Forums > General Industry > Pursuing models with business cards?


The Digital Difference

Posts: 119

Lakewood, New Jersey, US

A quick question....

I was on the beach yesterday and it was PACKED!  We were surrounded by beautiful people in every direction!

Does anyone approach prospective models with their business card saying something like...

"Do you model?  Are you interested in modeling?  I would love to work with you!"

then give them a business card in hopes that they call?

I would consider doing it but worry that people would think that it's just a line, etc.  However, if just a few decided to call, I would have a decent stream of new faces.

Most of my work is "stock" work so I dont' require much other than smiling happy faces.

Anyone have success with "cold calling?"  And, do people use their business cards as mini studio brochures?  I was thinking about putting copy on the back explaining my intentions.  Something like...

"You have a great look and I may be interested in working with you as a model.  If this would be something of interest to you, then please call my studio and let my receptionist know that you received one of my cards.  Thank you."

I look forward to responses.  :-)

May 28 06 06:30 am Link


David Birdsong

Posts: 1789

Pontiac, Michigan, US

I gave my card to a 7 month pregnant cashier last night.. I have wanted to photograph a pregnant woman for a long time now and she was pretty and pregnant.. We will see if she calls.
But on the beech.. I don't think I would be doing that...

May 28 06 07:21 am Link


SPI Glamour

Posts: 81

Arnold, Nebraska, US

I have done it.  I saw a stunning lady in a store one day, and walked up and introduced myself, and assured her that I was not trying to pick her up or anything.  I explained what I do and that I would love to work with her, and left her my card.  A few weeks later, she called, and not only did I get to work with her, but she brought along a friend of hers who turned out to be a great model!  You just never know if you don't try.  Keep it professional, and who knows what new options will avail themselves!

May 28 06 07:30 am Link



Posts: 177

Lawrenceville, Georgia, US

I do it.  Of course not everyone calls, but some do.  And some have passed my card along to another who called.  It's a good marketing approach.

May 28 06 07:41 am Link



Posts: 221

Largo, Florida, US

I have business cards but havent used them much. I do give them to new models when we shoot if they say they have friends that may be interested. Im actually too shy but my wife has handed a few out to waitresses:-o

May 28 06 07:48 am Link


The Digital Difference

Posts: 119

Lakewood, New Jersey, US

Thanks everyone.

Do you have double sided cards? 

Regardless, what do they say on them?  (ie. studio / stock/ fashion / glamour / photography?)  I was thinking about  putting...

"Portfolio and Stock Photography"


May 28 06 08:27 am Link


Tom Sullivan

Posts: 210

The guy came up to me in the supermarket where I worked weekends and asked me my age and then asked if he could take photographs of me.  He gave me his card and said I should look at his website and give him a call if I was interested.  So I did.

I think the guy does it all the time.  If he had looked shifty or nervous I might have been worried.  But it was very casual and it seemed no big deal to him.

May 28 06 08:35 am Link



Posts: 66

Morris Plains, New Jersey, US

I used to do it a lot. Give out cards. The only thing you have to be careful of is WHERE you do it. The beach...I dont get that many calls back. Im sure they think Im feeding them a line, eventhough Im female and go about it very professionally. Its a shame too because 99% of the girls I am looking at/talking to on the beach have great stats, a great face, great skin...they have no idea how attractive they are. But if its not their thing, its not their thing. Watch out if you attempt to do it in a mall. Try to be as descrete (not to be confused with "creepy") as you can only because Ive had "mall security" walk up to me and tell me I was soliciting people just based on the fact that they saw me hand a card to someone, not even hearing my conversation with them, etc. The girl DID show up and she was great. But some places DO see it as soliciting. I personally feel that, if you see a great face that you think you'd like to work with, no matter WHERE you see them (bus, train, mall, beach, park, food market) you should be able to go up and talk to them, hand them your card and let THEM decide what they want to do. Its not like youre on the street corner passing out flyers or leaving them on people's car windshields! Just my 2 cents.Good luck!

May 28 06 08:37 am Link


The Digital Difference

Posts: 119

Lakewood, New Jersey, US

Loving the feedback.....keep it coming!

Thank you to all!  :-)

May 28 06 10:07 am Link


Malchow Photography

Posts: 314

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

The Digital Difference wrote:
A quick question....

I was on the beach yesterday and it was PACKED!  We were surrounded by beautiful people in every direction!

Does anyone approach prospective models with their business card saying something like...

"Do you model?  Are you interested in modeling?  I would love to work with you."

then give them a business card in hopes that they call?

I would consider doing it but worry that people would think that it's just a line, etc.  However, if just a few decided to call, I would have a decent stream of new faces.

Most of my work is "stock" work so I dont' require much other than smiling happy faces.

Anyone have success with "cold calling?"  And, do people use their business cards as mini studio brochures?  I was thinking about putting copy on the back explaining my intentions.  Something like...

"You have a great look and I may be interested in working with you as a model.  If this would be something of interest to you, then please call my studio and let my receptionist know that you received one of my cards.  Thank you."

I look forward to responses.  :-)

That is how I get most of my business.

The most recent post (6 first images) was a young lady  I prospected on tuesday and have shot with her twice already. And will be shooting with her again at least once more this week for sure, with tenative plans for 2 shoots next week...

I usually say "Excuse me miss, I do not intend any disrespect, But I would like you to take a look at my website and give me me a call, it would be an honor to work with you." or somthing to that affect.

May 28 06 10:16 am Link


Oriental Silk

Posts: 535

London, England, United Kingdom

I am Japanese, so it is second nature for me to give and receive meishi (cards). I have bilingual cards (English/Japanese) which combine a small picture of me with my contact details. I use them for professional promotion as a lecturer of Japanese culture; however, I also give them out on nearly every occasion I meet people - that is the Japanse way .

I have been given cards by photographers at parties and society events, such as Royal Ascot, the Glyndebourne Opera, or polo matches at Smiths Lawn. I think it is a sensible and polite thing to do. It is also much more professional than searching around for a piece of scrap paper and writing things down quickly.

I have blurred some details for privacy.

May 28 06 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I have both double-sided (with images) business cards as well as 4x6 club cards.

The club cards get handed out at (wait for it...) clubs, and yes, they work. Fantastically, in fact.

May 28 06 01:09 pm Link


Nick Ryder

Posts: 317

Walnut Creek, California, US

I have been scouting models for years now, I found that if you have a really nice card, it makes a difference, even better if it's a card with a photograph on it. The other thing, I am always polite and respectful when approaching a model and I give them a lot of space, i stand back so as to not be intrusive, "Hi, have you ever considered modeling?" while handing a card. I never over talk or come off as a bamboozling type. Having your website on the card helps too, it gives you some legitimacy.

I have had some great results, and several embarrassing moments too. Once security at a mall stopped me and started questioning my intentions, the deal breaker is often the "boyfriend" who glares or throws your card on the ground and says; "she's not interested". My experience has taught me, you just have to step up to the plate and swing the bat, sometimes ya lose, sometimes ya win.

I have passed out way more cards than I have received calls.


May 28 06 01:29 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Ah, the boyfriend. I approach them first with the card, telling them I could shoot their GF for them. It helped ease their minds that you were trying to screw her on the sneak tip.

May 28 06 02:27 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I find the opposite, actually! When approaching women at clubs, it's often the boyfriend who encourages her. I shoot for a local radio station's morning show that features Maxim-style shots, and often, the boyfriends want their girlfriends featured.

They can sell the idea for me!

May 28 06 02:32 pm Link



Posts: 2076

Orlando, Florida, US

A professional Card works !!!! If it mentions that you are a Wedding Photographer, and shoot Kids, pets and Models with a picture on your card It will get all kinds of models " There are all kinds of models " Not all young, Pretty, Gorgeous with Great bods ... A Young beautiful model is trying to determine if you are a Pervert or a GWC, or  A real Pro, or attempting to become a pro......

Be professional secure and tell them ......If you are married with kids and they will think about it.......Or at least see that your not some horny guy trying to get laid....The next step is offer that they bring a friend or parents if they seem young.... and after the first shoot work the model for a second shoot .... It's  all about Trust....

If the Model has a girlfriend, offer her a Business card also !!!!! I know a friend that gives a girl his card, but the Ugly Girlfriend get's the cold shoulder... Nope it doesn't work that way..... " Here is my card and for your friend here is one to " If you treat the girlfriend with respect she might help you get an appointment with the her Beautiful girlfriend !!!!!

The next obstacle is If you are a Professional why are you offering to shoot for FREE ?

That's another Post...

Manny D.

May 28 06 02:49 pm Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I have NEVER responded to a photog giving me a card. But I'm not saying I never will. Part of the big decision on the model's part is how the card looks. That will determine how serious she thinks you are. If you have a doublesided glossy card on good quality stock, I could imagine that she may give the situation a second thought, beach or no beach. Boyfriend, or no boyfriend.

May 28 06 04:24 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Why not? They can't put you in jail for asking. Pass out 20 cards and get one to pose and it's worth it.

May 28 06 05:03 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

dee740 wrote:
I have NEVER responded to a photog giving me a card.

That's because you're in GWC city. lol

May 28 06 06:54 pm Link


Dark Star Photography

Posts: 254

Portland, Maine, US

Chris Ambler wrote:
I have both double-sided (with images) business cards as well as 4x6 club cards.

The club cards get handed out at (wait for it...) clubs, and yes, they work. Fantastically, in fact.

What is a club card???

May 28 06 07:02 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Dark Star Photography wrote:

What is a club card???

The cards he hands out at clubs....
What part of his sentence did you not understand???

May 28 06 07:06 pm Link



Posts: 52

Lawrenceville, Georgia, US

I find that if I don't try to speak to someone (anywhere) and either email them with a request/PM/hand a card then I don't get a lot of people coming to me directly.  I'm still very new and I do not have a lot of experience.  I suppose a lot of it has to do with where we stand in our abilities.  If you're name is out there then the business comes to you naturally.  If you're not then you have to make the effort to tell people who you are and what you're intentions are.  Just remember to use the happy "please" and "thank yous" and you'll at least get a polite smile if not necessarily a response later.

May 28 06 07:08 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Dark Star Photography wrote:
What is a club card???

Exactly what it sounds like :-)

It's a 4x6 card that I hand out at clubs. Dance clubs, concerts, etc. One side has a photo along the genre that I shoot, and the back has a description of the project I'm currently working. It also has full contact information, and then a small blurb that says, "If you were handed this card by one of our project photographers, we think you might have the look!"

Cheese? Hell yes.

Does it work? Absolutely.

(the project, if you're curious, is

May 28 06 07:08 pm Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

BCI Photo wrote:

That's because you're in GWC city. lol

lol. you're right about that. I get so many flimsy looking cards. I'm like "is he serious?!!" You get so many "photogs" trying to get you in lewd and naked situations. Handing out cards that say they specialize in :"exotic dancer bookings, nude photography, etc". One even asked me if I could pose nude as an live exhibit for a TFP project. Horrendous!

May 28 06 07:31 pm Link


The Things Ive Seen

Posts: 458

Leadville, Colorado, US

I've had a lot of success with passing out business cards. I took it one step further and purchased 100 of those business card sized cd-r's. They usually come with a plastic sleeve. Then I put a small sample of photos on the disc and a link to my portfolio. I put an actual business card in the sleeve with the disc. They have everything they might need to decide and determine that I am legitimate.
It took one girl a year to call me. She was moving, found my card and called.

May 28 06 07:40 pm Link


The Digital Difference

Posts: 119

Lakewood, New Jersey, US

Manny Desalamanca wrote:
The next obstacle is If you are a Professional why are you offering to shoot for FREE ?

That's another Post...

Manny D.

Who said anything about shooting for free???  And really.....what would it matter anyway?  The topic at hand is "business cards."

May 28 06 08:42 pm Link


Eros Artist Photography

Posts: 1562

Green Cove Springs, Florida, US

I've tried this and it's never worked for me, meaning I've gotten calls or emails but no one has follwed through to do a shoot.

I still do it ocassionally, usually in a quiet setting - a private party, a shop or mall, but not on the beach or in a bar.....



May 28 06 08:48 pm Link


The Digital Difference

Posts: 119

Lakewood, New Jersey, US

Wonderful feedback.  Thank you!

May 29 06 07:10 am Link