Forums > General Industry > nude pics? photographers, to post or not post?


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

I started a new thread a few days ago which nobody replied to.  I hope this works.  I am having a website created for me which I am torn between posting nude and fashion pics or just fashion only.  I like to show a full representation of my work but notice models and agencies are quick to judge you only by your nude work and then choose not to work with you.  Any advice would be appreciated.

May 27 06 11:05 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

When in doubt, don't flop it out.

May 27 06 11:10 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

I would just post them in a separate folder/link/? where they would have to expressly go to see them.

May 27 06 11:17 am Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

I've lost a number of wedding clients because I have nudes on my web site, and that's fine with me.  I really don't want to spend the day in a tie with a bunch of prudes anyway.  If wedding photography was my primary income, though, I might see it differently.

What's a higer priority for you? Getting business from the judgemental types or representing the scope of your artistry?  Neither answer is wrong.  You just have to decide what's more important to you.

May 27 06 11:17 am Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

MMDesign wrote:
I would just post them in a separate folder/link/? where they would have to expressly go to see them.

If you're going to post them, this would be a good idea. I've chosen not to put them on my site, but I can make some available to anyone who expresses an interest. Of course, I'll never know how many people viewed and didn't contact me because they didn't see any nudes...

May 27 06 11:18 am Link



Posts: 175

Los Angeles, California, US

Tim Hammond wrote:
I've lost a number of wedding clients because I have nudes on my web site, and that's fine with me.  I really don't want to spend the day in a tie with a bunch of prudes anyway.  If wedding photography was my primary income, though, I might see it differently.

What's a higer priority for you? Getting business from the judgemental types or representing the scope of your artistry?  Neither answer is wrong.  You just have to decide what's more important to you.

Nicely put.

May 27 06 11:21 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Tim Hammond wrote:
I've lost a number of wedding clients because I have nudes on my web site, and that's fine with me.  I really don't want to spend the day in a tie with a bunch of prudes anyway.  Neither answer is wrong.  You just have to decide what's more important to you.

huh good point the photographer who is shooting my wedding I met on a nude shoot. He jokes that I will have to keep my clothes ON for the wedding.

May 27 06 11:26 am Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

Tim Hammond wrote:
What's a higer priority for you? Getting business from the judgemental types or representing the scope of your artistry?  Neither answer is wrong.  You just have to decide what's more important to you.

Good point! Why is it that the judgemental types are most likely to click on any nude pic as opposed to fashion.  Every portfolio here on MM that has nudity and fashion, the nude pics always have more hits.  People act like they are opposed to it yet everyone wants to view it.  I don't understand that.

May 27 06 11:31 am Link



Posts: 175

Los Angeles, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
huh good point the photographer who is shooting my wedding I met on a nude shoot. He jokes that I will have to keep my clothes ON for the wedding.

Another fine example that there are no rules in this industry.  What will offend one person will interest another.  Be true to yourself and you're more likely to find a good fit for your career, interests and talents.

May 27 06 11:35 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Personally- I post the nudes.  This isnt primary income for me so I can be selective about who I work with.  I would not to work with a prude.  That doesnt mean that they have to pose nude- but if they are gonna get offended cuz I shoot nudes- they arent my kinda people.


May 27 06 11:45 am Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Photos By Deej wrote:
Good point! Why is it that the judgemental types are most likely to click on any nude pic as opposed to fashion.  Every portfolio here on MM that has nudity and fashion, the nude pics always have more hits.  People act like they are opposed to it yet everyone wants to view it.  I don't understand that.

People who find particular things scandalous or offensive seek those things out.  It's nothing new.  The authors of the bible wrote about it.  Virgil wrote about it.  Chaucer wrote about it.  Shakespeare centered whole plots around it.  Jane Austen wrote about it.  There have been several successful movies about it (Peyton Place nearly won an Oscar).  People who like to judge find few things more pleasurable than the chance to say "OH My God! Look at that!"

May 27 06 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

The question of whether to show nudes on an adult-oriented (but not "adult") website is a difficult one, and I change my mind about it from time to time.

Awhile ago, when there was a spate of Internet image thefts, I decided to remove all nudes from my Model Mayhem profile and all websites other than my own personal website.  I did that simply to have greater control over where my nudes appear.

On my personal website, nudes only appear in my Models Gallery and in my sales gallery.  A warning is given before any nudes are shown.  I feel it is important to show nudes in my models gallery so that prospective models will be forewarned that the nudes I take are for public display.  That is in addition to written notice.  The nudes in my sales gallery occasionally sell, but frankly their true purpose is simply to draw traffic.

Some time ago, after soliciting opinions from several sources, I created a separate website and business name for my wedding photography.  That was done not just to hide my nudes, but also to hide my "biker chick" and other photos that some brides spoke critically of.

May 27 06 12:32 pm Link


Pacific Beach Pictures

Posts: 112

Love, Saskatchewan, Canada

In my view, my website is so bad it might be a joke. That said, I have put every model in a gallery of their own. The ones with nudity might say nudes on the title. My primary income is on the equipment side, so I don't care about how many clients I ever see. I see enough already. If you're trying to bring in the public it's a decision you have to make - like putting the fig leaf over David.

May 27 06 12:35 pm Link


Chris Photography

Posts: 1070

Valrico, Florida, US

Pacific Beach Pictures wrote:
If you're trying to bring in the public it's a decision you have to make - like putting the fig leaf over David.

Excellent Point (s) taken by all.  And I feel it is a highly personal issue, one only you can answer.  But on a lighter note,  if you post one,  it'll be the most looked at image in your portfolio.

May 27 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Photos By Deej wrote:
I like to show a full representation of my work but notice models and agencies are quick to judge you only by your nude work and then choose not to work with you.

only if the work is bad...
most of the coolest fashion images these days might as well be nudes...

May 27 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

Deej--I would have you separate the two interests but pursue both and let whatever you learn in one arena inform the other. 

My reasoning:

1. We all need a place to be free, and specifically free to arrive at some conclusions about the world, our tastes, our libraries, and for those of us who find freedom in one fine art or another, there's always a divide between the intuitive, personal, and theoretical in our work, no less than happens in science, and what we may do in the way of entertaining others or providing program services to them.  It helps, I think, to keep some part of what we're exploring for ourselves to ourselves and our nearest associates and peers.

2. This may happen or not, but if you are on beam and lucky, the qualities in your art, private and public, will converge, and the applause garnered in one area will echo in the other.  If you lead with "don't judge" -- and don't you know that's always the first thing people do -- you may hinder your ability to notch up to prime time in both areas.

3.  Finally, Despite the Internet and its softening effect on boundaries of all sorts, I still believe that those in the arts should enjoy a back stage, where they may experiment with techniques and prepare projects, and a front stage where the best of their work -- or on web boards, they work most personally enjoyed -- enjoys presentation.

May 27 06 01:09 pm Link


Heidi Brennan

Posts: 47

VAN NUYS, California, US

Check out the photo in my port where I'm laying on a bed, my eyes really stand out, and all you can see of me nude is my right breast......I just shot that with the photographer a week ago and an agency he worked with fired him. It was the only nude on his OMP port. too! They said that they didn't want to be associated with "those kind of photos". He's happy though because any models the agency would send him for things like catalog shoots were complete amateurs. I'm a little offended because to me, it's almost like someone saying that it's porn. It also bothers me that I might have to create another site to keep my artistic nudes on because they may be holding me back from getting "mainstream work" because people are such prudes.
So it's up to you.....if you don't care and it's not your main source of income, then keep them together on the same site. If you want to be able to get a mix of both, then you may have to seperate them. It's just unfortunate that these things need to be considered just to cater to these prudes

May 27 06 01:30 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
huh good point the photographer who is shooting my wedding I met on a nude shoot. He jokes that I will have to keep my clothes ON for the wedding.

The real question is, does he get to shoot the honey,oon??  wink

May 27 06 01:31 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

SLE Photography wrote:

The real question is, does he get to shoot the honey,oon??  wink

Nope my favorite GWC of all time (new husband) will be shooting that, god help us all.
His pictures suck, I shoot better than he does.

May 27 06 01:37 pm Link


Visionary Studio One

Posts: 703

Grand Prairie, Texas, US

I will not post nudes or anything that may be interpreted as ADULT for one reason, I don't want to get hammered by some parent whos kid just happened to stumble on my "General Interest" site.  Do not want the hassle of "age verification" etc to access an "Adult" (over 18) portion of my site.  I do however have galleries on my server that are available by invitation only that I build for models I've worked with.
I've noticed here on MM that unless you show some  T&A,  you're NOT gonna get many hits.  Oh well..

May 27 06 01:48 pm Link