

Posts: 201

Chicago, Illinois, US

Not sure what I think of this whole "Model Mayhem" anymore....

First, I thought it was cool - thought it was neat how you were actually able to leave personal comments on other people's work, and interact with people so much on a friendlier, more personable level and retrieve feedback.

Now I'm starting to think it's becoming a popularity contest like OMP. If you know people and you shoot w/ the people who know people - then you deserve a comment, or possibly a "view". I understand that this business IS a LOT about who you know,etc..etc... However, I joined this site to meet people to network with, people to shoot with. Good, honest, hard working, phenominal creative unique people.

I'm not going to sit here and say that I think I can be the next Victoria's Secret model, or want to be the next Playboy Playmate.....however, I started modeling because (sounds like SO many other stories) I had always thought about it & had even been asked if I had and why I don't and told that I should. However, I was convinced that height was going to be an issue, but then found out - holy crap! Models my size are models as well! So why not? Then I started getting into it (thinking money would be coming out of the walls....BAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHA.....go ahead ..........laugh with me) wink haha And then I realized if you are a model my height and w/ decent looks - most likely you're going to be wanted for "maxim" style shoots - not as much fashion - unless you find the right connections and meet the right people. Anyways - so I started doing shoots - and realized - WOW - I really love this. I'm a very creative, artistic I'm all about artistic creative shots - crazy hair, crazy make up - but I can never meet photographers that have the funds to provide that idea - or that want to go half on it with me (yes....I'm odd - I compromise) smile

I've honestly thought about throwing in the towel - thinking "what am I doing?? I'm 5'5" and don't have ginormous (gigantic/enormous - lol) breasts,  and don't do nude, or implied nude where am I really going with this?? Would I like to go far with modeling?? Sure, but by what I've seen...unless I do import car modeling, or maxim,etc....which I would love to do...but I really don't see as much growth in....then sure! I'm a dreamer, sure, but I also think logistically and realistically. I honestly get excited about putting together events....

A photoshoot I had for a company I still plan on starting - I LOVED setting it all up. The wardrobe, the backdrops, etc..etc....I have a VERY creative mind - and seeing it unfold before my eyes is unreal and magical. So who knows? Maybe modeling isn't for me? But what sucks now - is I think I'm addicted - I love it and the ideas that I bring to the shoot and the energy. And the images that come from it - keep me coming back.

So, I guess the whole point of this rambling "thread" - is to say - I know I'm not 5'11" and 115 lbs with perfect skin, hair, teeth and measurements closer to making my way on the runway for some well known fashion designer - and that this most likely won't be my carreer throughout my lifetime - however I really enjoy it, don't know what to expect, and maybe the suspense of not knowing -keeps me coming back. It's like buying a lottery ticket - you never know when you may strike big. As far as MM goes, it just seemed alot friendlier at first - however, I really am not here to make "friends" per se, but kindness, thoughtfulness, and feedback really doesn't have to do with friends. If I make friends in the process? it's a bonus - but I'm not here for popularity - I'm here to find new talents, and hopefully work with them - and learn something and give something. I'm not here to see how many comments I can get - but some would be nice - just to get feedback - so I know what people think - honestly.

It's 5:07 am in the morning - just got home from work about a half an hour ago - and will probably regret writing this in 10 minutes. However? This is me...and I don't lie and I'm not striving for attention by this post - most likely 3 people will read it because they will look at my username and realize they've never heard of me and/or don't know me lol.

It's more like - we don't have blogs on here to share with what you have on your mind - so this was the closest thing. smile

Anyways - no hard feelings to MM or anyone out there - just the vibe I've been getting as of late smile And who knows .....maybe I'm just PARANOID. lol

Haha - either way - feels better to talk about something thats been on my mind. Sorry to bore you if you've read this far!!! lol!

G'night - have to be up in 4 hours for my 4 1/2 year old nieces dance recital! smile I can't wait! smile

*muah* Nikki

Jun 03 06 05:13 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

NikkiC wrote:
Not sure what I think of this whole "Model Mayhem" anymore....

First, I thought it was cool - thought it was neat how you were actually able to leave personal comments on other people's work, and interact with people so much on a friendlier, more personable level and retrieve feedback.

Now I'm starting to think it's becoming a popularity contest like OMP. If you know people and you shoot w/ the people who know people - then you deserve a comment, or possibly a "view". I understand that this business IS a LOT about who you know,etc..etc... However, I joined this site to meet people to network with, people to shoot with. Good, honest, hard working, phenominal creative unique people.

I'm not going to sit here and say that I think I can be the next Victoria's Secret model, or want to be the next Playboy Playmate.....however, I started modeling because (sounds like SO many other stories) I had always thought about it & had even been asked if I had and why I don't and told that I should. However, I was convinced that height was going to be an issue, but then found out - holy crap! Models my size are models as well! So why not? Then I started getting into it (thinking money would be coming out of the walls....BAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHA.....go ahead ..........laugh with me) wink haha And then I realized if you are a model my height and w/ decent looks - most likely you're going to be wanted for "maxim" style shoots - not as much fashion - unless you find the right connections and meet the right people. Anyways - so I started doing shoots - and realized - WOW - I really love this. I'm a very creative, artistic I'm all about artistic creative shots - crazy hair, crazy make up - but I can never meet photographers that have the funds to provide that idea - or that want to go half on it with me (yes....I'm odd - I compromise) smile

I've honestly thought about throwing in the towel - thinking "what am I doing?? I'm 5'5" and don't have ginormous (gigantic/enormous - lol) breasts,  and don't do nude, or implied nude where am I really going with this?? Would I like to go far with modeling?? Sure, but by what I've seen...unless I do import car modeling, or maxim,etc....which I would love to do...but I really don't see as much growth in....then sure! I'm a dreamer, sure, but I also think logistically and realistically. I honestly get excited about putting together events....

A photoshoot I had for a company I still plan on starting - I LOVED setting it all up. The wardrobe, the backdrops, etc..etc....I have a VERY creative mind - and seeing it unfold before my eyes is unreal and magical. So who knows? Maybe modeling isn't for me? But what sucks now - is I think I'm addicted - I love it and the ideas that I bring to the shoot and the energy. And the images that come from it - keep me coming back.

So, I guess the whole point of this rambling "thread" - is to say - I know I'm not 5'11" and 115 lbs with perfect skin, hair, teeth and measurements closer to making my way on the runway for some well known fashion designer - and that this most likely won't be my carreer throughout my lifetime - however I really enjoy it, don't know what to expect, and maybe the suspense of not knowing -keeps me coming back. It's like buying a lottery ticket - you never know when you may strike big. As far as MM goes, it just seemed alot friendlier at first - however, I really am not here to make "friends" per se, but kindness, thoughtfulness, and feedback really doesn't have to do with friends. If I make friends in the process? it's a bonus - but I'm not here for popularity - I'm here to find new talents, and hopefully work with them - and learn something and give something. I'm not here to see how many comments I can get - but some would be nice - just to get feedback - so I know what people think - honestly.

It's 5:07 am in the morning - just got home from work about a half an hour ago - and will probably regret writing this in 10 minutes. However? This is me...and I don't lie and I'm not striving for attention by this post - most likely 3 people will read it because they will look at my username and realize they've never heard of me and/or don't know me lol.

It's more like - we don't have blogs on here to share with what you have on your mind - so this was the closest thing. smile

Anyways - no hard feelings to MM or anyone out there - just the vibe I've been getting as of late smile And who knows .....maybe I'm just PARANOID. lol

Haha - either way - feels better to talk about something thats been on my mind. Sorry to bore you if you've read this far!!! lol!

G'night - have to be up in 4 hours for my 4 1/2 year old nieces dance recital! smile I can't wait! smile

*muah* Nikki

I honestly don't think your experience is any different from anybody else around here. Its tough work in this business and it takes grit and some balls to keep at it, let alone be "successful" by whatever terms you define that. I'm definately not as successful as I want to be, but I'm doing something and that I find to be pretty impressive.

I'd also say you probably want to be careful confusing "friends" and "popularity." You can be popular as all get out and everybody can know your name, but that doesn't matter one bit if its not for the right reasons. I think you have the right reasons in mind already, so its just a matter of being yourself and sticking around.

Sounds like you're doing things right and being persistant. So just enjoy the ride.

And see, I can comment too, because I'm a noname as well smile

Jun 03 06 06:48 am Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

After reading your post it sounds like your favorite part of this business is the creativity...........the planning that goes into a shoot. Maybe that is what you should do to make the business more enjoyable. Maybe you should start a business putting together photoshoots for clients. you know.....provide the props, wardrobe and styling.......finding cool locations. If I knew of someone around my area who did that sort of stuff I would hire them. I get a lot of ideas in my head but never folow through because it seems like too much work. If I could pay someone to make my ideas a reality, I would hire them in a second. Probably not the kind of response you were looking for but it is a sincere thought.

Jun 03 06 09:41 am Link



Posts: 201

Chicago, Illinois, US

Thanks for the response Ginny smile Nice portfolio you have as well - you have a fine selection of images - and its actually wonderful to see the human figure displayed in do i put it? Tasteful ? But leaves it to your OWN imagination what you think of it?

Anywho - yeah, I know that I have a pretty good head on my shoulders - however it's just aggravating sometimes being so honest and good hearted and hardworking...and never seeing anything prosper or transpire from all the hard work, traveling and money spent in the process.....

For example, I really want to cut my hair. Short. Only reason WHY I haven't? Modeling. And it's not even like I'm knee deep into modeling. lol. I guess i have the attitude of "You just NEVER know what can happen."

Thanks for responding - nice to know there are people out there like you smile

Good luck to you - and one day Ginny - I can see some of those fine art nudes in a nationally procalaimed museum smile kudos to you as a model, person, and personality smile

Take care


NC17 wrote:

I honestly don't think your experience is any different from anybody else around here. Its tough work in this business and it takes grit and some balls to keep at it, let alone be "successful" by whatever terms you define that. I'm definately not as successful as I want to be, but I'm doing something and that I find to be pretty impressive.

I'd also say you probably want to be careful confusing "friends" and "popularity." You can be popular as all get out and everybody can know your name, but that doesn't matter one bit if its not for the right reasons. I think you have the right reasons in mind already, so its just a matter of being yourself and sticking around.

Sounds like you're doing things right and being persistant. So just enjoy the ride.

And see, I can comment too, because I'm a noname as well smile

Jun 04 06 05:50 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

It seems like every other photo in your portfolio has a "shout out" to Arcanum - so keep posing for him, he'll get better, you'll get better... suggest some crazy hair and makeup. Do it yourself if you can't afford to hire someone. Maybe the shots will be awful, or maybe they'll be pretty good. Have fun.

If your sole drive was to make money, and you're finding out that that's not going to happen, or you're not willing to invest in a portfolio to get you some serious work, I could understand giving up.

... but I simply don't understand the question.
Of course you shouldn't give up a hobby that you enjoy.

what are those other girls doing in your portfolio?

NikkiC wrote:
Anyways - so I started doing shoots - and realized - WOW - I really love this. I'm a very creative, artistic I'm all about artistic creative shots - crazy hair, crazy make up - but I can never meet photographers that have the funds to provide that idea - or that want to go half on it with me (yes....I'm odd - I compromise) smile

Jun 04 06 06:04 am Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

NikkiC wrote:
So, I guess the whole point of this rambling "thread" - is to say - I know I'm not 5'11" and 115 lbs with perfect skin, hair, teeth and measurements closer to making my way on the runway for some well known fashion designer - and that this most likely won't be my carreer throughout my lifetime - however I really enjoy it, don't know what to expect, and maybe the suspense of not knowing -keeps me coming back. It's like buying a lottery ticket - you never know when you may strike big. As far as MM goes, it just seemed alot friendlier at first - however, I really am not here to make "friends" per se, but kindness, thoughtfulness, and feedback really doesn't have to do with friends. If I make friends in the process? it's a bonus - but I'm not here for popularity - I'm here to find new talents, and hopefully work with them - and learn something and give something. I'm not here to see how many comments I can get - but some would be nice - just to get feedback - so I know what people think - honestly.

*muah* Nikki


This is one of the most honest and sincere threads that I've read. So sincere - That I actually read through the entire text (which I don't usually do when it's that long).

I used to have similar feelings but I realized something, the more I looked for those issues, the more it took me away from my shooting. That was the real problem. In essence I was creating my own reality - not good.

As I look through your photos and comments I see that all of them or great comments that would appear to be very encouraging for you. So maybe it's not Mayhem, that's giving you these feelings. Maybe it's these forums.

One of the odd things that I've found about this site is that most comments on most pictures of EVERYONE i've seen are great comments but when you go to forums (where the topics are not pictures) it gets UGLY.

Keep shooting dear, keep shooting. Forget about superficial support (or the lack thereof). Just continue to make your way around the modeling world and you'll find your niche.

By the way, you still owe me a shoot.

Jun 04 06 06:19 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

NikkiC wrote:
Thanks for the response Ginny smile Nice portfolio you have as well - you have a fine selection of images - and its actually wonderful to see the human figure displayed in do i put it? Tasteful ? But leaves it to your OWN imagination what you think of it?

Anywho - yeah, I know that I have a pretty good head on my shoulders - however it's just aggravating sometimes being so honest and good hearted and hardworking...and never seeing anything prosper or transpire from all the hard work, traveling and money spent in the process.....

For example, I really want to cut my hair. Short. Only reason WHY I haven't? Modeling. And it's not even like I'm knee deep into modeling. lol. I guess i have the attitude of "You just NEVER know what can happen."

Thanks for responding - nice to know there are people out there like you smile

Good luck to you - and one day Ginny - I can see some of those fine art nudes in a nationally procalaimed museum smile kudos to you as a model, person, and personality smile

Take care


Aww thanks Nikki you're so kind.

The part that is left to the imagination is what makes a good photograph. I took art classes from the time I knew what putting pencil to paper (or any other surface I could find) was. My art teacher brought me up with a concept that an image (No matter what kind) has to hold a conversation. If the image attempts to hold both sides of the conversation, its not going to be desireable to look at because it leaves nothing up to the viewer to "discuss." By the same token, if the image doesn't say enough, then the viewer is forced to hold both sides of the conversation. And that doesn't work either. I feel the best pieces are the ones that make you say *something* - to me thats what art and images are supposed to do. I really strive for that within my work, because its what I enjoy the most.

I kinda hope I could end up on a gallery wall too, that'd be pretty darn crazy! Its not really a goal, but it would be really interesting anyway.

As far as your hair goes, if you really want to cut it, then cut it. It will grow back, and it won't be near as bad as you think. I used to have SHORT spiked hair. It was a 4 guard faded up the back. I LOVED it. It was sexy, cool, and EASY to take care of. When I cut it all off, it had been down to my elbows. I used to get complements more than once a week on it. Everyone loved it. I decided to grow it longer again though because I missed being able to do something with it. Its been almost a year since I had it cut last and its already down below my shoulders. I have my curls back again, and can play with it. I'll let it continue growing for a while, and eventually I am sure I'll chop it all OFF again. I think that someone that can model with short hair has an advantage, anyway, its a bit more rare, and trust me, short hair gets FAR more attention than long hair.  Enjoy yourself, and do what you want to do.

It does get agravating when there are so many people that aren't honest out there. But keep your chin up and keep plugging along. I think its important to be honest and genuine and real. Thats just who I am, and I could no more deny that than not be me. So take heart, there are good people out there in the world smile

Jun 04 06 08:45 am Link



Posts: 201

Chicago, Illinois, US

Actually, Thomas....

That was a great response - because I've already talked to people about that. I believe everything happens for a reason, people you meet, things they say, whether you become best buds with them or never see them again. Everything happens for a reason, and I think the company I want to start- well- who knows? Maybe the shoot that I organized and scheduled happened NOT for my company - but it maybe was to open up my eyes to the possibility that I just have too many ideas in my head to only have the sole role as a model at photoshoots. Because I was on cloud 9 after that photoshoot. It felt great. But I am going to still pursue the company. If you knew of all the ideas in my head - I have huge plans for the future...but it's all just baby steps....and I'm sure I'll learn and become stronger throughout the process of getting closer and closer to my goals & dreams. I have more drive than a hummer. So I have no doubt that everything that I want to do , I'm very capable of doing - you just have to have the passion, drive and the determination of getting it. smile

Anyways - but thanks for the response - I wasn't really sure what responses I was expecting - however, I was content with yours smile

Oh, and if I start that company - lol - that'll be the 3rd one I'm working on. SO, I might have to finish my website for my graphic design company site FIRST smile and THEN I'll keep building. smile So many things to do - so little time. (hence why i never sleep)

Take care smile

Thomas B wrote:
After reading your post it sounds like your favorite part of this business is the creativity...........the planning that goes into a shoot. Maybe that is what you should do to make the business more enjoyable. Maybe you should start a business putting together photoshoots for clients. you know.....provide the props, wardrobe and styling.......finding cool locations. If I knew of someone around my area who did that sort of stuff I would hire them. I get a lot of ideas in my head but never folow through because it seems like too much work. If I could pay someone to make my ideas a reality, I would hire them in a second. Probably not the kind of response you were looking for but it is a sincere thought.

Jun 04 06 04:38 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

People tend to be overly positive here at MM.  They'll feed you full of false hope, I think.  Anyway, take this for what it's worth, as it's just my opinion...

You might be on the wrong side of the lens, NikkiC.  You sound like you're in love with the creative process, I just think you need to get a camera in your hands.

Lack of modeling gigs doesn't say anything about your looks or stats, per se, as the first thing would be your location.  I'm not sure that the fashion market in Iowa is clamoring for models of any height.  Get behind the camera.  Be the director.  Give your ideas life.  Not being the model doesn't make you any less attractive.  I mean, perhaps your creative visions are based around yourself, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it isn't so set in stone.  Playing with different looks opens up the possibilities for those ideas in your head. 

Besides, models measure their careers in years. 

Photographers measure their's in decades.

Jun 04 06 04:59 pm Link



Posts: 201

Chicago, Illinois, US

Well here's the thing - I appreciate who work with me, and who have talent. I appreciate their time taken out to shoot with me, their creative eye behind the lens, and if I have ideas in my head - that they're able to capture them in their lens. I give shout outs to those photographers who deserve it.

Also, when I first started modeling ( a little over 2 years ago) - I did start photographing myself, I practiced in front of mirrors, a regular at the bar I was working at gave me his tripod because he knew I was trying to model. I even bought a 200 dollar camera and would put it on autotimer - play with lighting. Practice different styles of make up in front of the mirror. Sounds somewhat stupid - but photographers I have worked with told me - that it was probably the best thing I did. Some of the shots I took I realized were better than random photograhers profiles I'd skim through.
So, then I decided that I needed to be taken seriously and get some solid images in my portfolio - and the only way of doing that was to pay a photographer to shoot me. I drove 5 hours, payed 350 bucks. And got some phenominal images. However, I will not talk highly about the photographer, however his work is another story - it's great - but he only really shoots one style - which is fine as well. So he will never get a shout out - and unfortunately I really would rather never use his images based on his lack of professionalism. But you take the good with the bad - and it's all a learning process. I have learned the ropes, I have done my research way before I even shot w/ my first photographer.

Now, about the money thing you said? It wasn't my "sole" purpose - I wanted to model - however I figured it couldn't hurt making some extra cash wink lol. little did I know how tough of field it was, but then I realized - hmmm....I actually really enjoy this - I went about 8 months w/ out shooting due to lack of transportation and funds, and I was in dire need of a shoot. Arcanum was my first shoot since my last. SO, I knew I needed an update - so I wiped clear all my images because I felt they were too outdated - and just put all his in. And then the more shoots I will take - the more diverse the images will be - and will be narrowed down to the best and strongest shot from each shoot. I have no reason to advertise a photographer and exploit his name all over the place. That is just my nature - when I appreciate it - I say thank you smile

So I actually have invested alot for shoots and for a lot of things. The girls you ask about? It's the photoshoot that I organized for the company I want to start. Great Grass. Hot next door type girls - doing your yardwork - for you. Target audience? Single middle-class to upper-class men who own a home. How much I payed for the props, outfits, studio, mua's, etc..etc....? Over 2 grand. And I don't have that kinda money lol So, trust me. If i want it - I will do alot to get it. I've been talking to people that have their own clothing lines, publications and promotional agencies to get the girls involved. I have a good group of girls from chicago - and plan on getting actually several more. They will be paid. The photographers will be paid. The clients will be able to choose 3-5 girls of their choice from our website and/or office. (website will come quicker than an office) lol I've had this idea for a year, and just started working on it in January - shooting for it to happen in Spring of 2007. I have A LOT to do. Those photos will primarily be used for promotional reasons. I am doing all the editing of the images, and actually setting up the page layout for the flyers I will have printed off. A lot of guys I've talked to - even photographers in other states - are asking if they can travel - lol. So if the one based out of Chicago goes well - there are hopes for it to be opening others in select cities & their suburbs throughout the country. If you want more info - go to the temporary informational myspace profile :

So yeah - I'm a very busy girl smile I have a very creative mind - and I get TOO many ideas. And I just want to do it all smile

So, if you ever need a hot group of girls let me know! wink haha

Thanks for your feedback - it's appreciated smile (want a shout out???) wink haha

- Nikki

Dave Wright Photo wrote:
It seems like every other photo in your portfolio has a "shout out" to Arcanum - so keep posing for him, he'll get better, you'll get better... suggest some crazy hair and makeup. Do it yourself if you can't afford to hire someone. Maybe the shots will be awful, or maybe they'll be pretty good. Have fun.

If your sole drive was to make money, and you're finding out that that's not going to happen, or you're not willing to invest in a portfolio to get you some serious work, I could understand giving up.

... but I simply don't understand the question.
Of course you shouldn't give up a hobby that you enjoy.

what are those other girls doing in your portfolio?

Jun 04 06 05:14 pm Link


Dave Blecman

Posts: 1080

Annapolis, Maryland, US

As a professional commercial photographer for over 20 years, and one that shoots commercial ads for a living, I like to use new untapped talent. I am ALL about giving someone new a break, and thus I post and look on these models forums.

When I look into a model's portfolio, I want to get the sense that she is serious about what she does. You seem quite serious from your posts, but the images you posted tells me otherwise.

Why include other models in your portfolio? What's the point?

I don't really see any images that tells me you have invested in yourself, your career, and in some great images. Maybe you have, but you have little to show for it.

Clean up your portfolio, get rid of the other girls, get rid of the crap, clean it up, and get some kick ass images in there. Come see me and I will shoot you for free. Like I said, I am all about helping people, and as the type of photographer (commercial pro) that perhaps you aspire to work with one day, you may want to pay attention.

Best to you!!

Jun 04 06 05:23 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

I agree.  I was also one of the outcast geeks in highschool.  LOL smile~

Jun 04 06 06:30 pm Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
I agree.  I was also one of the outcast geeks in highschool.  LOL smile~

And it looks like you got the last laugh. smile

NikkiC,  MM popularity, like any online forum, is really based on the amount of communication and postings you do (just like advertising exposures).  It is also based on what people remember about you that is different (good or bad).  You have a strong creative mission.  Just be aggressive about chasing down local photogs to work with.  Your practice shots are great in that they at least show that you are creative in your poses. - You just need a pro at the other end of the lens.  Forget about the popularity factor.  It doesn't mean much for getting any real business.  Participate to learn and help others.  That's what online communities are about. smile

Jun 04 06 07:00 pm Link



Posts: 201

Chicago, Illinois, US

00siris -

Man - you are one photographer I've always liked and got along great with - even though we don't talk as much as I'd like to. You're down to earth, and real - and I really appreciate that you took the time to read it - and I'm about as real and honest as they come. And I just felt like getting my thoughts out.

And yes, you DO still owe me a shoot smile One of these days - I think I'm gonna head to Cali for a bunch of shoots....seriously. There are a lot of photographers that I speak to out there - so I know if I came out there - I would have something to do smile Most likely it'd be photoshoots smile haha

Keep up the kick ass work like usual - and we'll be talking wink Don't you worry!


00siris wrote:


This is one of the most honest and sincere threads that I've read. So sincere - That I actually read through the entire text (which I don't usually do when it's that long).

I used to have similar feelings but I realized something, the more I looked for those issues, the more it took me away from my shooting. That was the real problem. In essence I was creating my own reality - not good.

As I look through your photos and comments I see that all of them or great comments that would appear to be very encouraging for you. So maybe it's not Mayhem, that's giving you these feelings. Maybe it's these forums.

One of the odd things that I've found about this site is that most comments on most pictures of EVERYONE i've seen are great comments but when you go to forums (where the topics are not pictures) it gets UGLY.

Keep shooting dear, keep shooting. Forget about superficial support (or the lack thereof). Just continue to make your way around the modeling world and you'll find your niche.

By the way, you still owe me a shoot.

Jun 05 06 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 201

Chicago, Illinois, US

Here's the thing - I came into modeling thinking that I didn't fit the "model" criteria.

But then  I realized - hey - people wanted to shoot me. and HEY - if I see some of these girls out here - who actually MODEL - and get PAID looking the way they do?? Then - HA! So can I smile And yes, there are alot of people out there who give false hope - however, I don't have wool covering over my eyes......I know what I am, who I am - and what I have to offer, and what I'm lacking as a model. If you have high expectations - you'll always be let down. Although, if you just go with the flow - enjoy yourself - and be the best you can be - then the good things that come your way - you'll be that more excited about!

I love to take photos - however - I'm really not interested in it I don't think. And I totally see and agree where you're coming from to a certain extent - but I think I'm still gonna try my luck in modeling....Even though I have SEEN several models quit modeling all together and become photographers - or MUA's or Stylists smile Everything happens for a reason - maybe it's to find out where we're headed and our true love and passions smile

Anywho - nothing you said offended me in the least bit - I'm very open minded smile

You take care - and thanks for the feedback!


Jay Bowman wrote:
People tend to be overly positive here at MM.  They'll feed you full of false hope, I think.  Anyway, take this for what it's worth, as it's just my opinion...

You might be on the wrong side of the lens, NikkiC.  You sound like you're in love with the creative process, I just think you need to get a camera in your hands.

Lack of modeling gigs doesn't say anything about your looks or stats, per se, as the first thing would be your location.  I'm not sure that the fashion market in Iowa is clamoring for models of any height.  Get behind the camera.  Be the director.  Give your ideas life.  Not being the model doesn't make you any less attractive.  I mean, perhaps your creative visions are based around yourself, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it isn't so set in stone.  Playing with different looks opens up the possibilities for those ideas in your head. 

Besides, models measure their careers in years. 

Photographers measure their's in decades.

Jun 05 06 08:55 pm Link