Forums > General Industry > Turn around time for photos...


Carrie Latham

Posts: 41

Twin Falls, Idaho, US

Hi Everyone!  Let me start off by saying that I'm so stoked I found this site!  It's really been helpful in tips and meeting people!  WAY TO GO MM!

What I'm wondering is this...what is the normal turn around time for getting pics back from a photographer that's doing TFCD/TFP?  I have my FIRST EVER photo shoot next weekend and I'm totally excited to see the finished product. 

Just trying to get an idea....

May 24 06 06:32 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Welcome to MM.  First thing, try searching through the forums before posting.  This and many other topics have been covered many times.

Second, there is no "norm", especially where TFP/CD is concerned.  Some photographers will burn you a CD on the spot, some may take months to get your photos to you.  In addition, some may give you all the photos from the shoot, good and bad, unedited, full size and leave it up to you do print them, resize them for web etc.  Others might just give you one or two finished prints or web images only.

You need to discuss all details of the shoot with the photographer, we're all individuals and we're all different, we don't belong to any club that tells use how to do things.

Good luck smile

May 24 06 06:37 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

talk with your photographer...ask him...people are different so it's best to talk it out with him/her smile

May 24 06 06:37 pm Link


Desired Exposure

Posts: 1

Atlanta, Georgia, US


I try to turn around web-proofs within two weeks for the model to pick the images he/she would like and then I try to have the CD with the edited images mailed out or ready for pickup within two weeks of the model responding with their choices

Depending on workload, it's usually more like one week for the proofs and one week for the final images.

I'm not sure what the norm is, that's just what I do.  Best thing to do is ask the photog while you're at the shoot.

Best of luck,


May 24 06 06:39 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Gary Davis wrote:
Welcome to MM.  First thing, try searching through the forums before posting.  This and many other topics have been covered many times.

Second, there is no "norm", especially where TFP/CD is concerned.  Some photographers will burn you a CD on the spot, some may take months to get your photos to you.

You need to discuss all details of the shoot with the photographer, we're all individuals and we're all different, we don't belong to any club that tells use how to do things.

That's true, Gary.  However, we've decided against this policy for all TFPs.  We now guarentee 10 finished images, but no longer give out unedited images to models on the spot.  Reason: too many of our unedited work has shown up on model's websites, non-cropped, poor color, so forth, then we're given credit for the shot.  We now only give out finished work with our trade mark on them, unless the model wants to purchase the raw images for some purpose other than posting them on the net (he/she can print them for a portfolio, for example).  The models, if they have time, are free to view the images prior to leaving (or picking out their top 10).  Our turn- around-time depends on the number of paying customers ahead of a TFP.  We generally try to get three or four images out in a week or so - usually the next day.  The rest will come later, when time permits.  Two weeks is a target; some are done sooner, some later.  We have had problems in the past when we've shot two models together and one of the two didn't give us permission to release the images to the other model.  That caused one problem where neighter model got images.  Stuff happens.


May 24 06 06:41 pm Link


Christina Ilise

Posts: 319

Saint Albans, New York, US

All you can do is ask the person who is shooting you and hope to get it within a week from that time. Good luck on your shoot!

May 24 06 06:54 pm Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

Everyone varies according to what they shoot (film/digital) and how much post-production is involved.  That's something you need to ask the photog before you set up anything definite.

May 25 06 08:50 pm Link