Forums > General Industry > US internet networking..the unhappy learning curve


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

This trip to LA has been a very big eyeopener for me. It was the first time I actually placed a casting call for a paid job on an internet modelling site.
I also arranged to meet several stylists and make up artists who - while I explained that I would probably not be using them for this job, wanted to take the opportunity to meet them see their work (read... put them in mind for future collaborations).
The Statistics:
As far as the "models" were concerned 2 out of 12 selected actually showed up at the casting and 0 out of 8 others who had asked to see me showed up.
0 out of the 5 "stylists" showed up
1 out of the 4 "make up artists" showed up.

(kudos though for the MM model sascha who presented herself expertly, very friendly and professional even though in the end I did not use her for the job..)

Got some amazing excuses(from the few who actually bothered to give any) everything from the boyfriend who drove the model to the wrong address then reufused to take her to the right one....a wierd one about  russians moving into the apartment next door...a sick and poorly dog.....

In the end i used a make up artist/stylist who were not listed on the world wide web of internet modelling and a model who I had met/worked with as usual.

I have attempted to give MM the benefit of the doubt as to it being a useful business tool, but for a serious professional it just ain't happening, since 99% of the folk in here are not doing this as their day job and it is painfully obvious.

I still find it a pleasant relaxing way to pass down time chatting to the lunatics in the forums, but you wont find me offering work collaborations online again any time soon.

ok rant to a barbeque. LA may be flaky, the online world of modelling even flakier....but the food and the weather out here are top notch. wink

May 28 06 04:09 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

It's not just models and stylists who pull this stuff, too... I've been flaked on by a few photographers in my time as well.

Ultimately, what it comes down to is reputation.  Check references.  Talk to other locals.  LA's a big scene, so it's a little harder to do there, but I know that in the alt/pinup/fetish circles, you can usually determine within a handful of emails whether or not someone you're potentially interested in is worth spending any more time on/with.  People talk.  If someone's unreliable... people probably know about it.

When you're casting online, you have to budget in some time to do a bit of research.

May 28 06 05:27 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

You should really come to Toronto smile

May 28 06 05:29 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Josie Nutter wrote:
It's not just models and stylists who pull this stuff, too... I've been flaked on by a few photographers in my time as well.

Hey, stop giving us a bad name!

I've cancelled twice in my life. Once was because I had a 105F fever, and the second (with Josie, ironically) because my wife had found out the day before that she might have had cancer, and I felt it best to stay with her (turns out it was endometriosis, and she had surgery a month later - doing fine now, thanks for asking :-)).

Bottom line, though, this is NOT unique to our "industry." This happens in just about all collaborative markets.

Live and learn.

May 28 06 05:33 pm Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

L.A.'s the epicenter of flakiness, though--you have to take that into account. There's a good chance you would have had better results elsewhere.

May 28 06 05:35 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Btw, Chris, I wasn't talking about you-- I meant no-show/no-calls. smile

May 28 06 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Josie Nutter wrote:
Btw, Chris, I wasn't talking about you-- I meant no-show/no-calls. smile

I know :-) Just the issue, plus the fact that you were posting, made me think back to the two times I've cancelled, and why. I was kinda hoping that my reasons might have been a little more creative, actually.

May 28 06 06:01 pm Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

Josie Nutter wrote:
When you're casting online, you have to budget in some time to do a bit of research.

hmm i think a better phrase would be
"when you are casting online you are wasting your time." hmm

May 28 06 09:58 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

photofashion wrote:

hmm i think a better phrase would be
"when you are casting online you are wasting your time." hmm

Oh, not at all. I've done a massive amount of work lately with Internet models. Granted, I'm offering something that they want, making the trade shoot valuable to them, but isn't all business like that? Both parties feel they got the better end of the deal - that makes for a good deal.

May 28 06 09:59 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

I'm just glad not all photographers feel that way. smile

May 29 06 12:01 am Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

I was going to post a reply here, but then decided to floss my cat instead.

May 29 06 12:39 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

photofashion wrote:
This trip to LA has been a very big eyeopener for me (...) LA may be flaky ...

LA? you sure? or did you mean L.A.?

some of us work in both & might wonder where you had your experience ...

May 29 06 12:43 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hmmm early last year I tried to put a paid shoot in Houston together.
It was only paying $250.00 for three to six hours but included a MUA
and was for handbags and shoes.  Well to make a long story short it didn't
happen.  Of the five models we planned to use only two showed.  One
called off.  Another was a no call no show and one asked could she come
two hours later then planned.  I'm going to New York soon and I'm planning to
pay some of the models I shoot.  However I love New York and would go just
because its a great city.  Would I fly there just to shoot models I met on-line,

May 29 06 12:48 am Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Yup.  This is a myspace website.  Not an employment agency.  Apparently.  smile

Jun 04 06 07:57 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

This is why this site should implement an ebay style feedback system.


Jun 04 06 08:02 pm Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

Josie Nutter wrote:
Ultimately, what it comes down to is reputation.  Check references. When you're casting online, you have to budget in some time to do a bit of research.

reference check people just to appear at a casting??? You have got to be kidding me.

but then again after my LA trip i guess you arent..... ho hum....

Jun 04 06 08:07 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

I just think what a shame that is, considering your work.

Jun 04 06 11:13 pm Link



Posts: 252

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

Richard Tallent wrote:
I was going to post a reply here, but then decided to floss my cat instead.

HA HA HA   a good one!

Jun 04 06 11:57 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

I was just in LA on business too. At least MM doesn't have smog and insanely crowded freeways.

Jun 05 06 12:04 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

_Cinnamon_ wrote:
L.A.'s the epicenter of flakiness, though--you have to take that into account. There's a good chance you would have had better results elsewhere.

Yeah, there's a comedian who has a routine about how, in LA, "Dude, I just FLAKED" is an acceptable excuse for ANYTHING
"Hey man, you were supposed to drive me to my kidney transplant operation"
"oh dude, I just FLAKED"

Jun 05 06 12:07 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

for me the learning curve is highly pleasing through this website. I learn from showing up models, I learn viewing portfolios of high end pros and their online experiences, I get inspired from amazing stylists and photoshoppers.
and I also learn what not to do big_smile

Jun 05 06 12:22 am Link



Posts: 175

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Perhaps it could work like this:

thread title " Good Model ratings"
model #xxx1 she was surperb 5 out of five stars
model #xxx1 great to work with, organised 4 stars.
model #xxx1  was running late for shoot two hours but worked hard 2.5 stars
model #xxx1 Average rating:11.5/15 stars

thread title " BadModel ratings"
model #xxxx2 never showded up ZERO stars.
model #xxxx2  showed up late and asked for payment on tfp shoot, ZERO stars.
model #xxxx2  booked me twice and still hasnt shown up yet Zero stars.

thread title " Good Photographer ratings"
Photgrapher #xxxx1  great to work with proffessional, I'm having his child 5 stars.
Photgrapher #xxxx1   Pro attitude, great results, made me work hard 4 stars
Photgrapher #xxxx1  Nice guy tfp shoot, results not as good as Id hoped, turn around took awhile 3 stars.

Photgrapher #xxxx1  Av 12/15 star rating.
thread title " Bad Photographer ratings"
Photgrapher #xxxx2  a real sleaze bag, unproffessional, I'm having his child 0 stars.
Photgrapher #xxxx2  keeps calling me and I still dont have my images NIL stars.
Photgrapher #xxxx2  said shoot was lingerie and ask me to do nude then refused to shoot at all when I said no, 0 stars.

the key to this working would be the code Tyler would have to incorperate to make it all work so the everyone would have an average rating, and no one could just slander for slanders sake of little things.  It IS complicated but could well ensure a site that adapts/grows and meets the requirements of what we are seeking, and thus elimate or at least perhaps reduce bad experiances.

just my 2 cents:)

Jun 05 06 12:41 am Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

photofashion wrote:
(kudos though for the MM model sascha who presented herself expertly, very friendly and professional even though in the end I did not use her for the job..)

Yep, that would be me : )
I think there are different types of models on MM/Internet: Those that work off-line and also happen to be online, and models who literally work online/web-based. Almost all paid work I've had I was booked offline.  I've had great experiences networking and testshooting with MM talents overall, though!  (so kudos to the people I've worked with)

Jun 05 06 04:13 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

reference check people just to appear at a casting??? You have got to be kidding me.

If it's an open call (cattle call) for a fashion show or a short film, I do not check references.  However, if an individual photographer contacts me about wanting to shoot, you bet your sweet bottom I check references!

I would expect any photographer who casts an "internet model" to check her references before putting cash down on any sets/props/stylists/etc.  It's just... smart.

Jun 05 06 08:02 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
Yup.  This is a myspace website.  Not an employment agency.  Apparently.  smile

Ding ding ding! Give the girl a prize. :-)

Jun 05 06 08:32 pm Link



Posts: 190

Cupertino, California, US

Arobeck wrote:
Perhaps it could work like this:

thread title " Good Model ratings"
model #xxx1 she was surperb 5 out of five stars
model #xxx1 great to work with, organised 4 stars.
model #xxx1  was running late for shoot two hours but worked hard 2.5 stars
model #xxx1 Average rating:11.5/15 stars

Or... it could look something like this:

ebay-esque wrote:
Photographer's Feedback:
== Model #XXXX == A++++++++ Would shoot with again!!
== Model #XXXX == A++++++++ Rocking music!!! Fast photos!!
== Model #XXXX == A++++++++ Good Pay!! Good Food!! Would shoot with again!!
== Model #XXXX == F----------- Groped me! NEVER WORK WITH XXXX!!!
== == Photographer's Response == Hey! Never touched you! What are you talking about!?
== Model #XXXX == A++++++++ Great shooter! Pays well! Photos on time!

Model's Feedback:
== Photographer #XXXX == A++++++++ Would shoot with again!!
== Photographer #XXXX == A++++++++ Great fun and supper nice!!
== Photographer #XXXX == A++++++++ Willing to do TFP/TFCD!! Will shoot with again!
== Photographer #XXXX == F----- No show and no call. Left in lurch!!
== Photographer #XXXX == F----- Didn't want to do the shots I wanted!
== == Model #XXXX == You NEVER mentioned nudes before the shoot!!
== Photographer #XXXX == F----- Lied about age!!

Seriously though, if a rating system were to go up, yes, Ebay's system is good. Yes, only be able to rate someone you actually shot with. To do that, however, you would  need to somehow ensure/verify that the photographer/model/mua/stylist DID actually do a shoot together... which puts the burden of handling the record keeping of the transaction on MM.

Do it like with MySpace's system(be a friend before you can post a comment), and you get into people befriending everyone and ending up with no regulating system.

A rating system is only as good as the comments that go in. If it degrades into name calling and retaliatory postings, then the rating system becomes useless and the site will suffer as a result of it.

MM's current policy of no-name calling and no calling out of a member is doing ALOT to keep the noise level down.

A rating system would be great.... but what mechanism would one use to prevent it from being abused and turned into a bashing system?

Jun 05 06 08:41 pm Link