there is no problem about talking to other members of the college community and passing to them contact information.

However, if your main or sole purpose for being on the college campus (at any given time) is to distribute material that promotes your business, you may fall foul of by laws that prevent such activity.

Modelling is a perfectly respectable activity for people to promote and engage in during college. Indeed, I know of a number of girls at my college who model for on and off campus photographers. If the model is over 18, then nudity should not really be an issue either, although that may be deprecated by the college authorities.

However, perception is extremely important in this case. If you are perceived to be bothering anyone, or if your activities are raised officially for any reason, don't be surprised if you find yourself asked to stop. In which case, you should comply with the wishes of the college authorities.

Jun 08 06 06:49 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Tim Baker wrote:
If it's a state school, nope. You have a right as a tax payer to be there.

If it's a private school, you need permission to recruit there, although if it's a large college I seriously doubt anyone will care.

In both cases, you might want to talk to the Chair of the Art department and see if they can recommend anyone or if they will allow you to put a poster up in the Art Department advertising your services and wants in the way of models.


What the ? You're arguing that if it's a state school, just because you're a taxpayer you have a right to be there and do whatever you want? Where do you get this shit? Every state-run institution -- from schools, to parks, to roads and highways, to government offices and buildings has rules and laws which they vigorously enforce concerning how "taxpayers" use the facilities -- what you can and can't do, when you can do it, and even who can do it. And they have law enforcement personnel who are empowered to make sure you follow the rules. In general, there are no locations more paranoid, with more power to f*ck with you, than schools.

If you disagree with the rules, write your legislator and work to get them changed. But arguing that it's OK to just show up on a state campus and do whatever you want is a recipe for disaster, and a ticket to some real-world schooling.

I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't break some of the rules, some of the time. But I think it's good to start from the point where you understand what the rules are. And the first rule is. . . there are lots of rules about what you can and can't do on school grounds.

Jun 08 06 06:55 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Lexi Evans wrote:
I go to college and any girls I think fit the description I want i confront and give my card. Im respectful, of course, and don't bother them in their studies, but could i get in trouble for it anyway?

I think as long as you are a student at the school where you are talking with potential photo subjects, you are OK.

I also think it is quite likely that the school has broad rules against "solicitation," which they probably arbitrarily enforce when they feel like it (like when they get a complaint against somebody). So what you are doing is probably technically not permitted by the school's rules. But this is one of those cases where if it were me, I would probably bend/break the rules until somebody told me to stop. Others might behave differently.

Since you shoot bondage, be VERY careful not to solicit minors, much less shoot them.

Keep a low profile, be respectful and not pushy, and you'll probably be OK.  On the other hand, you could end up with the cops coming down on you like storm troopers -- you never know! If it was easy, everybody would be doing it. . .

Jun 08 06 07:08 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Lexi Evans wrote:
I go to college and any girls I think fit the description I want i confront and give my card. Im respectful, of course, and don't bother them in their studies, but could i get in trouble for it anyway?

Are there not enough willing and able models within "inside" communities like MM, OMP, MP, etc. that you need to go "outside"?

Jun 08 06 07:13 am Link



Posts: 793

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

rp_photo wrote:
Are there not enough willing and able models within "inside" communities like MM, OMP, MP, etc. that you need to go "outside"?

i think sometimes, that non-models might make for more interesting subjects, simply because they are...non-models. and sometimes it is good to see fresh faces in an image.

Jun 08 06 12:13 pm Link



Posts: 581

Walnut Creek, California, US

Go for the goths, they love that shit.

I would say if you're focus is nudes you'd have to handle it very carefully so that they don't get offended. I believe if you're polite about it and don't harrass them you'd be better off. It is probably still possible that someone will try to get you in trouble for it. You have to decide if that's a risk you're willing to take.

Jun 09 06 08:41 pm Link


aesthetix photo

Posts: 10558

Macon, Georgia, US

As for the goths, it depends on A) the subject, and B) the photographer.  I've been heavily involved with the gothic subculture since 1985, as a musician, DJ, and promoter, and one thing that has really peeved a lot of the subculture over the past decade is the number of non-gothy types who assume a goth girl is easy to get in bed based on the way she dresses.  Photographers have to deal with that, and there's a long, sordid history of people trying to prey on goth girls, especially now that there's all these gothy nude websites giving the impression that a goth girl will take her clothes off for anyone if there's a camera involved.

My favored tactic is to just hand them a business card, tell them I'm a photographer and I would be interested in working with them, refer them to your website (on the card) and ask them to get in touch with you.  If they're interested, they'll either start asking questions or they'll check out your work online.  If not, all you've lost is a business card and 20 seconds of time.

Jun 10 06 12:22 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Lexi Evans wrote:
I go to college and any girls I think fit the description I want i confront and give my card. Im respectful, of course, and don't bother them in their studies, but could i get in trouble for it anyway?

THe word "confront "worries me ....perhaps you mean approach ?

I think you would only get in troube if someone complains ie the girl ,,,,

So some of what goes down when you meet a prosepective model is within your control ( ie being respectful etc ) but some of it isnt and maybe totally unkown to you

For example you will find that there are women out there that do not want or enjoy having their photogrpah taken -period end of story ...Maybe they've had a bad experience with a photographer , maybe they have body /image issues etc
So if you approach a strange young woman - there is the chance of encountering this  ( and she could complain )
I think it might be best in your situation to approach prospective models thru a third party ie a mutual friend or maybe even sorta anonymously - ie you could maybe stick your card somewhere where they would see it ( ie a locker ) You could write on your card something like -" I really like your look and would love to photogrpah you but I realize that photography is not eveyones thing - so I hope that you are not offended by this request" ...So that then gives her the power to control you or not ....

And I would not recommend that you suggest doing  nude photography ( if that is your thing )  with your models right off the bat - do a shoot with clothing first - then see where that leads based on how well you interact , the models level of comfort etc .....

Jun 11 06 10:13 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Garry k wrote:

Lexi Evans wrote:
I go to college and any girls I think fit the description I want i confront and give my card. Im respectful, of course, and don't bother them in their studies, but could i get in trouble for it anyway?

THe word "confront "worries me ....perhaps you mean approach ?

I think you would only get in trouble if someone complains ie the girl ,,,,

So some of what goes down when you meet a prosepective model is within your control ( ie being respectful etc ) but some of it isnt and maybe totally unkown to you ..There are some women ( and men ) out there that do not want there picture taken under any circumsances ie maybe they've had a bad experience with a photogrpaher , maybe they have body /image issues , maybe they were featured on Americas Most Wanted last week etc

But seing that you  are a female photographer -  I think you have a lot more freedom to approach  prospective models than guy photographers - as there will be that girl -girl trust thing happening

Jun 11 06 10:20 am Link