Forums > General Industry > Camera help robbery



Posts: 7840


My Camera has been stolen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 04 06 01:01 am Link


KT Imaging

Posts: 512

New York, New York, US

Many insurance companies will accept an original owners manual as proof of ownership.

Jun 04 06 01:07 am Link



Posts: 7840


yeah..but I have nothing


except photos!

Jun 04 06 01:18 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
So my Camera has been stolen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man, I am gutted

well, yes... tho I need proof of purchase to claim any replacement
which of course I dont have

Any offers?

reciept from last 2 years will suffice - Kind photogs
Save me
Help me get a new one

Can MAIL a reciept from USA to me in CA??
Otherwise  I'm taking no more images, even holiday ones...


What kind of camera?

Jun 04 06 01:43 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
So my Camera has been stolen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, yes... tho I need proof of purchase to claim any replacement
which of course I dont have

That sucks.  Sounds like you need a new insurance company.

I had $2800 worth of equipment stolen a couple years ago and just gave them a list of what was taken and references as to what it would cost to replace it.  In fact, they replaced my Nikon 8008s body with an F100 which they said was necessary since the 8008 was no longer in production.  I did have serial numbers for most of it, though.  Always keep serial numbers.  The cops even managed to recover some of it and the serial numbers helped nail the guy because they could identify the equipment as being stolen.

I like my new F100.  big_smile

Jun 04 06 08:00 am Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

If you bought your camera from anywhere "big" that uses computerized receipts (B&H, Adorama, etc.) you should be able to have them print you a new one.

Asking for another's receipt is attempted fraud and could land you in trouble.

Jun 04 06 08:10 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

photogeek wrote:
Asking for another's receipt is attempted fraud and could land you in trouble.

And I would think that anyone who supplies one would be an accessory.

Jun 04 06 08:31 am Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
yeah..but I have nothing


except photos!

No receipt, no book, no warranty card, nothing?   Interesting...

Jun 04 06 08:31 am Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

Not saying this about the OP, but if I got something like this in email, I'd say "phishing" and delete it.

The OP has photos?  EXIF data usually embeds the camera body serial number.

Jun 04 06 08:46 am Link



Posts: 716

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Jim Ball wrote:
Not saying this about the OP, but if I got something like this in email, I'd say "phishing" and delete it.

The OP has photos?  EXIF data usually embeds the camera body serial number.

But it doesn't provide "Proof of Ownership" I could for example rent or borrow a camera and present that as "proof". I could also buy an instruction manual on eBay, or even from Nikon, Canon et al ... doesn't prove ownership.

Many camera dealers do have sales records, and can look up and create a replacement receipt.

The insurance company is doing their job to prevent fraud, and in theory preventing fraud will keep our rates down.

Jun 04 06 09:46 am Link


1972 Productions

Posts: 1376

Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines

Dave Krueger wrote:

And I would think that anyone who supplies one would be an accessory.

Seriously, and it's pretty stupid of you to even ask!

Sorry your gear got stolen, but that's why you got to hang on to your reciepts.

Jun 04 06 09:58 am Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

Darrell wrote:

But it doesn't provide "Proof of Ownership" I could for example rent or borrow a camera and present that as "proof". I could also buy an instruction manual on eBay, or even from Nikon, Canon et al ... doesn't prove ownership.

Many camera dealers do have sales records, and can look up and create a replacement receipt.

The insurance company is doing their job to prevent fraud, and in theory preventing fraud will keep our rates down.

Exactly.  I cannot say about other brands of cameras features, but my Canon also embeds my name in the EXIF data along with the body serial number.  I don't know how easy it would be to change that info on a rented camera.  I would think it  requires access to the camera setup software.

I have a personal articles insurance policy on all my gear.  In addition to copies of the sales receipts, the insurance office also has photos on file of my gear taken by their agent in their insurance office, so there is absolutely no doubt about exactly what I own.  I asked them to make the photographic record as I did not have the original receipts for some of my older gear.

Jun 04 06 09:59 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
So my Camera has been stolen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man, I am gutted

well, yes... tho I need proof of purchase to claim any replacement
which of course I dont have

Any offers?

reciept from last 2 years will suffice - Kind photogs
Save me
Help me get a new one

Can MAIL a reciept from USA to me in CA??
Otherwise  I'm taking no more images, even holiday ones...


Wouldn't that be insurance fraud?

Jun 04 06 10:24 am Link


Envy - Art

Posts: 3319

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I had all of my equipment AND my computer stolen last insurance company didn't require anything except a police report (which was done the second we walked into our home and found out it was burglarized) and some documentation on replacement values (which I got from the internet).  What you are asking others to do for you is insurance fraud and I seriously doubt that anyone will get involved with this.  Besides, why would someone send you their receipt and then risk the chance of needing it later?

Sorry you lost your stuff, but getting it back legally is the way to go....

Jun 04 06 10:35 am Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

your kidding right???

Jun 04 06 06:03 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

photogeek wrote:
If you bought your camera from anywhere "big" that uses computerized receipts (B&H, Adorama, etc.) you should be able to have them print you a new one.

Asking for another's receipt is attempted fraud and could land you in trouble.

Agreed...Don't ask for someone elses receipt. Call the company that you bought it from and ask for a copy of the original.

When I lost the receipt for my Canon, I called Calumet and had a PDF copy emailed to me within seconds.

Jun 04 06 06:33 pm Link



Posts: 100

Los Angeles, California, US

Honesty is the best policy

Jun 04 06 06:36 pm Link



Posts: 7840


If you dont want to help, go do something else.
Putting in the word fraud in here, that was really nice!!
I am insured I paid a LOT and entilted to replace the camera
thats not making anything up the loss is real

It was actaully a duty free buy at some airport
I dont even recall what curency or country I bought it in
or with which card!!
As I am travelling without access to old credit card statements or anything and have no box, manual or anything else over here with me.
either offer help direct or pass on by folks!

i am not normally dishonest butIf I have no proof, that means i get nothing. They just get my CASH.

So, hardly the best policy!

it would have to be a cash purchase so as not to HAVE anothers name on it

thanks anyway guys!

Jun 05 06 02:09 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

You don't remember which card you put your camera on or the store that you bought it at???  would you not think that someone posting that would be suspicious???  i mean, even i have tons of camera equiptment and art supplies and a ton of electronics and software and i have the worst memory in the world but i can still tell anyone where i got every single item from.  I say that you seriously need to try really hard and remember where it is you got it from and then contact the place.  Since you know you put it on a card and about the time that you purchased it then it may be on record still, many places keep records for several years before it is removed from the system to free up memory.  They can probably look it up since it's on a credit card, have them try each one you have until they find it.  Have them print you a replacement receipt and  have them mail it to you.  No one in here is going to give you their receipt because it's for THEIR camera that is on THEIR warranty and insurance policies which makes them the responsible party.  Which are all unique to them and not you.  Asking someone for their receipt is commiting FRAUD and is against the law and both partys will be put away if found out. :\  Especially since almost every electronic device that has insurance on it and not simply a warranty is REGISTERED!!!  You can not think that someone will give you 1 of their documents to simply "help out" when they can easily be arrested for doing so.

Jun 05 06 02:30 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
thanks for calling me stupid
i was just hoping not to be left with no more camera!
If you dont want to help, go do something else.

and putting in the word fraud in here, that was really nice.
I am insurred and entilted to replace the camera
thats not making anything up!

It was a duty free buy
if you must know !
I dont even recall what country I bought it in
or with which card !!
As I am travelling without access to old credit card statements or anything and have no box, manual or anything else over here with me, I asked.

It's really mean to have a go at me, either offer or pass on by folks!
just sounding out if any one has a reciept from the last 2 years for ANY camera thats gonna get me about $500 back, thats after excess/deductable
any extra, you can have
i am not normally dishonest but just telling telling them is not liike Owning Up to anything!
If I have no proof, that means i get nothing. They just get my CASH.
So, hardly the best policy!

it would have to be a cash purchase so as not to HAVE anothers name on it
So, prob no dice....
but Im asking anyway, in case I get lucky.

I miss my camera THAT much!


So what kind of camera was it?

Jun 05 06 03:08 am Link



Posts: 7840


Thanks MIke. That doesnt really matter now, i was just hoping for anything, any type that I can back up with . . . . just being positive.

If it WAS ''suspicious'' durrr I wouldnt be here!

Is procedure, they like to file something.

Jun 05 06 03:13 am Link



Posts: 2076

Orlando, Florida, US

Find the Person who sold it to you ! Maybe he can hand write a receipt on a napkin or something ......LOL  ......

I feel your Pain... I was in Germany shooting a Soccer game and got my
500mm F4 stolen ..... It Hurts .....and slows down Progress .....

Manny D.

Jun 05 06 03:18 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
Is procedure, they just like to file something.

yeah but when most companies file you need to make sure all documents checkout and are good to go only for you, otherwise you can still be arrested and who ever helped you.

Jun 05 06 03:19 am Link



Posts: 7840


Funny I DO remember aspects about the guy himself! He was very persuasive.
I think his name was ... Manny

Jun 05 06 03:20 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
Funny I DO remember aspects about the guy himself! He was very persuasive.
I think his name was ... Manny

hmmm... Manny.... Manny... *looks up* there he is!!! lol go get him!

Jun 05 06 03:21 am Link



Posts: 7840


Thuy Anh wrote:

yeah but when most companies file you need to make sure all documents checkout and are good to go only for you, otherwise you can still be arrested and who ever helped you.

you arent getting OUT enough!
No they dont arrest you!!
They just let you know that you mixed up your reciEpts
or plain refuse your claim
possibly blacklist you, as a trickster, who doesnt even know how to trick (those people buy and get a reciept, then claim loss using it, then return the item).
The other person - who might have a cash reciept - is not part of their picture

ah well.

Jun 05 06 03:24 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Anjel Britt wrote:

you arent getting OUT enough!
No they dont arrest you!!
They just let you know that you mixed up your reciEpts
or plain refuse your claim
possibly blacklist you, as a trickster, who doesnt even know how to trick (those people buy and get a reciept, then claim loss using it, then return the item).
The other person - who might have a cash reciept - is not part of their picture

ah well.

lol, silly silly, i'm talking about if someone lets it go through, if by using someone else's documents it does then you are putting yourself in a world of hurt.  more than that $500 you wanted back.  the receipt has enough information on it for the company to track who the customer was and pull the information. never never use someone else's documents not even for a receipt for any electronic device you need to file a claim for.  this might work if you go to a place to get a refill on a drink and you need to show a receipt but with an actual company you'll pay the price 10 fold. a company will first tell you that the claim will not go through but if you do it several times that's when they blacklist you for that certain claim.  If in the future you buy from them again you have something new and they will have to start from square 1.

Jun 05 06 03:37 am Link



Posts: 7840


POUNDS not dollars - about $1,000 dollars...
I will move this issue to the EQUIPMENT
used camera, for sale cheap, section

maybe one day find an affordable Cannon 10 D?!?
and maybe offer
if anyone wants
'full nudity, girl on girl on girl, with electrical piano wire, for pay' Section


Jun 05 06 03:14 pm Link


Hunter Photography

Posts: 131

Ishpeming, Michigan, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
No they dont arrest you!!

Better reread your law there pal. Insurance fraud is illegal and if they can prove you did (say by finding out you started this thread asking for another's receipt and then if someone gave you said receipt and you used it to attempt to gain a new camera or monetary reimbursement for the "stolen" goods you can be guilty of a misdomeanor, or if the amount is high enough a felony . . . at which point you could even end up in a PMITA prison.

Jun 05 06 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 7840


personally Im not planning to make anything up

if I were a prisoner though, I am certain, no one would call me


Jun 05 06 11:05 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Mark Anderson wrote:

No receipt, no book, no warranty card, nothing?   Interesting...

I'm here from London
*my stuff there all locked up

Jun 19 06 01:14 am Link


Bill Gunter

Posts: 547

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

Does anyone else have a picture of you with the camera?

Jun 19 06 07:00 pm Link


Robbie Wolf Photography

Posts: 569

Phoenix, Arizona, US

photogeek wrote:
Asking for another's receipt is attempted fraud and could land you in trouble.

I have a feeling there's an interesting story there.

So when is your probation up?

Jun 19 06 09:49 pm Link