
Tessa Haviland

Posts: 76

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

Hey everyone! I have a problem, I think. If you look in my port the first 4 or so pictures... I have really light eyebrows. How dark should I make them with a brow pencil? They always look really funny to me. Do you have any other makeup tips for me? I am struggling with anything beyond light day makeup, and I seem to suck at that for any close up pictures. Any help would be greatly apreciated. Thank you so much!

Jun 02 06 10:01 pm Link


Steven Barrett

Posts: 561


Brows are very important for conveying emotion, so you do need to darken your brows a bit.  Just don't make them over 'arched' so you don't look suprised all the time.

I really like the book Making Faces by Kevyn Accoin (sp?)  It has good basic info and some great tutorials.

Jun 02 06 10:59 pm Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

Have you considered dying them? I had a friend who was very blond and occasionally had her brows darkened. She thought it was a total godsend. Of course didn't go nuts and make them black or anything.

Jun 02 06 11:02 pm Link